role of animal husbandry in organic farming

The establishment of organic animal husbandry requires an interim period, the conversion period. The use of low external input which lessens the cost of production and allows for a sustainable system of production since most materials can be recycled in the farm and also locally available. Blister and obesity are major problems in broiler in the case of inorganic farming. Where livestock are housed, the minimum "on-ground" density for the indoor area shall be not more than the following: Water should be available at all times (except for camels, they can do with water every 5-8 days) and be clean and fresh.Remember that young animals also need water! For the calculation of feeding allowances only, feed produced on the farm unit during the first year of organic management may be classed as organic. Organic farming strengthens animals’ natural resistance against diseases as it provides them suitable high-quality feed, exercise, and free-range access to the appropriate pasture. ATTRA, 1-800-346-9140; Reganold, J. P., & Wachter, J. M. (2016). It is important for all animals to have a well-balanced diet which meet their needs. In addition to this strong economic bond between humans and animals in organic farming, there also is a moral (and sometimes emotional) bond to animals as sentient and fellow beings on this planet. Suffering, including mutilation, must be kept to a minimum during the entire life of the animal, including at the time of slaughter. Dr. Mette Vaarst, veterinarian, and Gidi Smolders, agronomist, orgANIMprove (2014), IFOAM Norms and Standards, 2012. Sufficient free movement and opportunity to express normal patterns of behavior, such as space to stand naturally, lie down easily, turn around, groom themselves, and assume all natural postures and movements such as stretching, perching, and wing flapping, Sufficient fresh air, water, feed, and natural daylight to satisfy the needs of the animals, Access to resting areas, shelter, and protection from sunlight, temperature, rain, mud, and wind adequate to reduce animal stress. The operator shall ensure that the environment, facilities, stocking density, and flock/herd size provide for the behavioral needs of the animals. Animals shall not be treated with synthetic tranquilizers or stimulants prior to or during transport. ', (c) IFOAM Training Manual for Organic Farming in the Tropics. Organic farming aims to provide a diet which livestock is most adapted to consume. The requirements commonly found in organic standards are in the Common Objectives and Requirements of Organic Standards (COROS). When comparing the production of different breeds of cows, the daily or yearly production or daily weight gain are used. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica Supplementum. Free-range housing system is preferred because moving around, selecting food, and performing social contacts are natural needs of all animals. Furthermore the Norms point to need that the 'building construction provides for insulation, heating, cooling and ventilation of the building, ensuring that air circulation, dust levels, temperature, relative air humidity, and gas concentrations are within levels that are not harmful to the livestock'. In no such case may the percentage of nonorganic feed exceed 10% dry matter per ruminant and 15% dry matter per nonruminant calculated on an annual basis. Organic animal husbandry fulfils an important role in securing certain public goods. Mammalian livestock can be used as a source of milk and dairy products such as yoghurt, cheese,... 2. By the time of early civilisations such as ancient Egypt, cattle, sheep, goats and pigs were being raised on farms. Financial risk of farming is reduced by converting lower-quality grain crops and screenings into profit and spreading income more evenly over the year (Fig. The first one took place in Bonn (Germany) in November 1995 ("Land Use and Biodiversity: the Role of Organic Farming"). Cropping land prepared by livestock reduce soil food web damage and tillage cost as well. The incidence of diseases in local breeds is less and they do not suffer from immunosuppression. This lower acidity increases the number of beneficial microorganisms that help ferment ruminants’ high-fiber diet. History of Animal Husbandry. Is organic farming better for animals, humans, and the environment? Local breeds have more capability to cope with stress condition than the synthetic breeds. Although artificial insemination is allowed, we do not promote AI Techniques but rather breeding systems based on the integrity of animals, which AI techniques do not respect.Breeding in organic animal agriculture is based on the following requirements (IFOAM Norms, 2012): : Over the last decades, traditional breeds have been replaced by high performing ones in many regions. The rest of its diet must also be certified organic, including hay, grain, and other agricultural products. Not all organic standards cover all of those areas, e.g., some organic standards do not cover animal production or address social justice. Only a few drugs, such as vaccines, are allowed. Operators shall give preference to natural medicines and treatments, including homeopathy, Ayurvedic medicine, and acupuncture. Did you know that the Soil Association has the highest standards for animal welfare of any farming system in the UK? Organic animal husbandry is not static. Majority of these animals are raised in the conventional, industrial agricultural system, known as confined animal feeding operations. Per the USDA organic regulations, the grazing season is the period of time when pasture is available for grazing due to natural precipitation or irrigation. a cow for 10 lactations - require a very good framework and care for the animal, and having this as a goal reflect such goals of giving the animals sufficient living conditions for living a long life. From the farm itself, it is permitted to use feed produced on the farm as 'organic feed' to the farm's own animals during the first year of organic management. Many of the initial blunders and mistakes have, in cooperation with others, been altered and corrected, and work continues (Hammarberg 2001). It does not even state to strive for as natural a life as possible for the animals. Bedding materials that are normally consumed by the animals shall be organic (IFOAMs Norms 2012, point 5.1.7 p. To diversify in keeping livestock on the holding and to utilize each nutrient at the household level. 5.4.3 Embryo transfer techniques and cloning are prohibited. For example, organic livestock must be: Organic livestock must be raised in a way that accommodates their health and natural behavior: In particular, the operator shall ensure the following animal welfare conditions: When animals are kept in house, the operator shall ensure that: The operator shall take all practical measures to ensure the health and well-being of the animals through preventative animal husbandry practices such as: The animal may retain its organic status if: Vaccinations are allowed only in the following cases: Arthurson, V., & Jäderlund, L. (2011). There are several reasons for this, historical and philosophical as well as the fact that research on animal … For example, chickens like perching at night, and therefore, perching rails should be provided for this purpose. The combination of animal husbandry and other farm activities requires that the animals are kept under control to avoid damage to crops. Moreover, tail, teeth, and beak trimmings, commonly applied in conventional farming system to protect the animal from unhygienic condition and injury because of their high stocking density, are condemned in organic agriculture. This would prevent the animals from suffering. While good nutrition aims to achieve adequate yields, it has an enormous effect on animal health and is therefore very important in disease prevention. Organic animal feeding should be mainly based on fodder produced on the farm, and this is an important aspect of the harmonic and well-balanced organic farming systems.