Being only Trade Unions, the ULF could do little or nothing about these strike-breaking techni­ques, and was eventually forced to order its members back to work. In a document submitted to the Prime Minister, the Union stated -, Though the Union was able to prove the feasibility (the desirability was never an issue in question) of such a nationalisation, the Government abdicated its responsibility and did not take over BP. In 1967, when the retrenchment of workers in the Oil Industry again came to the fore, Weekes and the OWTU quickly realised that a local Oil Company - owned by the Government - was a necessary step in rectifying the worsening situation in the industry. By Anamesere Igboeroteonwu ONITSHA, Nigeria (Reuters) - A Nigerian oil labour union has begun a nationwide strike hitting petrol stations and oil tankers, while oil industry workers have shut down seven crude flow stations in the Niger Delta, a union official said on Wednesday. Workers on the Cat cracker downed tools in protest. Later on the Union was to bring down a legal expert - JOHN PLATT-MILI-S QC to fight the Union's claim that the ISA was unconstitutional. After 13 meetings at the Ministry of Labour the Union and C.P.I. the Union had lost the initiative and the State was aggressively attacking. It is only such an effort that will keep the banner of the blue shirted army flying high. And not least of these tech­niques was the establishment of a Westminister style Parlia­ment, complete with Political Parties led by opportunistic politicians who appealed to the working class on the basis of race. Banner headlines in the "PEOPLE" proclaimed - "Crowded oilworkers Meeting'; 'Members Display United Stand" Workers flocking into the Movement". This confidence and the new militant leadership that the Rebels had injected into the Union (even though they were not Executive Officers) -- enabled the industry-wide strike to last for a record eighteen (18) days (longer even than Butler's strike in 1937). Trinidad oil workers’ union wins pay increase. was used for the opposite purposes for which it was created. In addition, they published  a paid advertisement entitled "HERE ARE THE FACTS!" At, In addition to the Texaco early retirement struggle the Union faced a growing decrease in membership that year. From the next day security forces began to deliver fuel supplies. Thereafter, lectures were given to the Union member-ship on politics; on the law and the Trade Union Movement; on the economics of Trinago and of course, on the OWTU, its history and its objectives. Marches and demonstrations were held regularly -and with tremendous support from oilworkers and their families. It was out of this political situation that the Oilfields Workers' Trade Union was born, and from its inception, it was imbued with the spirit of the 1937 movement. Throughout the period of his illness the O.W.T.U. Brazilian oil workers' union and oil company Petrobras have this week dismissed reports of a helicopter crash in the Campos basin, as fake news. During this second state of Emergency, two (2) important developments were to take place. The first crisis that the new leadership had to face was a battle to save the jobs of hundreds of its members employed at British Petroleum. The Pointe-a-Pierre Branch delegation raised issue after issue in a manner never before seen at Conferences. The Bermudez struggle confirmed clearly that the Employers' Consultative Association was pulling no punches in its bid to destroy trade unionism. For, Instead, the Government declared a STATE OF EMERGENCY on the 18th March. The latter was a particularly serious bread and butter issue for the workers as inflation was rampant and the 2c. In 1969, TUBAL URIAH "BUZZ" BUTLER, was officially brought back into the fold of the Oilfields Workers' Trade Union. The leaders of the oil-workers’ union have proven to be that by backing the energy reforms, albeit through gritted teeth. That argument is now a familiar one to the blue shirt army and one which seeks only to hide the harsh realities of the mammoth financial benefits that the Oil Company extracts from their operations in Trinago - all at the expense of the working people. For this forthright, principled stand, the union had gained respect and, The Rebel team in their Manifesto (another first in OWTU history) pledged that, The first crisis that the new leadership had to face was a battle to save the jobs of hundreds of its members employed at British Petroleum. This resort to the rule of force was the only way the Williams regime could maintain its control over the ~ and ensure its survival as the Government. OWIU - Oil Workers International Union. Texaco, which had entered the Trinidad Oil Industry in 1956, by buying out the former T.L.L. but it also got a lagniappe of $300 million over a two (2) year period. It was of little surprise therefore, that these Unions, joined by the Transport and Industrial Workers Union, formed a new alliance. The Dunlop workers for several years had defied the company in their struggle for their due, but when the BTR corporation took over Dunlop the strategy toward the wor­kers changed. Often too, they would take the initiative and organise their own marches and protests. About this Item: Oil Workers Intl. Wages were next nothing, some workers only earning seven cents an hour. This tremendous unity gave the workers added resolve to continue their industrial action and in addition to the "Don't cut" campaign being successfully carried out by the ICFTU, the ATSE & FWTU had organised its members on a general strike. This resulted in the entire workforce going on strike for a period of six weeks. Thus, while on one hand the 400 workers of state owned Secondary Roads joined the Union, on the other Holiday Foods a food processor, closed its doors and 14 contractor outfits in the oil industry engaged in retrenchment. Also as a result of continued public pressure, the Political detainees were released on November 17th, and on that date, George Weekes, Nuevo Diaz and Winston Leonard, all officers of the Union, were released from prison. Thus Rojas' attempt to weaken the Rebel Movement failed abysmally. The workers' anger was stoked by the fact that Trintoc had agreed to the principle of final pay settlement on Pensions and that Tesoro was heading in that direction. Then in the sixties the OWTU set new standards of achievement of honesty and integrity, in trade union benefits, in voicing principled opposition to all that was anti-labour, achievements that encouraged workers from Cedros to Port of Spain, in Tobago and in Longdenville, in Mayaro and Arima to join the Blue Shirts. Essentially, it was an attempt to destroy the Progressive Trade Union Movement and the OWTU in particular. Since the work done by Panday and Shah in the sugar belt had led to the increased awareness of sugar workers about the nature of the society, its effect was similar to the series of COSSABOS (Conference of Shop Stewards and Branch Officers) held by the OWTU in those crucial years of Dialogue. In a document submitted to the Prime Minister, the Union stated - "The crux of the Union’s case is that the nation cannot afford to have treasures hidden underground, while workers starve, merchants go bankrupt, and the Treasury remains deficient." This Motion was moved after several hours of discussion and debate in the General Council meeting, and followed lengthy meetings held by the Union's Executive on two previous occasions. On July 13th 1971, the police, for the second time in a year, raided the Union's headquarters and again seized be records and documents. were unilaterally and arbitrarily supplementing the Pension Plan. 1946 again saw disturbances in the oilbelt. The uprising lasted until July 2nd by which time armed forces of the capitalists had killed fourteen (14) people and left hundreds of others wounded. On Amoco's instructions Haniff dismissed fourteen workers. On the one hand they had serious misgivings about the OWTU, after its unforgivable role in the strike in 1947, On the other hand, their conditions demanded a Union. There was much activity including an operetta celebrating forty years of struggle called - Black Man, Black Gold. After a number of clandestine meetings held on Lum Tack Hill in Fyzabad, the first official meeting was held at one Mr. Williams' quarters, Coon's Town, Forest Reserve, Fyzabad, on the 15th July, 1937. In addition, Butler was decorated with another one of the Union's highest awards the "LA BRLA CHARLES" medal. Wages were next nothing, some workers only earning seven cents an hour. In fact the Annual Conference which began on October 22nd, was to be addressed by Vincent Noel, a Grena­dian trade unionist who was a member of the People's Revolu­tionary Government. Newspaper edito­rials tried to paint a picture of subversion and destruction of the economy and the society, yet never a word was mentioned about the survival of the retrenched workers, their wives and children. The basic strategy is to soften up the workers with retrenchment then if they refuse to concede take backs around the negotiating table, lockouts are instituted followed by the offering of individual contracts which contain inferior terms and con­ditions. The workers were able to beat back the roll backs . we the members of the Oilfields Workers' Trade Union, All Trinidad Sugar Estates and Factories Workers Trade Union, Island-wide Cane Farmers Union and the Transport and Industrial Workers' Trade Union, other workers, all patriotic people here united, gathered at this historic rally at Skinner Park, San Fernando strongly condemn the international blood thirsty conspiracy aimed at making Trinago another Chile, hereby pledge to unitedly struggle to frustrate the said conspiracy by uniting with all patriotic, pro­gressive and dedicated forces in Trinago truly com­mitted to our economic liberation and to the making of a new and democratic country. On October 18th, operators at the Port of Spain Power Station reported sick. Butler himself was detained once again, on the pretext of his being a danger to the war effort. The writing was on the wall, the employers had made their stand - collective bargaining had to go. In July 83, the operators were ordered re-instated by the Industrial Court. Devised as the means whereby the workers could gather and discuss and decide upon the policy and direction of the Union the Annual Conference was turned by Rojas, into a mockey of democracy. In December the Industrial Court awarded a 50% increase to T & TEC workers. But there are many more miles to travel on the road which the ULF has charted for itself. This took place despite seven new bargaining units being organised including Crown Reef Hotel. The move was reminiscent of Rojas in 1947. was at the fore. Membership reached One Thousand; Three hundred and fifty (1,350) within three weeks of the founding, and continued to multiply. During 1977, the Union held celebrations in honour of its fortieth anniversary. Bill Stephens worked for many years in the oil and gas industry until Covid hit. This company took over BP's assets and has since made substantial profits on its operations.