wa forest practices rules

Forest Practices Rules & Board Manual Guidelines ... Forest Practices 1111 Washington St. (1)(a) Where necessary to accomplish the purposes and policies stated in RCW. HomeABOUTBoards and CouncilsForest Practices BoardRules and Guidelines. WAC 222-12-040 Alternate plans—Policy: All forest practice operations must comply with both the act and the rules promulgated pursuant to the act, unless an alternate plan has been approved by the department. When approved by the board the manual serves as an advisory technical supplement to these forest practices rules. (b) Forest practices rules pertaining to water quality protection shall be adopted by the board after reaching agreement with the director of the department of ecology or the director's designee on the board with respect to these rules. The State Division of Forestry is empowered to enforce the provisions and a nine-member board will adopt rules to protect soils, water, fish, wildlife, and public capital improvements from the impacts of logging. The goals of the new rules are to: Lands eligible for acquisition are forestlands within unconfined channel migration zones or forestlands containing critical habitat for threatened or endangered species as designated by the board. HTML PDF: 222-08-120: Inapplicability of model rules adopted by the chief administrative law judge. The rule requirements were evaluated in light of available scientific literature to quantify the level of large wood recruitment and shade provided by RMZs adjacent to Type S and Type F waters on exempt 20-acre parcels. (i) Establish minimum standards for forest practices; (ii) Provide procedures for the voluntary development of resource management plans which may be adopted as an alternative to the minimum standards in (a)(i) of this subsection if the plan is consistent with the purposes and policies stated in RCW. Class II forest practices do not include forest practices (1) on lands that have or are being converted to another use, (2) which require a hydraulic project approval (HPA) from Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, (3) are within "shorelines of the state" as defined in RCW 90.58.030 or (4) are on lands located within the Urban Growth Area of any jurisdiction (see RCW 76.09.050(1)). This act directed the state’s Forest Practices Board to adopt permanent rules implementing forest and fish protection measures, effective July 1, 2001. Forest Practices Illustrated is a book designed to help forest owners, loggers, and others better understand Washington State's Forest Practices Rules and how they protect fish, water, wildlife, state and municipal capital improvements and other public resources. (v) Allow for the development of watershed analyses. HTML PDF: 222-08-130: Ethics standards. HTML PDF: 222-16-030 In this case, you are required to meet with the tribe with the Any forest practice conditioned in violation of Chapter 76.09 RCW or its rules, and/or this title, including failure to comply with the conditions of an approved forest practices or related development permit or failure to obtain required forest practices permits or approvals, shall result in the imposition of a six-year development moratorium. The majority of our work, however, is working with our partners to strategize and advocate for forest practice rules and polices that prevent the destruction of state and private forests. (c) Forest practices rules shall be administered and enforced by either the department or the local governmental entity as provided in this chapter. Washington State Forest Practices Rules (Title 222 WAC) The Forest Practices Board, an independent state agency, adopts forest practices rules, which establish standards for timber harvesting, pre-commercial thinning, road construction, fertilization, forest chemical application and other forest practices applications (Title 222 WAC). (1) The requirements of this chapter do not apply to any forest practices hydraulic project, or to any activities that are associated with such a project, upon incorporation of fish protection standards adopted under this chapter into the forest practices rules and approval of technical guidance as required under RCW 76.09.040, at which time these projects are regulated under chapter 76.09 RCW. The Forest Practices Board Manual is an advisory technical supplement to the Washington State forest practices rules (Title 222 WAC). Rules involving water quality protection must be approved by the Department of Ecology before they can be adopted by the Forest Practices Board. The logging system, including forest biomass removal operations, should be appropriate for the terrain, soils, and timber type so that yarding or skidding can be economically accomplished and achieve the ecological goals of WAC 222-30-010 (2), (3) and (4) in compliance with these rules. HTML PDF: 222-16-025 *Fish protection standards and objectives for forest practices hydraulic projects. Lands acquired under this section shall become riparian or habitat open space. The proposed rule changes to chapter 222-16 WAC are focused on creating greater consistency between the Board’s Forest Practices Rules and the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) authority with regard to how certain cultural (d) Any acquired interest in qualifying lands by the state under this section shall be managed as riparian open space or critical habitat. A Kitsap County Timber Harvest Permit is required for certain tree clearing activities. as defined by Washington’s forest practices rules (WAC 222-30-023). The guidance must include best management practices and standard techniques to ensure fish protection. When necessary in certain cases, the Washington Forest Law Center provides direct legal services to ensure the protection of our natural resources. (ii) The board may adopt and the department of ecology may approve such proposals if they find the proposals are consistent with the purposes and policies of this chapter. In 1999, the Washington State Legislature directed the Forest Practices Board to adopt new rules that were consistent with the Forests and Fish Report. The Washington State Forest Practices Rules (Title 222 WAC) establish standards for forest practices such as timber harvest, pre-commercial thinning, road construction, fertilization, and … accomplished so that compliance with such forest practices rules will achieve compliance with the water quality laws. Forest practices rules — Adoption — Review of proposed rules — Hearings — Fish protection standards — Program for the acquisition of riparian open space. Authority of department of fish and wildlife under act. (iii) Set forth necessary administrative provisions; (iv) Establish procedures for the collection and administration of forest practice fees as set forth by this chapter; and. On January 1, 1946, the Forest Practice Act requires Washington loggers to plant trees to replace the logs that they have harvested. The Administrative Procedure Act (chapter 34.05 RCW) requires that agencies conduct a process that ensures public involvement opportunities and considers the economic impact of its rules. All other forest practices rules shall be adopted by the board. The Forest Practices Board follows the state laws that govern its rule making activity. Washington State Forest Practices Act RCW 76.09. These acquisitions shall not be deemed to trigger the compensating tax of chapters. On June 6, 2006, the State of Washington received approval for the 50-year Forest Practices Habitat Conservation Plan, which was accepted by Governor Gregoire on behalf of the State. (b) Forest practices rules pertaining to water quality protection shall be adopted by the board after reaching agreement with the director of the department of ecology or the director's designee on the board with respect to these rules. "Affected Indian tribe" means any federally recognized Indian tribe that requests in writing from the department information on forest practices applications and … (c) Instead of offering to sell interests in qualifying lands, owners may elect to donate the interests to the state. This report was developed over two years by representatives of federal, state, and local governments, private landowners, and most of Washington’s tribes. Petitions for adoption, repeal or amendment of a rule. (c) The board shall establish and maintain technical guidance in the forest practices board manual, as provided under WAC 222-12-090 as it existed on July 10, 2012, to assist with implementation of the standards incorporated into the forest practices rules under this section. (4)(a) The board shall establish by rule a program for the acquisition of riparian open space and critical habitat for threatened or endangered species as designated by the board. (2) The legislature further finds and declares it to be in the public interest of this state to create and maintain through the adoption of this chapter a comprehensive statewide system of laws and forest practices rules which will achieve the following purposes and policies: All other forest practices rules shall be adopted by the board. Such rules shall be adopted and administered so as to give consideration to all purposes and policies set forth in RCW, (2)(a) The board shall prepare proposed forest practices rules consistent with this section and chapter, (b)(i) The board shall hold one or more hearings on the proposed rules pursuant to chapter. HTML PDF: 222-16-010 *General definitions. (3)(a) The board shall incorporate into the forest practices rules those fish protection standards in the rules adopted under chapter, (b) Thereafter, the board shall incorporate into the forest practices rules any changes to those fish protection standards in the rules adopted under chapter. How Much Will this Permit Cost? The department must determine the western and eastern Washington averages based on the land value tables established by RCW, (b) Subject to appropriations sufficient to cover the cost of such an acquisition program and the related costs of administering the program, the department must establish a conservation easement in land that an owner tenders for purchase; provided that such lands have been taxed as forestlands and are located within an unconfined channel migration zone or contain critical habitat for threatened or endangered species as designated by the board. 76.09.050 Rules establishing classes of forest practices — Applications for classes of forest practices — Approval or disapproval — Notifications — Procedures — Appeals — Waiver. Washington State Department of Natural Resources Forest Practices RMAP Information & Instructions 09-23-2011 2 Once a road is improved to rule standards, a landowner’s RMAP … ARCHIVED RULE MAKING ACTIVITY Aquatic Lands Habitat Restoration Program, South Lake Washington Restoration Project, Adaptive Management for Aquatic Resources, Scientific and Technical Support to Aquatic Programs, Forest Service Experimental Forest and Range Network, Long-Term Hydrological and Meteorological Data, Olympic Experimental State Forest Land Planning, Washington Geologic Survey Publications Catalog, Washington Geologic Survey Photograph Collection, Wetlands of High Conservation Value Map Viewer, Timber Sale Remaining Volume by Purchaser Reports, Spanish - Brocha, Salal y Otros Productos Forestales, Complete: Baker to Bellingham Non-Motorized Recreation Plan, Electric Utility Wildland Fire Prevention Task Force, Blanchard, Reiter, Walker Valley and Nearby Islands, Teanaway Community Forest Advisory Committee, Teanaway Community Forest Advisory Committee Past Meetings, Stewardship of Non-industrial Forests and Woodlands, Forest Practices Rule Book Cover and Table of Contents, Chapter 222-08 WAC - Practices and Procedures, Chapter 222-10 WAC - State Environmental Policy Act Guidelines, Chapter 222-12 WAC - Policy and Organization, Chapter 222-20 WAC - Application and Notification, Chapter 222-21 WAC - Small Forest Landowner Forestry Riparian Easement Program, Chapter 222-23 WAC - Rivers and Habitat Open Space Program, Chapter 222-24 WAC - Road Construction and Maintenance, Chapter 222-42 WAC - Supplemental Directives, Chapter 222-46 WAC - Consultation and Enforcement, Chapter 222-50 WAC - Relationship to Other Laws and Regulations, TVW Session: The Forest and Fish Law 01/15/15. Acquisition must be a conservation easement. After submitting a Forest Practices Application, DNR may notify you that your harvest area has a cultural resource, and/or an archaeological site. In addition, a Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Forest Practices Application (FPA) is required for most tree clearing activities. Forest Practices that may require a permit include: harvesting timber, salvaging standing and down wood, constructing forest roads, opening or expanding a rock pit on forest land for forestry use, operating in or over any typed water and applying forest chemicals with an aircraft. HTML PDF: 222-08-141: Orientation and training. Forest Practices (logging) in unincorporated Pierce County are regulated by the State Forest Practices Act (Chapter 76.09 RCW) and Rules (Title 222 WAC) and by Title 18H, Pierce County Development Regulations—Forest Practices.Forest practices involve the harvest of merchantable timber (examples include, Douglas fir, western hemlock, western red cedar, big leaf maple, and red alder). HTML PDF: 222-08-151: Reporting procedures. The Forest Practices Board — an independent agency — adopts forest practices rules to set standards for timber harvesting, road construction, forest chemical application and other forest practices. RCW 76.09.040 (2) of the Forest Practices Act requires that the Forest Practices Board inform counties and other governmental entities early in the rule development phase of the Board's intent to add or amend a forest practices rule. (d) The board must complete the requirements of (a) of this subsection and establish initial technical guidance under (c) of this subsection by December 31, 2013. The land value component must be the acreage of qualifying channel migration zone or critical habitat for threatened or endangered species as determined by the board, to be conveyed, multiplied by the average per acre value of all commercial forestland in western Washington or the average for eastern Washington, whichever average is applicable to the qualifying lands. Once acquired, these lands may be held and managed by the department, transferred to another state agency, transferred to an appropriate local government agency, or transferred to a private nonprofit nature conservancy corporation, as defined in RCW, (i) For conveyances of a conservation easement in which the landowner conveys an interest in the trees only, the compensation must include the timber value component, as determined by the cruised volume of any timber located within the channel migration zone or critical habitat for threatened or endangered species as designated by the board, multiplied by the appropriate quality code stumpage value for timber of the same species shown on the appropriate table used for timber harvest excise tax purposes under RCW, (ii) For conveyances of a conservation easement in which the landowner conveys interests in both land and trees, the compensation must include the timber value component in (a)(i) of this subsection plus such portion of the land value component as determined just and equitable by the department. Unless otherwise required by context, as used in these rules: "Act" means the Forest Practices Act, chapter 76.09 RCW.