community radio as a tool for development

viii. You’ve got your key partners in place and you are ready to replicate the thrill of your RSL broadcasts for up to 24 hours a day… 2.1 Meaning of Mass Media 6 This is worsened by the absence of the CBPs in most parts of the area. In many parts of the world today, community radio acts as a vehicle for the community and voluntary sector, civil society, agencies, NGOs and citizens to work in … However, agriculture greatly sustains the livelihood of the population in every country especially in Africa. The MSC methodology has its origins in community health development debates. The first module covers the different aspects of administrative management. 2Community radio is a type of radio service that offers a model of radio broadcasting beyond commercial and public service. A research work of this nature cannot be carried out without some challenges raging from gathering materials relate for the work, financing the project, raveling to the research focus area (case study), it is also a difficult tax to combine class work, assignment and project writings together. The authors estimated the cost of excluding women from ICT for development and explored how community radio represents an opportunity for inclusion. The “cool air” radio (as it is also known) provides a channel to communicate information on development issues to people most affected and to communicate perspectives from the community to those in authority. Diffusion of innovation, agenda setting theory and source credibility theories were used to justify the relevance of the community radio in agricultural development especially to the rural dwellers. The selection of sampled communities was purposive because they fell within the project catchment area. Listeners do not like interruptions in programmes they term as very entertaining and educative. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 12 communities for the study. Community Development Journal; 39(2): 135-143. Also, Dawuda Wumbei in a discussion said that, “the family life session talks about women issues which make us behave well at home and the Friday Islamic programmes make me morally good. 5 | 2011, Online since 15 July 2011, connection on 14 March 2021. For its proximate location to its clients a Community Radio serves a local community of its interest. Community radio broadcasting serves geographic communities and communities’ interest. The information-diffusion strategy, where community radio is used as a tool for communicating development related information, such as health, social policy, and environmental messages. (2003). In a focus group discussion at Dalun, a participant, Afa Saakibu, narrated how he benefited from Simli Radio. The sector was also funded by Danida till the end of December 2008 when it became totally independent (Simli Radio, 2010). The radio has changed my life and my business fortunes; I have been able to advertise my services as a herbalist which has raised my daily sales by 90%. The study established that Simli Radio has worked to improve awareness and knowledge of solutions to community development problems ranging from culture, rural development, education, hygiene and sanitation, agriculture to local governance. To what extent have rural farmers gained agricultural knowledge from radio and television programmes and news reports? Among the several mass media, newspaper and farm magazine are still commonly used. This strengthens local culture with the recognition that this is their station; it becomes a forum for a wide diversity of local opinions and views. 15The station (Simli Radio) wields a lot of influence. New York: The Rockefeller Foundation. The message could be on various technologies to boost agricultural development. 1.0 Introduction 1-2 Abstract The study explored community radio as an effective tool for agricultural development because it is assumed that where literacy level is low, radio is the choice of communication media in transferring agricultural message to literate and illiterate farmers alike even to those in remote areas. Abstract vi From this There should be less interruption by radio presenters so as to improve upon programme quality. Background of the Study The community radio is a potentially strong medium for Nigeria’s national development. The station engages experts/resource persons as guests on these programmes and they (resource persons) are able to explain and make clear issues in their areas of expertise. News or announcement must be properly edited before they are broadcast. Respondents said they have benefited immensely from the sports activities of the station. Does time provide for agricultural programmes on radio and television is enough and appropriate? Community radio stations are expected to produce at least 50% of their programmes locally, as far as possible in the local language or dialect. Listeners’ clubs have a major role in the design and running of programmes (Simli Radio, 2010). 2.3 Meaning of Agriculture 7-8 (2011) “Health Promoting Community Radio in Rural Bali: an Impact Evaluation”. It has promoted Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs) development. This phenomenon in the area is a novelty as small business operators hither to had to commute door to door in order to reach out to customers and clients. The community radio broadcasts regional entertainment and engages the communities in information dissemination and local debates making it an important means of development communication. The listening public needs education on environmental protection. In this regard the television and radio are significant, as they transfer modern agricultural and information technology to literate and illiterate farmers alike even in interior or rural areas within short time. 24Simli Radio through its sports programmes has also contributed to peace building and conflict resolution in the study area. In this research, an attempt is made to deal about the importance of radio, television, newspaper and farm magazines and their effect in promoting modern agricultural process in Ife-East Local government. The first was communities that host projects relevant to all three sectors of the GDCP, namely, DNK, Simli Pong or Women and loans and Simli Radio. 5.2 Conclusion 32 community radio station, or as a diagnostic tool in an existing station; Organisations wanting to support community radio: The book can help identify the kind of community radio to support, give clear ideas on how to design the process to ensure community ownership, what it will take, what to consider and how it may be possible to Thus, this paper attempts to examine various experiments in community radio used in different parts of the country as well as abroad for conscientization To know the extent rural farmers have gained through the broadcast media. v. Does amount of money incurred by agricultural organizations on enlightenment activities on media is justified? Before now, we were fighting during football matches, but no more. Media outfits especially radio and television stations will at the end of this work dedicate airtime for programme that will focus extensively on agriculture while presenter should be groomed for the purpose. The network of these community groups is a reflection of the character of a community radio by its legal status (Simli Radio Report, 2010). Community Radio: A Pa rticipatory Communicatio n Tool f or Stren gthening Agri culture Exte nsion However, Communicatio n is considered as a two -way process but for long only The programme gives us advice and how to live a happy life together at home and in the community. This finding about Simli Radio finds support with the assertion of Sterling et al (2007) that Community Radio provides listeners with the voice with which to respond to programming and to create programming content. 18The traditional decision making process at the family level in the study area (Dagbon) has limited room for female voices. It would be very difficult to know what is going on without the radio. Waters D, James R, Darby J. 1.6 Significance of the Study 4-5 The success of agricultural development programmes in developing countries largely depends on the nature and extent of use of mass media in mobilization of people for agricultural development. The people listen in groups and take notice of issues raised and sometimes call in to make their opinions known. By employing the principles of Participatory Action Research (PAR), the authors found that women will be more likely to benefit from technology-mediated opportunities for development if they themselves produce information that contributes to their advancement, rather than simply consuming information provided by others (Sterling et al 2007). The radio serves as the foundation and it is marketing the other sectors. 5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations 31 The present study focuses on the contribution of Simli Radio to the livelihood improvement of the people in the Tolon-Kumbungu and Savelugu-Nanton Districts of the Northern Region of Ghana. Is there any challenge facing radio and television in disseminating agricultural information to farmers? The approach involved desk study and field visits. The coverage of different subject matter by radio, television, newspaper and farm magazine are almost similar with regard to agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, agricultural marketing, agricultural engineering and cooperatives.