05.23.18 EPO Validation in Former French Colonies That Have Zero European Patents. National legal bases (omitted – less relevant, irrelevant for EQE) II. According to the agreements, European patents […] Such endeavor involves expanding the territorial coverage of European patents through the so-called validation agreements between the EPO and non-member states. Filing of European Applications – Art. Since 2010, certain non-member, and non-extension states have signed agreements with the European Patent Organisation to allow granted European Patent Applications to be validated in their territory. [9] Whether or not a validation state is available is determined by whether or not a validation agreement is in force at the filing date of the application. After grant of the European patent and validation in Tunisia, they will confer essentially the same protection as patents granted by the EPO for the now 38 member states of the European Patent Organisation. Like much of the EPO’s Web site, annual results too are being personified . These states then became "extension states" or "validation states", which means that European patents granted by the EPO may be extended to those countries through the payment of additional fees and completion of certain formalities. VC02-2019 Patent Information from EPO validation states: Morocco & Tunisia. Since 2010, the EPO has signed validation agreements with 4 non-member states enabling patent protection to be secured in those states, despite those states not having acceded to the EPC. 2 May only be designated for a regional patent (the “national route” via the PCT has been closed). Now, the evident benefits have proved to be attractive to other states and resulted in further validation agreements. MyIPO confirmed that EPO has proposed Malaysia as EPO validation state. In addition to Morocco – and now Moldova – the EPO has a validation agreement in place with Tunisia which is likely to take effect in the next year or two. Now Tunisia has followed suit, and the Tunisian Patent Office, or the National Standardization and Industrial Property Institute (INNORPI) as it is otherwise known, signed a similar agreement with the EPO on 3 July 2014 to allow the validation of European patents in Tunisia. Extension agreements have made it possible to extend this protection to Bosnia-Herzegovina and to Montenegro. Effect of a European patent can be extended to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro which are not parties to the EPC but have signed extension agreements with EPO. … Tunisia now looks to be added to the list of states included in European patents. The European Patent Organisation has its seat at Munich, Germany, … Our firm. Currently we do not offer services for these countries. A similar agreement has previously, in 2013, been signed with the Moroccan government. Recently, the EPO has initiated work on a new interesting possibility for European patent applicants. From that date it will be possible to validate European patent applications and patents in Tunisia, where, after validation, they will confer essentially the same protection as patents granted by the EPO for the now 38 member states of the European Patent Organisation. European Patent Office EPO Member States 3 38 European member states ... 4 Validation states Morocco - 2015 Moldova - 2015 Tunisia - 2016 Cambodia - 2018 . When Cambodia became a validation state at the beginning of this month, it was somewhat of a watershed moment in the EPO’s history. Some countries impose translation requirements as part of the validation procedure. The validation system is principally similar as designation system for contracting states of EPO. TRADEMARK. Tunisia. In 2013, the EPO signed validation agreements with Morocco and Moldova, rounded off by the newly-signed agreement with Tunisia. Posted in Asia, Europe, Patents at 11:32 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz. After the validation agreements signed with Morocco, the Republic of Moldova and Tunisia, on January 23, 2017 the European Patent Organisation, the intergovernmental organisation of which the European Patent Office (EPO) is the executive body, has signed its fourth validation agreement with a non-member state, Cambodia. [10] Validation States: Morocco, Moldova and Tunisia. From 1 December 2017, at the applicant's request, it will be possible to designate Tunisia as a “validation state” in European patent applications. 日本語 简体中文 繁體中文. In addition to the current European member states, the validation agreements will enable users of the European Patent Convention (EPC) to validate their EPO granted patents in Morocco and Tunisia even though neither Morocco nor Tunisia is an EPC contracting state. In July 2014, Benoît Battistelli, President of the European Patent Office (EPO), and Kamel Ben Naceur, Tunisian Minister for Industry, Energy and Mines, signed an agreement on the validation of European patents for Tunisia. Additional fees are payable in order to include extension and validation states within the European patent application. The EPO has concluded validation agreements with Morocco (2010, entered into force on 1 March 2015), Republic of Moldova (2013, entered into force on 1 November 2015), Tunisia (2014, entered into force on 1 December 2017), Cambodia (2017, entered into force on 1 March 2018) and Georgia (2018, not yet entered into force). The European patents are becoming available for validation in Tunisia obtaining the same scope of protection as national patents in Tunisia. The European Patent Organization signed validation agreements with Morocco, the Republic of Moldova, Tunisia and Cambodia in 2010, 2013, 2014 and 2017 correspondingly. The request for validation will be made via the payment of a validation fee of 200 € paid to the EPO (" Validation of European patents in Tunisia (TN) from 1 December 2017«, OY 2017, A85, point 4.2): 3 Italy may be designated for a national patent only in … All about Benoît, not the Office. While we have already seen the European patent become valid in North Africa, through agreements with Morocco and Tunisia, Cambodia is the very first country in Asia to become a validation country. Since the validation agreement will apply only to European patent applications filed after its entry into force and validation fees are paid two years after filing (on average), the EPO could expect additional validation-fee income some two years after the validation agreement with Tunisia enters into force. The same is true for Tunisia (" Validation of European patents in Tunisia (TN) from 1 December 2017«, OY 2017, A85). PATENT. A patent that has been granted by the European Patent Office may subsequently be made effective in any of the countries for which a designation, extension or validation fee has been paid. This agreement, signed on 3 July 2014 by the EPO President and the Tunisian Minister of Industry, states that European patent applicants and proprietors will be able, upon payment of a validation fee, to validate the legal effects of their European patents and applications on Tunisian territory. This means that it will be possible to cover up to 44 countries with a single European patent application for applications filed on or after 1 March 2018. PARTNERSHIP. European Patent Office The Legal Framework for Patenting Biotechnological Inventions at the European Patent Office 75(1)(b) & (2) whether EP applns may be filed at national offices, and national security filings III.A - Rights Conferred by a European Application – Art. Namely, the EPO has reported having signed an agreement with the Tunisian government on the validation of European patents for Tunisia. 3. These are termed Validation States. This process is commonly known as “validation” of the European patent. the 28 current member states of the European Union, and; 10 other signatory nations including Turkey and Norway. Validation states. Extension states (2 countries) ... also recognize the validity of European patents in their countries. Cambodia will be the first Asian country to recognise European patents and joins Morocco, the Republic of Moldova, and Tunisia as the fourth validation state for European patent applications. The so-called "Validation States" include Morocco (MA), the Republic of Moldova (MD), Tunisia (TN) and Cambodia (KH). HOME. Please note that for each of the above countries there is an applicable date at which the relevant agreement with the EPO … In March 2015, a validation agreement entered into force between the EPO and Morocco, closely followed in November 2015 by a validation agreement that entered into force between the EPO and Moldova. Currently, there are four validation states namely Morocco, Moldova, Tunisia and Cambodia. In an effort to keep clients up to speed with the latest developments, Dennemeyer & Associates has updated its European patent validations web application . The EPO has established so-called “validation on request agreements” – short: validation agreements – that encourage any applicant for a European patent to extend the territorial coverage beyond the forty countries currently available under the EPC (38 Member States and two Extension States). The corresponding agreement was signed between EPO and Tunisian IPO on July 3, 2014, but only now it is coming into force on December 1, 2017, after the adoption of the relevant pieces of legislation. From that date it will be possible to validate European patent applications and patents in Tunisia, where, after validation, they will confer essentially the same protection as patents granted by the EPO for the now 38 member states of the European Patent Organisation. PCT Contracting States and Two-letter Codes (153 on 1 February 2021) 1 Extension of European patent possible. Since March 2015 it is possible to validate European patent applications in Morocco, where, after validation, they will confer essentially the same protection as patents granted by the EPO for the other member states of the European Patent Organization. Introduction B. Abbreviations NATIONAL LAW TABLES I. Validation States (4 countries) Morocco (MA, March 1, 2015) Moldova (MD, November 1, 2015) Tunisia (TN, December 1, 2017) Cambodia (KH, 2018 3) From January 1. The validation agreements will allow users of the European Patent Convention (EPC) to validate their EPO granted patents in Morocco and Tunisia, despite neither of these two countries being EPC contracting states. 93 & Art. Since 2010, the European Patent Organisation has signed validation agreements with four non-member states, which all have entered into force. Moldova implemented a similar agreement last November and it is expected that Tunisia will do the same this year. Overview EPC STATES: Contracting, Validation, Extension A. In July 2014, an agreement was signed between the Republic of Tunisia and the EPO, although this has not yet come into effect. The European Patent Organisation (sometimes abbreviated EPOrg in order to distinguish it from the European Patent Office, one of the two organs of the organisation) is a public international organisation created in 1977 by its contracting states to grant patents in Europe under the European Patent Convention (EPC) of 1973. 3. They are in a special category of ‘validation’ states in which a granted EP can be validated, having the same effect as a national patent granted in Morocco or Moldova.