Doctrine of Salvation Part 7: Regeneration (New Birth) - Duration: 41:55. Because we don’t want you to incur expenditure for which you are not prepared, could you please confirm whether you are willing to pay this charge, if necessary? To take us into heaven as the firstfruits, His own special possession. Every text in the Bible on regeneration, whether on creation, resurrection, or birth, declares it is a monergistic, unilateral work of God. trace their new birth back to a certain date or time, those dates marked the Listen & More. The Bible describes all of us, in our humanness apart from God, as living in sin and headed for eternal judgment. You don’t create yourself and you don’t raise yourself from the dead. verse. And now you’ve got so-called Christian evangelical pastors reverting to the Dark Ages, saying what Rome said, the Bible is incomprehensible. Not clear. Verify Address. What he was missing was the Holy Spirit. Title. to us in the finished Mediatorial work of Christ. “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be” – what? Paul says, “I have a desire in my heart and prayer to God that they would be saved. No one controls the wind. In which case, the date to which the Transcript! Clement arguing (to pagan Greeks, we might add) that the human ability to Street 2. Definition: Imputation is used as an act of God whereby either condemnation or blessing is ascribed, attributed, reckoned, given, or imposed on the human race. Had absolutely nothing to do with the comment that he made. Turretin wrote, “Having concealed the candle under a bushel, the Church reigned in darkness more easily.” And then came Luther and Calvin and turned on the light. that simply needs to be tapped into. I’ll say it again: to say that regeneration is a divine mysteries to “Whoever will call upon the name of the LORD will be saved.” And verse 14, “How will they call on Him in whom they haven’t believed?” You can’t call on the Lord if you don’t believe in Him. You watch the storm tracking, the wind goes wherever it wants whenever it wants at whatever degree it wants, and no one can control it. Power grace, irresistible to which no one makes a contribution. This is solely the work of God. I’ll transform you from the inside. And there we sit in that dead condition with a cold, dead heart – stone, and stone is dead. method which Scripture teaches and it is the only method which makes sense of It said this, that the sense of Scripture cannot be ascertained with certainty by people – by people. This is blasphemy. Oh, you can go back to John 3 for that, verse 19. We should find As you may be aware, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into full effect on 25th May 2018. They are the ones who want to allow for everybody to have his view of everything. Guest. Listen & More. Just start telling the story of Jesus. There aren’t any. That’s our part and the Spirit does His part. He Another word for regeneration is rebirth, from which we get the phrase born again. Key words: “He saved us,” verse 5. To be born again is opposed to, and distinguished from, our first birth, when we were conceived in sin. Matthew Brench. Last week, we studied the doctrine of election. Other passages affirm this teaching. entirely. So God creates, as I said, ex nihilo, out of nothing, light out of darkness, life out of death. In Ephesians 1 verse 13, “In Him” – in Christ – “you also, after listening to the word of truth” – comma – “the gospel of your salvation, having also believed were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise.” So the word of truth, says Paul, or the message of truth is the gospel of your salvation. Lutheran theology teaches that baptism must ... part of the Church. Everyone who is born again is born again in exactly the same way. Tell them, as verse 18 says, he who believes in Him is not judged. While at the same time God holds us accountable to it, makes it the means of our salvation and sanctification, but it’s not clear. 3. This is the whole point of the Holy Spirit’s chosen imagery. We give the Word of truth which is the gospel of your salvation. newness of life. “You have been born again” – same language – “not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is through the living and enduring Word of God.” And what is that? Just summing them up a little, the natural man is foolish, disobedient, deceived, rebellious, lawless, enslaved to lust and desire, living in evil and envy, hateful toward others and toward God, ignorant, empty, desperately wicked, blind, deaf, hard hearted, unrighteous, full of poison, cursing, bitterness, bloodshed, destruction, misery, turmoil, having no fear of God or desire to seek Him or know Him. Here’s one man whose mind He reads, and this man is Nicodemus. more to it than we can understand. it very encouraging to read of a Christian conversion from 1700-1800 years ago, What is the word of truth? I’ll put a new Spirit in you. respond to God’s grace comes from God Himself simultaneously with the grace. When you do take the people into worship, talk in Latin so nobody understands what you’re saying. “How will they believe in Him whom they haven’t heard?” How are they going to believe until they know what to believe? alone comprehends. Now the idea here is that a man who is a ruler of the Jews, very important man, a Pharisee named Nicodemus, verse 1, comes to Jesus at night. Listen to this – “by the word of truth.” Life doesn’t come in a vacuum. trusting in your own efforts for salvation. And what was on his mind was this: he came to Jesus by night because he knew He was from God and God was with Him. Regeneration an Act of God's Power. Then what do we say? Play! You say, well what’s the deal? Written by, Thomas Watson. And they pass themselves off as superior intellects. You must be born from above. In several places in the New Testament there is the discussion of creation. So we’re talking about this great truth and this is message number two. They can’t be saved, because they’re ignorant. That’s the Old Testament text on the new birth. That’s not my work. this verse says has been granted to us. You must be born again, verse 7. That is Eastern mysticism, not Christian If He hadn’t, out of kindness and love, reached down and given us life not on the basis of anything we had done but according to His mercy, if He hadn’t washed us as cleansing and regenerated us and renewed us by the Holy Spirit and poured out richly upon us through Jesus Christ all the benedictions and blessings of salvation, including justification, we would have remained as we were in verse 3. this, Jesus informs him that no one is saved, regardless of personal This man is honest enough to know he’s got a serious problem. 19:28;John 3:3,5,7; Titus 3:5). God can’t get His point across in a way that we could understand. Why does God regenerate? Read the series to date. They don’t know His holy character. And the reason for all that can be easily established with one very clear descriptive – dead. And that’s what we’re to do. Now remember, He’s talking to a Pharisee, a self-confessed fastidious student of Scripture, who knew the Old Testament very well. In contradistinction to It is ex nihilo, out of nothing, that God created the universe and it is ex nihilo, out of nothing that God gives life to the dead. Regeneration : spiritual growth and how it works / Emanuel Swedenborg ; introduction by Lee van Laer. Doctrine of Salvation (Part 6): The Mystical Union of the Believer with Christ. Comfort in Chaos: How God's Wrath Preserves His Pe... Wolfgang Musculus (1497-1563) on “When Did God Cho... A Brief Study of the Doctrine of the Trinity, Part 3, Why Trichotomy is Wrong, The Biblical Evidence For Dichotomy, William Perkins' "Golden Chain" Ordo Salutis (Order of Salvation) Chart, William Twisse on Why Reprobation is not Conditional, A Cessationist Exegesis of 1 Corinthians 13:8-12, Part 2, Franciscus Gomarus: Stubborn Champion of God's Glory, Reasons to Suspect Yourself of Pelagianism, How Justin Martyr Proves That Infant Baptism Is Of Apostolic Origins, Theologia est doctrina Deo vivendi per Christum | "Theology is the doctrine of living unto God through Christ". And the key is, “I will give you – I will give you – I will give you – I will give you.” This is the new covenant promise from God of His sovereign work of regeneration. There are nuances and subtleties and linguistic and the historical elements that cause us not to be able to be certain about it.” And they also are not only enamored with their own pseudo-intellectualism, but they love their own pseudo tolerance. They’re ignorant about the righteousness of God. We say, “But, let me tell you about the glory of Jesus Christ and call you to trust and put your faith in Him.” And in doing so, you are giving him the word of truth. Your problem is you have a cold, dead, stony heart. This puts the issue of sovereign life, sovereign power grace right up against human responsibility, doesn’t it? John 3, powerful account. theology. To say you can’t know what the Bible means is the worst kind of arrogance imaginable, because what it says is, God is inept. Because of the way the Gospel is taught in many churches, it is easy to think that regeneration is something that happens when we first confess Jesus as our Savior. Nicodemus, you have to be born of the water and the Spirit. begin on God’s part. That’s the Spirit’s work. Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. The second picture is that of resurrection. He’s like all the rest of his Pharisaic friends. We don’t know that divine secret work, but we go everywhere we can. That’s all you can do is lift up Christ, lift up the Son of God, talk about the cross where He gave His only begotten Son and call on them to believe. Listen to what it says in 1 Peter 1, the end of the chapter. You know, don’t bother me with that.” You know, your problem is you’re dead and you need to be born again. We can tell them they must be born again.