how did the crusades lead to the age of exploration?

A) They created a desire to spread Christianity among the American natives. Whether Portuguese or Spanish, Iberian mariners led the charge during the Age of Exploration. The Crusades in the centuries preceding the Age of Exploration exposed Europeans to new places, people, and goods. 2. C) The democratic spirit which accompanied the conquests of the Crusaders swept across Europe. Explain how the Crusades, the rise of modern nations, and the Renaissance led to the Age of Exploration. The thing about European History is that it tends to leak out of Europe. The Age of Exploration, or Age of Discovery, is one of the most important events in the history of the western world.It began in the early 15th century and continued until the end of the 17th century, and involved European explorers using their navigational skills to travel the world. First, the Crusades led to the revival of trade for luxury goods from the East. The Crusades were a series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims started primarily to secure control of holy sites considered sacred by both groups. they caused the age of exploration because when they found the new trade route to India and china it showed the age of exploration. Remember they accidently found America!! On a November day in 1095, in Auvergne, France, Pope Urban II gave one of the most important speeches in world history as he presided over an assembly of … Do Now: 1. It could be said that the Crusades indirectly led to the European "discovery" of America in three ways. Topic: Exploration Aim: How did the Crusades lead to the Age of Exploration? ! Europeans haven't been great at staying put in Europe. Based on the pyramid below, who had the most power? The Age of Exploration: The Age of Exploration began during the fifteenth ceny. In very broad terms, the crusades led to the Age of Discovery because the crusaders were not able to retain the parts they had captured ( I mean, they did retain lands, what I am saying is that in the long run, the land was taken back by the Muslims). B) They created a desire in Europe for new products and new trade routes to the East. A generation after Columbus’ expedition to the Caribbean in 1492, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan led a multi-national fleet that circumnavigated the globe in 1522, the first ships to go around the world (Magellan died in the Philippines). Which group had the largest population? The Middle Ages (Dark Ages) Europe Feudal System (Feudalism): rule by lords who owe loyalty to a monarch Manor: large estates run by Lords Few people left the manor. How did The Crusades contribute to the Age of Exploration? The Origins of the Age of Exploration: Between 1096 and 1291, Christian armies set out on numerous Crusades to topple Muslim control of the Holy Land. It also reflected the zealous nature of medieval Christianity and foreshadowed the fervent missionary work that would form a major part of all early global expeditions.