Did Snape just lose it, or undergo a personality transplant? What did Harry, Hermione & Ron do after Hogwarts? The worst teacher ever, no sense of humor, mean, rude, and viciously sardonic Snape is one we know pretty well at this point. Subscriber Given that Snape was often supposed to be helping Dumbledore keep an eye on Harry, it’s kind of ridiculous that Snape wanted him to get expelled so badly. Since his happiest and most loving memories were with Harry's mother, Lily, his Patronus took the same form as hers — which is what made Harry follow it in the first place. Umgekehrt kann er als Legilimentiker seine Gegenüber durchschauen und ihre Gedanken \"lesen\". Being well-read on the subject of curses (and every other subject, for that matter), she thought Snape was jinxing the broom and ran to Harry’s rescue with her fiery spell. Snape was talking about something with three heads, and sees Harry before Harry can get away. In 2015, the series' author began answering a slew of fan questions on Twitter. But regardless, Snape refused to give Harry lessons after that instance. Snape's death is one of the most emotional moments in the series. The book, however, is a bit more subtle. He basically bullies Harry, who is a preteen and teen, for years. Snapes große, dünne Gestalt wirkt schon wegen seines schwarzen Umhangs von Kopf bis Fuß düster und bedrohlich. Yes, Harry needed to know that Snape was on his side and had been this entire time but there had to have been a better way to do that. Tumblr user tomhiddles, who is clearly a more faithful Potterhead than all of us combined, has revealed the true meaning behind Snape's first words to Harry in Harry … As a double (triple, quadruple) agent, Snape served two purposes: As an Order agent in Voldemort's ranks, he could pass information about Voldemort's plans to Dumbledore and the Order. Of all the things that are wrong with Snape, this is probably one of the most pathetic. Although both families did live in the fictional English town of Cokeworth, they resided in two different neighborhoods. The Amazing Way Alan Rickman Was Cast As Snape In ‘Harry Potter’ Alan Rickman was the man who eventually landed the role, and he was able to do so thanks to one heavyweight opinion. Back when we were less enlightened people. One fan asked about what Snape smells like, and although the original tweet with the question has since been deleted, Rowling's reply is still up. In 2015, Rowling wrote on Pottermore (now Wizarding World) that chemistry, the Muggle equivalent to Potions class, was her least favorite subject in school. In a 2007 interview with Bloomsbury, Rowling joked that Skeeter would probably have gone on to write a biography titled "Snape: Scoundrel or Saint?" … He bullies them and treats them horribly, and he should definitely be fired for how he treats them. Snape was a Slytherin when he was at Hogwarts, and like many students in that house, he excelled at Potions, the Dark Arts, and Charms. A message from the original LPers: Listen, we made these videos a long time ago. As an Occlumens, Snape had superb emotional control and was adept at concealing his thoughts and feelings, which allowed him to maintain his cold, collected demeanour. While some feel he was redeemed as a character and find his love for Lily admirable, many others find him to be a horrible person regardless of which side he was technically on. The students manage to talk themselves out of detention. The professor questioned Snape's loyalty, especially after he killed Dumbledore, so he likely wouldn't have highlighted him even if he was one of his favorite students back in the day. The way he treats Harry is one of the biggest examples of his worst moments, but he also has times where he actually treats Harry well. In fact, these two sides of Snape are important for getting a better handle on the guy. He is the one who journeys to the Forest of Dean and leaves the sword in the lake. When Harry Attacked Snape After Dumbledore's death, and Snape Refused to Even Injure Him Snape killing Dumbledore was probably one of the most shocking things to happen in a … In the book, we learn that James Potter and his friends were bullying Snape, and Lily came to his defense. Of all the things Snape does that help Harry the most, providing the memories to Harry as he was dying was definitely the most helpful. Snape was a half-blood, born to a Muggle father named Tobias Snape and a witch mother named Eileen Prince. On the one hand, Snape did agree to teach Harry Occlumnecy even though neither of them was really thrilled at the idea. With Lily Potter gone, and Harry being the son of James Potter as well, he had no obligation to protect him. Harry Potter movies with Hogwarts, Professors, Characters, and magic, are hard to forget. There’s no denying that Snape isn’t always a good or nice guy. Seine schwarzen Augen sind undurchdringlich und verbergen, was der ausgezeichnete Okklumentiker Snape wirklich denkt. When it comes to Harry Potter, Snape was exceptionally critical of the boy wizard but he wasn't always so bad. Do not smile anytime, … The biggest indicator that Severus Snape cared for Harry Potter was his eternal love for Harry's mother,... 9 Death Eater Snape. Now, I will say this that Harry was kind of an idiot when he did that. So Dumbledore offered Snape to preserve Lily's legacy, as this is what Snape saw Harry as - Lily's child. 2/2 — J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) November 27, 2015 Snape's demonstrated ability to love also sets him apart from Voldemort. It's widely known by Hogwarts students and professors that Snape wanted to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, not Potions. Amanda is a freelance writer in NYC. Despite Sirius Black and Remus Lupin's insistence for Harry to continue, it was never followed through. On one hand, he was a vindictive bully. Snape tells Harry that while James did in fact save his life, if James had not done so, he certainly would have been expelled from Hogwarts. Severus Snape is one of the most highly-debated characters in the "Harry Potter" franchise. Snape's family lived on Spinner's End, which is shown as a run-down street in "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," insinuating that Snape's family wasn't very wealthy. Alternately, Snape might be drawing on the second of asphodel’s meanings to tell Harry that his regrets over Lily’s death have not abated. Harry Potter: 10 Hilarious Memes That Prove Snape Cared For Harry 10 Friend Zone. This is never clearer than when Snape is interacting with Harry. Lupin reveals that Sirius told Snape how to discover Lupin's secret, which would have almost certainly ended with Lupin killing Snape. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. On a 2019 episode of the UK game show "There's Something About the Movies," actor Tim Roth said that he was offered the role of Snape the same year he was cast in Tim Burton's "Planet of the Apes.". The site reads, "The popular idea of a Potions expert within the wizarding community is of a brooding, slow-burning personality.". He yells at Harry to get out. While through most of the series Snape seems to be horrible to Harry and possibly trying to get him into Voldemort’s hands, it’s revealed at the end of the series that Snape was actually helping watch out for Harry. Account active As far as readers and viewers know, Snape was the only Death Eater to cast a Patronus spell throughout the series. Get it now on Libro.fm using the button below. After Dumbledore dies, Snape has to try to help Harry defeat the Horcruxes like he told Dumbledore he would. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. The big twist in Sorcerer’s Stone is that it was Snape trying to stop Squirrel from getting the stone. It's nearly impossible to think of any actor other than Alan Rickman playing Snape, but he almost didn't. Maybe ghost-Dumbledore could have briefed him on the situation while he was visiting King's Cross during his mid … While he and James might have hated each other, this isn’t a good enough reason to bully James’ son just because Lily chose James. harry goes to get his book back from snape in the teacher's lounge and no one answers so he peeks inside to find Filch helping snape bandage his leg. But the film version doesn't clearly show why their relationship fell apart the way it did. Snape was so furious at Harry that he threw him out of his office (literally) and forbade him from ever returning. Remember this iconic tearjerker scene: “But this is touching, Severus,” said Dumbledore seriously. Wanted to arrive with a bang, did we, boys?" As a result, Harry had to serve a detention with Snape on Saturday instead of playing in … Even on Harry’s first day in his class he was calling him names and being overly harsh with him in front of the entire class. Prior to using her platform to spread transphobic messages, the series' controversial author J.K. Rowling was known to use Twitter, interviews, and the official Wizarding World website to expand the "Harry Potter" canon beyond the seven books. As children, Harry, Ron and Hermione had looked at the sarcastic and strict Professor Snape as something of a pantomime villain – the bitter Potions master, stewing in the dungeons. I am one to say that I don't think Snape ever cared or loved harry, but I do think he came to respect Harry as a person at the end. But based on the description of the position on Wizarding World, it seems like Snape was destined for the role. While he bullies other students, such as Neville often, one of his favorites to hate is Harry. ", Rita Skeeter is a journalist and author in the Wizarding World known for her sensationalized tell-alls, including "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore.". Professor Snape hates Harry's guts, so when he sees Harry and Ron arriving at Hogwarts in their flying car, he threatens them with expulsion ["So […] the train isn't good enough for the fames Harry Potter and his faithful sidekick Weasley. According to the official Wizarding World site, his last name is based on the Old Norse word "sneypa" meaning "to outrage, disgrace or dishonor." Snape's silence ensured Harry's victory. RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Things About Severus Snape That Haven’t Aged Well. She would definitely die for Captain America. Harry serves his first detention with Snape Harry had duelled with Draco Malfoy and used the Dark spell Sectumsempra, leaving Draco bleeding on the floor until Professor Snape arrived to save his life. Seeing as he was a double agent, this also fits. Snape's first and last names also have significant meanings for the character. Because of this, there are few dark wizards who can conjure them. Not James', but Lily's; a way to honour her, and a way for him to remember her, by keeping a piece of her nearby.