IP enforcement has consistently placed among the top handful of issues raised by US-China Business Council (USCBC) member companies every year in USCBC’s annual membership survey. By And because disputes on issues such as intellectual-property rights and e-commerce can and should be resolved multilaterally, the US should raise these at the WTO instead of making bilateral demands. Intellectual Property Practices Daniel Griswold and Donald J. Boudreaux April 2019 The United States and China are approaching a critical point in a dispute over China’s practices on intellectual property (IP) and other issues. Under the so-called "phase one" deal signed in January, China pledged to boost US imports by $200bn above 2017 levels and strengthen intellectual property rules. In my last column, I argued that it is becoming increasingly clear that the foundations of the trade disputes between the United States and China extend beyond intellectual property. US–China Intellectual Property Dispute—A Comment on the Interpretation of the TRIPS Enforcement Provisions August 2010 The Journal of World Intellectual Property 13(5):605 - 619 There is a dispute settlement framework for the problem you describe: the WTO. Moses 8 international intellectual property system”, thus producing benefits for multiple WTO member countries.22 Theories Surrounding US-China IPR Issues In analyzing the development and dispute of the US-China IPR issue, certain theories surrounding the topic avail themselves. With luck, healthy US productivity growth could then enable the Chinese-American rivalry to proceed along less confrontational lines. According to Wikipedia: In 2018, the Trump administration began imposing duties Intellectual property (IP) is a longstanding, critical concern for companies operating in China. These include Australia, but the major ally the US needs is Europe. The U.S. has filed both a complaint against China before the WTO for violation of the "The theft of intellectual property by the People's Republic of China costs America as much as $500 billion a year," U.S. counterintelligence chief William Evanina told Newsweek. In its disputes over intellectual property and China’s adherence to WTO undertakings in 2001, the US will be seeking allies. One of the 'trade contracts' (as you put it) that come to mind in the case you describe is the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). RESOLVING US-CHINA IP DISPUTES THROUGH THE WTO: A LEGAL ALTERNATIVE TO UNILATERAL SANCTIONS STEPHEN GARVEY Abstract: This article examines the United States’ ongoing trade dispute with China regarding Chinese abuses of American intellectual property rights. US CHINA TRADE DISPUTE OVER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: How have Section 301 investigations impacted trade relations between China and the U.S. in clean energy area, and between Japan and the U.S. in semiconductor and auto part areas, and does the impact provide a guide for the possible outcome of the upcoming Section 301 investigation of China? Concern about IP enforcement remains a major factor influencing company strategies and operations in