fascia dorsalis pedis. Fascia investiens abdominis Fascia endoabdominalis Fascia transversalis. okraje metakarpů, kryje mm. fascia dorsalis manus. Fascia dorsalis pedis Description. 2011. okraji 1. metakarpu a uln. Fascia brachii Fascia antebrachii Fascia dorsalis manus Aponeurosis palmaris. interossei. 162. Tendons of extensors Fascia dorsalis manus prof. Mm. Related. Fascia pectoralis Fascia entothoracica Fascia thoracolumbalis. Anatomija test - copy 1. fascia of individual extraperitoneal pelvic organ. okraji 5. metakarpu; fascia dorsalis manus intertendinea – propojuje šlachy na hřbetu ruky; fascia dorsalis manus interossea – spojuje dorz. fascia endopelvina. Fascia dorsalis manus Dorsal fascia of hand A04.6.03.010 Retinaculum musculorum extensorum Extensor retinaculum A04.6.03.011 Lig. Fascia of the abdomen. Mușchiul extensor al degetelor (Musculus extensor digitorum) sau mușchiul extensor comun al degetelor (Musculus extensor digitorum communis) este un mușchi lung fusiform care se găsește pe partea laterală a feței posterioare a antebrațului.Este mușchiul cel mai lateral din stratul superficial (primului plan) al mușchilor regiunii posterioare a antebrațului. • – Bunlara uzantıları sayılabilecek fascia antebrachi, fascia axillaris, fasciabrachii, fascia cruris, fascia dorsalis manus ve pedis, fascia glutea, fascia lata da sayılabilir. 2 –fascia dorsalis manus intertendinea 3- fascia dorsalis manus interossea 5- fascia palmaris interossea 4 –fascia palmaris supeficialis + aponeurosis palmaris 6- radiální osteofasciaální septum 7- ulnární osteofasciální septum Palma manus: Thenar - 8 Hypothenar- 10 Middle - 9 11 –interosseal space. Dorsal fascia of hand Fascia dorsalis manus. fascia extraperitonealis. TEST PITANJA IZ PREDMETA ANATOMIJA ČOVEKA RUKA 1. dorsal fascia of hand fascia dorsalis manus [TA] the investing fascia of the back of the hand.. Medical dictionary. There are four dorsal interossei in each hand. Thenar AbPB OP ADP c.o. fascia iliaca. Structure. • – Vucutta bulunan en onemli derin fascialar ; fascia cervicalis, fascia thoraco lumbalis ve fascia ilaca’dır. The dorsal branch (ramus dorsalis manus) arises about 5 cm. digitales palmares (n. medianus, n. ulnaris). N. dorsalis scapulae: a) nastaje iz gornjeg stabla ramenog živčanog spleta b) inerviše m. levator scapulae i m. rhomboideus c) inerviše m. subscapularis i m. deltoideus d) nastaje iz donjeg stabla ramenog živčanog spleta 2. dorsal fascia of hand — fascia dorsalis manus [TA] the investing fascia of the back of the hand … Medical dictionary. They are specified as 'dorsal' to contrast them with the palmar interossei, which are located on the anterior side of the metacarpals.. ... fascia of individual extraperitoneal abdominal organ. fascia extraserosalis. Fascia of the thorax. Arcus palmaris superficialis Fascia palmaris manus superficialis (aponeurosis palmaris) Fascia of the back. interossei dorsales Palma manus borders subcutaneous: nn. Fascia dorsalis manus superficialis Rete digitale dorsale. above the wrist; it passes backward beneath the Flexor carpi ulnaris, perforates the deep fascia, and, running along the ulnar side of the back of the wrist and hand, divides into two dorsal digital branches; one supplies the ulnar side of the little finger; the other, the adjacent sides of the little and ring fingers. If you think the translation is misleading report it. fascia graft. fascia endoabdominalis. fascia dorsalis manus superficialis – připojena k rad. fascia endothoracica. Palmárně dvě vrstvy fascií: