nisi lenses review

The lens combines a compact form factor with a super ultra-wide field of view making it the perfect companion for landscape, seascape, night, architecture, interior and nature applications. NISI CIRCULAR FILTER REVIEWS. NiSi has completely removed this problem and it’s never been easier to combine these filters. Costing just over £100, it is a considerably more than the budget version filters you can get online, where you can potentially buy a set of dioptres for under £20 Any good quality ring flash will work, but this one is particularly useful in tight spaces - this is the Canon version, but Yongnuo also makes excellent ring flashes for use with Nikon and Sony cameras. As expected, the depth of field was punishingly shallow, bordering on criminal at 2:1 with a macro lens at the MFD - but what did you expect!? Another accessory that’ll appeal to Fujifilm X100 series owners is the NiSi UHD UV filter. The fully-manual lens features an all-metal construction and is comprised of 12 elements in 10 groups, including one double-side aspherical element and two extra-low dispersion elements. The power of a close-up filter, in diopters, is described by this formula: D = 1,000 / close-up filter focal length (in mm). Andrew williams (verified owner) – 16/12/2020. 8 reviews. The Nisi Close Up Lens Kit is a converter that you can screw onto your lens and with which you can take macro photos up to 1:1, depending on the lens. First hands on review with the NiSi close-up lens Iso 1600 108mm f/8 1/750 sec I was on thin ice again when I received the Nisi close-up Lens a few days ago. With an all-in-one zoom or telephoto zoom, you can work very flexibly with the Nisi Close Up Lens Kit. The Cokin offer for this type of lens is rather like a medical spine-lengthening device that you have to screw to the outside of the lens hood and slide the holder over the top, but at least it’s a lot simpler and compact than the LEE Filters SW150 system. The Nisi 15mm f4 has been long in … Spend enough time around Cokin users, and you’ll hear them refer to the “slight pink tones” that come from stacking (using more than one of their filters at the same time). That explains the weight. Here is the full video, which goes into a great deal more detail - hope you enjoy it! Taken using the 58mm NiSi lens on a … buy from manufacturer’s online shop (affiliate link) for $549 Starred 1 on 5. I describe the contents of these lens kits, discuss the product documentation, and explain how the lenses should be used. Click on the lens for specifications, prices and test results. Rated 5 out of 5. The Nisi Close Up Lens Kit is an ideal entry into the macro world. That usually puts you in a zone where such a lens is not optimally corrected. NiSi Close-Up Lens Kit Review by Shikhei Goh. PRODUCT VIDEOS | V6 100MM SYSTEM | 150MM S5/S6/Q | CIRCULAR FILTERS | CLOSE UP LENS | CINEMA FILTERS. Verified review - view original. The filter shortens the focal length of the native lens, it pulls back the working distance to right up in front of the camera lens , and significantly enlarges the image produced on your sensor. It takes courage to release a super-wide angle right out of the gate. The NiSi F3 lenses cover full frame format which is compatible with ARRI Alexia LF, Red Monstro VV, Panavision DXL2, SONY Venice, Canon C700FF and other film cameras to come in the future. However, the De Nisi Close Up Lens Kit is just one step better., pub-1926659923933588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0Static.COOKIE_BANNER_CAPABLE = true; To help you locate specific content, just enter a word or two into this search field. The Nisi Close Up Lens Kit is a solidly built lens attachment. The 58mm NiSi even looks promising as a 200mm tube lens! A bigger issue is motion blur from slow shutter speeds, which become necessary unless you are prepared to run up the ISO and risk getting a ton of noise in the image. You will fall in love with this lens. At the same time, it reduces both your shortest and your furthest setting distance. Watch the latest official NiSi product videos and community reviews created by photographers and videographers using our equipment. Before I forget, here are the key formulae to know if you want to get the most out of using close-up filters in your macro photography. Starred 4 on 5. So you are no longer limited in your subject size. First review of the new Nisi 15mm f4 lens Nisi is best known for its high – quality filters. A macro photography game-changer. Close-up filters are designed to convert your regular camera lens into something that works a lot like a macro lens. The NISI is an ideal combination with an all-in-one zoom like this Tamron. We tested the Raynox filters before and were very satisfied with the results. Rated 5 out of 5. And, (spoiler … The Nisi only comes in one strength, but you can easily play with the magnification if you work with a (telephoto) zoom lens.