womr lady di

Googling WOMR, I discovered another interesting aspect of the radio station: WOMR’s radio personality named Lady Di, who by day is the town's board of selectmen secretary, Vernon Porter! Vinyl In, Vinyl Out. Call the office or email Matty to arrange donation of your collection. WOMR’s ‘Lady Di’ will keep singing from Sandwich By Edward Miller Feb 17, 2021 PROVINCETOWN — Vernon Porter, the irrepressible “Lady Di” of WOMR-FM’s most popular show, Friday night’s Leggs Up and Dancing, has been forced to give up his home in Provincetown. The building also housed the … Join our family by becoming a DJ, or volunteer to help us out at one of our events. He founded Vernon’s Music & Dance Apparel in 1969 and later expanded into a bigger store that included a full line of womens’ apparel, catering to the transgender community. PROVINCETOWN — A fascination with a volunteer disc jockey's show “Leggs Up and Dancing with Lady Di” prompted a Boston-based documentary filmmaker to … Vernon Porter, aka Diannah Porter (Lady Di) came to the USA from Springhill, Nova Scotia in January 1962 and resided in Waltham, Massachusetts before moving to Provincetown. Vernon Porter. Chebot calls Lady Di’s show the “gateway drug” that led him to discover other quirky DJs who host programs with names such as Squid Jiggers Blend, WOMR … Call the office at 508-487-2619 to find out how to get started or contact matty@womr.org . Call 866-WOMR-123 or fill out the form on the website to get started today. Vernon Porter, aka Diannah Porter (Lady Di) came to the USA from Springhill, Nova Scotia in January 1962 and resided in Waltham, Massachusetts before moving to Provincetown. See recent editions of the AirTime member newsletter here. Call the office at 508-487-2619 to find out how to get started or contact matty@womr.org . Vinyl In, Vinyl Out. He founded Vernon’s Music & Dance Apparel in 1969 and later expanded into a bigger store that included a full line of womens’ apparel, catering to the transgender community. It took several years for them to realize their dream, but finally WOMR (OuterMost community Radio) went on the air on March 21st 1982 with 1000 watts at a frequency of 91.9 FM. Vernon Porter, aka Diannah Porter (Lady Di) came to the USA from Springhill, Nova Scotia in January 1962 and resided in Waltham, Massachusetts before moving to Provincetown. He founded Vernon’s Music & Dance Apparel in 1969 and later expanded into a bigger store that included a full line of womens’ apparel, catering to the transgender community. New contributors are welcome if able to work from home. In November of 1995, WOMR moved to 92.1 FM in order to raise power to 6000 watts thus reaching a much wider audience on Cape Cod and the South Shore. WOMR’s ‘Lady Di’ will keep singing from Sandwich By Edward Miller Feb 17, 2021 PROVINCETOWN — Vernon Porter, the irrepressible “Lady Di” of WOMR-FM’s most popular show, Friday night’s Leggs Up and Dancing, has been forced to give up his home in Provincetown. New contributors are welcome if able to work from home. Call the office or email Matty to arrange donation of your collection. Donate your old records to WOMR or add to your collection with something from our online record store. (Photo Nancy Bloom) PROVINCETOWN — Vernon Porter, the irrepressible “Lady Di” of WOMR-FM’s most popular show, Friday night’s Leggs Up and Dancing, has been forced to give up his home in Provincetown.. It’s now been seven and a half years since Porter resigned his job as the secretary for the Provincetown Board of Selectmen and filed a disability claim, … Fill out the form at the link below to get the process started. Donate your old records to WOMR or add to your collection with something from our online record store. Posts about Lady Di written by Sue Brehant.