libya timeline of events

2008 September - US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice makes historic visit - the highest-level US visit to Libya since 1953. 2016 January - UN announces new, Tunisia-based interim government, but neither Tobruk nor Tripoli parliaments agree to recognise its authority. Here is a timeline of some key events since February: 15 February - Riots in Benghazi triggered by the arrest of a human rights activist. On 19 March the Council unanimously adopted resolution 2146 imposing measures on vessels designated by the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee to be transporting crude oil illicitly exported from Libya. It further renews the authorisation for member states to seize and dispose arms and ammunition found during the inspection of these vessels. The Gulf Cooperation Council issued a statement supporting a no-fly zone. Gasana informed the Council that Libya had decided to designate a focal point structure for military procurement as recommended in the latest report of the Panel of Experts assisting the Committee. During that month, the NTC announced a new cabinet for the provisional government, and Saif Al-Islam Qaddafi, Qaddafi’s son, was captured in southern Libya. George Floyd death: How will jurors be selected? 2004 May - Five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor are sentenced to death having been accused of deliberately infecting some 400 children with HIV. The people were Muslim and spoke Arabic. VideoHow scientists got a very rare toad to breed. Cherif Bassiouni (Egypt), Asma Khader (Jordanian/Palestinian), and Philippe Kirsch (Canada) were appointed to the commission of inquiry established on 25 February by the Human Rights Council. The Council was also briefed by the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee chair, Ambassador Olof Skoog (Sweden). On 16 September, the UK presented under “any other business” a draft resolution authorising member states to interdict vessels involved in human trafficking and migrant smuggling in the high seas off the coast of Libya. 2003 December - Libya says will abandon programmes to develop weapons of mass destruction. A 13 August Secretary-General’s report highlights how various local ceasefire initiatives led to a marked reduction of military tensions in western Libya and the greater Tripoli area. The report identifies the proliferation of weapons to and from Libya as a major challenge for the stability of the country and the region given that “most weapons are still under the control of non-state armed actors and border control systems remain ineffective”. In a letter to the Security Council, Libya accepted responsibility for the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103. The United States restored diplomatic ties with Libya and removed Libya from its list of state-sponsors of terrorism. Khatib informally briefed Council members, reporting that for the first time both sides signaled willingness to discuss political transition. The letter called for the international community to fulfil its obligation to protect the Libyan people “without any direct military intervention on Libyan soil.”. LIBYA: Timeline of key events since 14 June. On 10 March, the Council was briefed by Special Representative Tarek Mitri on the latest report of the Secretary-General and by Ambassador Eugène-Richard Gasana (Rwanda), chair of the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee, on the final report of the Panel of Experts. On 16 December, the Council adopted a presidential statement expressing its grave concern over the worsening security situation and political divisions. 2018 July - Khalifa Haftar claims that his forces are fully in control of Derna, the last Islamist stronghold in the east and the only city in the region hitherto outside his control. Secretary-General António Guterres briefed. The Council adopted resolution 1973, which authorised all necessary measures—excluding an occupation force—to protect civilians in Libya and enforce the arms embargo. The briefings were followed by consultations. On 23 April, the Council adopted a press statement condemning the terrorist attack against the Embassy of France in Libya. On 29 July, the Council held its bimonthly meeting on UNSMIL and Libya sanctions. Qaddafi’s foreign minister criticised the deployment of military advisors to Benghazi and called for a ceasefire followed by elections within six months. In particular, the resolution renews the authorisation for member states, acting nationally or through regional organisations, to inspect, on the high seas off the coast of Libya, vessels bound to or from Libya when reasonable grounds exist to believe that they are violating the arms embargo. 2010 October - European Union and Libya sign agreement designed to slow illegal migration. . In a 13 May briefing to the Council, International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda insisted that Libya should immediately surrender Saif Al-Islam Qaddafi, son of deposed leader Muammar Qaddafi, to the Court (S/PV.7173). OCHA head Valerie Amos announced the establishment of a UN humanitarian presence in Tripoli following her visit there with a high-level UN delegation that included the Special Envoy for Libya, Abdel-Elah Al-Khatib. 2016 April - UN staff return to Tripoli after absence of nearly two years. Timetoast's free timeline maker lets you create timelines online. A 19 August press statement condemned the terrorist attacks in Sirte. Bernardino León, the Special Representative and head of the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) briefed the Council on 4 November and gave a bleak assessment of the situation in Libya. The 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee met on 19 May to discuss the recommendations in the final report of the Panel of Experts. 1995 - Gaddafi expels some 30,000 Palestinians in protest at the Oslo accords between the Palestine Liberation Organisation and Israel. ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo asked the Court’s pre-trial chamber to issue arrest warrants for Qaddafi, his son Saif al-Islam Qaddafi and intelligence chief Abdullah al-Sanousi. US President Barack Obama in his Middle East speech characterised the TNC as credible and legitimate. The USG for Political Affairs briefed the Security Council on 28 July on recent developments in Libya, including mediation efforts. 1992 - UN imposes sanctions on Libya in an effort to force it to hand over for trial two of its citizens suspected of involvement in the Lockerbie bombing. Acting Special Representative and head of UNSMIL Stephanie Williams briefed. The mandate of the Panel of Experts was also adjusted and extended for another year. The riots soon turn into a fight against government forces, with protesters demanding Col Muammar Gaddafi, who has ruled Libya for 41 years, step down. France informed the Secretary-General of its additional measure taken in accordance with paragraph 4 of resolution 1973, airdrops of self-defence weapons. The Council was briefed by the Chair of the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee on 26 September, on the changes to the sanctions regime under resolution 2009. Consultations of the AU Ad-Hoc High Level Committee on Libya at AU headquarters in Addis Ababa. Omar al-Mukhtar begins 20-year insurgency against Italian rule. Jürgen Schulz, Deputy Permanent Representative of Germany, briefed in his capacity as chair of the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee on the activities of the committee. A high-level delegation visited Benghazi and invited the Transitional National Council (TNC) to open an office in Washington, D.C. TNC head Mustafa Jalil met with the Turkish prime minister, president and foreign minister. LIBYA: Timeline of key events since February 2011. by IRIN | IRIN Friday, 8 April 2011 07:56 GMT. Make educational timelines or create a timeline for your company website. France and the UK announced they would send military advisors to Benghazi. The 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee issued an implementation assistance notice on 15 October. The meeting focused on efforts under way to reach an inclusive and sustainable political settlement in Libya. On 20 January, Council members issued a press statement welcoming the announcement by the Presidency Council of the formation of the Government of National Accord and looking forward to the House of Representatives endorsing the Government of National Accord. The Secretary-General briefed the Council on the situation in Libya on 30 August. Libya 2011-Timeline of Events. ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo said that he was investigating alleged crimes against humanity committed by Libya, including by Colonel Muammar Qaddafi and his inner circle. The resolution called for a commission of inquiry to investigate. On 17 November, the Council held a briefing to explore the challenges to peace and security in the Mediterranean region (S/PV.8106). It is expected to report back to the Human Rights Council in June. Estimates put the number of demonstrators in the tens of thousands. The crisis in Libya has forced over 636,000 people to leave the country, including 280,741 third-country nationals. In his remarks, Salamé focused on a new comprehensive security plan for Tripoli, the conditions in prisons around the country, the parallel existence of two “central banks”,  the upcoming elections, and the situation in the south of Libya. (CNN)-- Fighting in Libya started with anti-government demonstrations in February and escalated into a civil war. The resolution lifts the requirement that the Sanctions Committee approve the use of non-lethal military equipment and assistance for humanitarian or protective use. Briefing the Council on 12 May Bensouda referred to the 10 December 2014 ICC decision on the non-compliance of Libya with the Court regarding the case against Saif al-Islam Gaddafi. On 6 November, ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda delivered her semi-annual briefing to the Council on recent developments concerning cases in Libya. 2019 April - The Haftar Libyan National Army advances on Tripoli, sparking clashes with the forces of the internationally-recognised Government of National Accord. South African President Jacob Zuma announced a bilateral visit to Tripoli on 30 May to discuss an exit strategy with Muammar Qaddafi. 2014 June - Prime Minister Maiteg resigns after supreme court rules his appointment illegal. Libya announced its intention to end its nuclear weapons programs. The attack had been condemned by Council members on 15 February in a press statement. CAIRO, 22 July 2011 (IRIN) - Hundreds of thousands of people have fled Libya since an uprising against Muammar Gaddafi's 41-year rule began in February. On 17 June, Council members issued a press statement emphasising the urgency for the Libyan parties to agree on a Government of National Accord (SC/11931). Libya: Timeline of Key Events Since 4 April - Search The following is a detailed timeline of major political events and changes to territorial control since our previous Libya map report of September 20, 2017. 6th century BC - Carthage conquers Tripolitania. On 4 March, Special Representative Bernardino León briefed the Council on the UNSMIL report (S/2015/144). He also briefed on the formation of the new government, completed on 31 October after the election of Ali Zeidan as prime minister. Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi apologises to Libya for damage inflicted by Italy during the colonial era and signs a five billion dollar investment deal by way of compensation. In the south, despite several attempts to broker local ceasefires, intermittent clashes between Tabu and Tuareg militias have continued. Libya revolved around the regions, cities, tribes and major invasions of foreigners. 'We women are pushed out of work because of childcare' Video, 'We women are pushed out of work because of childcare', How scientists got a very rare toad to breed. On 7 May, the Council held an interactive dialogue with the Prosecutor of the ICC, Fatou Bensouda. On 13 November, the Council issued a press statement that condemned the terrorist bomb attacks against the embassies of Egypt and the UAE in Tripoli. Qaddafi was captured on 20 October and killed later that day. On 20 March, the Council was briefed by the Special Representative and head of UNSMIL, Ghassan Salamé, and the Deputy Permanent Representative of Germany, Ambassador Jürgen Schulz, who chairs the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee. 2014 October - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon visits to continue UN-brokered talks between the new parliament and government based in Tobruk and Islamist Libya Dawn militias holding Tripoli. On 4 October, the Council issued a press statement condemning an armed mob attack against the Russian embassy in Tripoli that resulted in intrusions into the diplomatic premises and caused serious damage. Under-Secretary-General B. Lynn Pascoe briefed the Council in closed consultations on the situation in Libya. Bensouda encouraged the Council not only to press Libyan authorities to comply but also to consult with the Court to resolve any problems that may impede or prevent the execution of this decision. It also removes the need for notification to the Committee of non-lethal military equipment being supplied to the government for security or disarmament assistance. Intervenciones Extranjeras en México 1821 -- 1867. He is later freed by an armed group. Briefing the Council on 11 November, ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda highlighted how political instability and the worsening of the security situation “clearly cannot be conducive to closing the impunity gap in Libya” (S/PV.7306). NATO agreed to take over from the US the command and control of all military operations over Libya to enforce resolution 1973. 1977 - Col Gaddafi declares a "people's revolution", changing the country's official name from the Libyan Arab Republic to the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah and setting up "revolutionary committees" - heralding the start of institutionalised chaos, economic decline and general arbitrariness. September 30, 2019 The US conducted an airstrike against forces of the so-called "Islamic State" (IS; formerly ISIS/ISIL) in Murzuq, killing seven fighters. A press statement adopted after the meeting called on all parties in Libya to exercise restraint, reiterated that there can be no military solution and urged all parties to express their support for national reconciliation. The Council was also briefed by the chair of the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee, Ambassador Ramlan Ibrahim (Malaysia). It begins with a series of peaceful protests, similar to others of the Arab Spring, later becoming a full-scale civil war between the forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi 's government and the anti-Gaddafi forces. They are eventually freed under a deal with the EU. On 17 July, Tarek Mitri, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and head of the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), briefed the Council (S/PV.7218). June 11, 2012: An RPG hits a convoy carrying the British Ambassador. On 7 December, the ICC requested information from Libya by 23 January 2013 regarding the status of investigations in the case of Saïf al-Islam Qaddafi—an ICC indictee, currently being held in Zintan. condemning in the strongest terms the deadly attack near Al-Jala’a Hospital in Benghazi that killed at least 12 people. On 28 July, the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee held an “informal informal” meeting via closed VTC with Libya, regional member states, and regional organisations to discuss the implementation of UN sanctions, renewing the mandate of the UNSMIL until 15 March 2016. The Libya Contact Group met in Abu Dhabi. On 23 December, the Council adopted resolution 2259 welcoming the signing of the Libyan Political Agreement and the formation of the Presidency Council calling on it to work expeditiously within 30 days to form a government and to finalise interim security arrangements necessary for stabilising Libya. On 5 March, the Council adopted resolution 2208, a technical rollover of UNSMIL as well as on the measures on vessels transporting crude oil illicitly exported from Libya until 31 March (S/PV.7399). Libya profile - Timeline A chronology of key events:. 12 September 2003. 2010 June - UN refugee agency UNHCR expelled. Libya loses 7,500 troops, a tenth of its army, and $1.5bn equipment. Here is a timeline of some key events since February: 15 February - Riots in Benghazi triggered by the arrest of a human rights activist. 1961 - King Idris opens a 104-mile pipeline, which links important oil fields in the interior to the Mediterranean Sea and makes it possible to export Libyan oil for the first time. 1931 - Italy breaks resistance through combination of major armed operations and concentration camps for rebel population. The Human Rights Council passed a resolution on Libya which condemned the recent systematic human rights violations. 2012 September - US ambassador and three other Americans are killed when Islamist militants, including Ansar al-Sharia, storm the consulate in Benghazi. Council members met in informal consultations on Libya, no Libyan representative was invited to participate. Libyan rebels initially capture territory but are then forced back by better-armed pro-Gaddafi forces. Originally scheduled for 27 March as the bimonthly briefing and consultations on UNSMIL and Libya sanctions, the meeting was rescheduled and the format was changed in line with adjustments to the Council’s working methods due to the impact of COVID-19. On 16 November, the Council received briefings from the Special Representative and head of UNSMIL, Ghassan Salamé, and from the chair of the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee, Ambassador Olof Skoog (Sweden) (S/PV.8104). The Security Council lifted sanctions imposed on Libya. The Human Rights Council’s Commission of Inquiry visited Libya. In a statement the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights noted receipt of numerous reports of summary executions, rape, torture and disappearance. 1942 - Allies oust Italians from Libya, which is then divided between the French, who administer Fezzan, and the British, who control Cyrenaica and Tripolitania. UN says 100,000s displaced by clashes. … Is there an algorithm for the perfect biryani? The Deputy Permanent Representative of Germany, Ambassador Jürgen Schulz, briefed the Council on Libya sanctions in his capacity as chair of the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committees. 2011 20 October - Col Gaddafi is captured and killed as rebel fighters take his hometown Sirte. The AU held an extraordinary summit on Libya attended by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and reemphasised the importance of the AU’s High Level Committee and the AU Roadmap. 2012 January-March - Clashes erupt between former rebel forces in Benghazi in sign of discontent with the NTC. New parliament chosen in elections marred by a low turn-out attributed to security fears and boycotts; Islamists suffer heavy defeat. The Interim Transitional National Council issued a statement declaring itself Libya’s sole representative. Meanwhile, NATO’s mandate was extended by 90 days on 21 September and the the Council adopted resolution 2009 on 16 September which established the UNSMIL mandate for a three-month period and modified the regime of sanctions. On 17 December 2014, Olivier Nduhungirehe (Rwanda) briefed the Council on the steps taken by the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee to ensure compliance by member states with the sanctions regime (S/PV.7345), followed by consultations. 2009 August - Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi is freed from gaol in Scotland on compassionate grounds and returned to Libya. On 27 March, the Council adopted resolution 2213 renewing UNSMIL, the 1970 Libya Panel of Experts and the above mentioned measures, and resolution 2214 focused on counter-terrorism efforts (S/PV.7420). However, the FAR never takes off. On 2 March, the head of UNSMIL Martin Kobler briefed the Council on the Secretary-General’s latest report and recent political developments. On 28 July, the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee held an “informal informal” meeting via closed VTC with Libya, regional member states, and regional organisations to discuss the implementation of UN sanctions. On 5 November, the Council adopted resolution 2441, extending the mandate of the Panel of Experts assisting the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee and renewing measures related to the illicit export of petroleum products from Libya, with 13 votes in favour and China and Russia abstaining (S/PV.8389). The EU authorised “EUFOR-Libya”—a military operation to support delivery of humanitarian assistance if requested by the UN. Email, Design: Point Five, NY Ansar al-Sharia seizes control of most of Benghazi. On 8 January, Council members issued a press statement condemning the terrorist attacks claimed by a group with an allegiance to ISIS. The AU Peace and Security Council met at the heads of state level and condemned the indiscriminate use of force by Libya but rejected foreign military intervention. 1951 - Libya becomes independent under King Idris al-Sanusi. Protests continued throughout the country. The EU opened an office in Benghazi pledging long-term support to the TNC. 2011 February - Inspired by revolts in other Arab countries, especially neighbouring Egypt and Tunisia, violent protests break out in Benghazi, spread to other cities, leading to escalating clashes between security forces and anti-Gaddafi rebels. 1970 - Libya orders the closure of a British airbase in Tobruk and the giant US Wheelus air force base in Tripoli; property belonging to Italian settlers nationalised. On 19 April, Special Representative Martin Kobler briefed the Council on the latest Libya report .