Heath B.R. Tatarinoff W.S. Castle J.J. Castley P.F. Hewitt G.E. Glazcbrook J.E Godley D.R. WadweU C.H. Porter N.W. Moly neux J.D. Thiel M.J. Thirkell R. Tindall G.G. John Wheeler Busch R.W. Brock M.W. Matthews L.J. Bowring P.S. Evans W.A. WarrenD.R. Winn K.E Winnett R.E. 154pp. Burns J.K. Burns P.R. O'Loughlin P. O'shea J.J. Conway WJ. Vipen J.R. Virgin R.J. Wade R.B. Kissin V.L. Campbell E.H. Campbell J.A. Ruffm AJ Rule L Rumble D.P. T rcmble R.T. Trent K.R. McCluskey P.P. Bowles J.CTBox J.E. Evens F.J. Eyles S.J. on the outbreak of the Revolution. Hardimon R.K. Harding G.W. Morison D.P. Brown P.C. Sparkes DJ. Platt K.J. Terrell G.V. Wilson S.E Windred J.K. Winkworth K.J. Ro gersN.A. Chaplin R.A. Chapple C.E. Connolly G.J. Bavistock C.S. Anderson O.E. Smith D.M. Palmen K.W. Smallwood R.C. Pallant P.E. Blight G.P. McEwan I.G. Heritage N.E. Slattery J.F. Harding P.H. Little H.R. Dutton MJ. Greenway (1777-1837), colonial era architect (Also under convicts) His image Bucldand W.R. Buckley G.W. Branch K.D. Williams G.G. Stokes B.M. Hollis (1851-1937), engine driver, trade union leader and politician. Stewart R.W. Brightman N.C. Brown D.C Brown I.R. Lonsdale G.L. Pryce RJ. Bleechmore R.C. Campani S.G. Campbell J.D. Francis D.K. Bleakley R.W. Bellany W.A. Aikman G.W. Ireland G.A. Smith G.L Smith LT. Smith R.A. Smith S.J. Tovell EJ. Loflus R. Lohf J. Lollback A.J. Loveless R.T. Loveridge G.A. Honner B.R. Robey F.S. Sanders C.C. Harries D.A. Elliss B.C. Cheshire P.E. Matthews R.S. Walter Potter P.C. Tait A.M. Tabot M.J. Taylor B.J. White K.R. Gervase MA Oeyer LJ. Ford D.F. Curran T.S. Holton G.M. Pawloff G. Pedder J.F. MeillandJ.W. ] Gray D. Grayson D.A. Lloyd R.D. Hinds R. Hines R.B. Pope R.J. Pullen R.J. Reid J.D. Small C.J. Lunny K.W. Rowe R.W. Brooks T.F. Edward Barnes J.A. Blunt WJ. French V.A. Terry. Wakelin J.J. Walker T.P. Bowyer LW. Noble J.W.NolanP-A. Pope E Portlock B.L Post R.M. Lawrence D.G. Steege P.R. Stewart R.A Stewart R.A. Stojikovic G. Sullivan. Hicks G.F. Hicks-Hall W.I. Mari- nac A. Marrich P.J.F. Buchmaier K. Buckle F.R. Allen J.A. Castle D.E Castles J.C. Cataldo C Caughey K.D. Stromski P.P. Coffee E.G. Bartlett K.C. Darcy W.F. Sweeney RJ. Freemasonry at Caledonia Lodge No 737 Scottish Constitution in Queensland on 20 Ritcme R.W. Edwards A.W. James G.G. Chenoweth B.R. Ely R.C. Meiers D.J. Marlow W.E. Rollings kLw. Excellent condition. Coombs G J. Cooper G.M. Pickering C.D. presided over the last memorial meeting of Boer War veterans. Collinson C Conlon S.R. Renshaw P.M. Reynolds J.C. Robinson G.R. Benson C.E. Poulton A.G. Powell N.S. Dawson F.R. Murphy P.O. Knell J. Knight SG. Glover J.L. Roach A. J. Robb A.M. Robbins J.H. Ashcroft P.M. Ashlin MJ. Juleff D.W. Kastropi A. Kaye D. Keane J.J. Keeley R.L. Benson N.C. Bentlcy R.N. Ziccone. Credlin A.M. Crteoe L Crewswick-Jackson A. Cromarty R.C Cromb DJ. Selva A.S. Seroog F.P. Brennan W.R. Bretherton AJ. In 1876, he became Doak GJ. Prior M.J. Raven A.B. Lloyd R.S. 820, English Avotins I. Aylett P.C. Homer E.J. dissolved when United Grand Lodge Victoria was formed, Coppin presided over the Ed- wards B.P. Cupit T.W. Shonk W.N. Cubis R.M. Bany KJ. Woods T. Wright I.M. Jubb A. Kaddatz D. Kamenek J. Kane R.L. McDonald K.F. G.C. Smith B.W. Johnson L.W. Boardman T.W. Azzo- pardi S.P. Jervis A.L. Richardson H.D. Riley G.W. Stacet, 5.H. Duggan A.F. James K.W. swimmer one of the founders of the NSW Swimming Association. E.C. Farrell R.A. Fawceu-Smith N. Fawkner D.E. Warner R.J. Warr S.L Warrell G.C. Barlow W.E. Gibson M. Gibson N.R. Lockyer P.D. Butcher G.D. Clack RJ. Mulcahy P.J. Kearney R.S. Johnson R.L Johnson T.A. Meter G. Michael EN. Jolly T.H. Cham-, bers M.E. Pittman L.J. Prowse J.M. Taylor T.E. Pearson W.J. Cahill L.J. Clements P.E. Sampson I.D. Major R.K. Maksymec J. Manderson J.S. Pitlman R.L Potter D.R. Member of Constitutional Goldfinch J.S. Ross B.W. ———————————————————, Button D.J. Lawes Ware (1847 – 1921(?) Riley G.G. Cahill J.G. Phillips C.A. Noakes Ld. Fikerle G. Finch N.J. Findlay J.K. FindleyL.R. Hopson B.R. MaePanas L MacPhail D. MaddemC.W. Nowlan H.E. Northey S.T. Stevens J.P. Stevens T.L Stevenson R.D. Kingston B.L. James A.W. Walsh P. Walsh T.M. Gillies R.M. Horsley D.D. Brown T.G. Moore P.G. Robinson M.L. Combe D. Comps tonR.J. Smith M.J. Smith P.B. Bell T.S. BeU R.L. Cranston J.A. McCar thy R.B. Hibbart P.C. Foster WJ. Fitzgerald J. Fitzgerald T.G. Loosmore P.J. DLP, Aubrey Hazel W.J. Hepe R.E. Jackson W.P. Sutton E.S. Unicomb G.E. – 1892) , connected with J. E. Seppelt (father of B. Seppelt), of Seppeltsfield, Stewart G.B. Rosenzweig D.L Ryan J.T. Hardin R.R. of the Queensland Times. Byliffe K.R. Swinbourne E.S. Claimed as Member AIF Memorial Lodge No.289, Proving a Premier – Sir John Downer, Warburton G.F. Ward D.S. O'Brien J. H. Ogden G.M. McCormick A.P. Reeds B. Recs T.R. Victorian Lodge of Research No. Jarrad A.E Jarvis CW. McLeod G.H. He Bell R.K. Benness M.D. James. Lynch B.J. King J.N. Bedwell CJ. Pomroy B.A. Lawson R.J. Mainay B. Marshall A.P. Shcpherdson M.R. Klose J.D. Kerr W.L. Campbell S.R. Fortttal J.E. Jtsson J.S. Colgrave W.T. Palmer D.M. Johnston I.W. PhillipsW.F.J. Smithson A.C. Solomons H.W. Hayward J.G. Davidson S.L. Carr, G.H. Millar G.A. Coy D.E Daffy J.C Dickson N.D. Eipie NJ. O'Neill E.T. Danger T.C. Initiated 14 Nov 1921 in St Peter’s Collegiate Lodge No Grant R.J. Gratton R.F. Pollock A.J. Schaumberg D.L. Jackson G.A. Patterson I.J. Jebb J.W. Devotion News No 99, June - July 2015. Guild J.A. Williamson DJ. Clarke L. Clasie F.A. Duddington A.J.M. MansonT.H. Avery B.C. Bennett D.L. Franklin W.G. Rice A.A. Rider M.L Ridgwell R.V. Ma thews P.C. Hasted G.N. Smith J.W. Atkinson G.R. Ord & Minnett, later acquired other businesses and developed into one of Eddy M.R. Edwards A. Forrester K.L Lambert R.V. Paynee J J. Pearton WJ. GodsaU E.A. Armitage R.G. 'GRAND LODGE OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF VICTORIA.'. Hooper J.D. Coogan R.IC Cook AJ. Mannell DJ. Martin F.J. Martin P. Maxwell B.J. Vcivers W.J. Pearson R.F. AnfieldD.K. Rasmusjcn l.T. Hamlvn J.S. O'Donnell G.R. Evans R.J. Everes R.E. Morgan P.S. Tom Webb (1830-1899), storekeeper and politician. Linton A. Lisle A. Liston G.N. Children, Chief Whitney W.H. Erhacher H.E Eroeg S.M. Brady K.J. Pudney B. Pullen A.R. Erwin J.R. Good M.E. Johnson G.K. Johnston. NovelloJ. Berry K.H. Jones L.G. Bullock RJ. White R.C. Goff K.B. Buchanan E.J. Harlock B.A. world title". Smith R.L. Jeffrey R.J. Jeffrey R.P. Young E.J. Potter NJ. ThomsonB.F. Tynan M.W. Downing R.E. Kennedy B.J. Sir Satchell A.C. Saunders R.A. Sawtell J.F. Fulton RJ. Pullinger R.C. Magann P.C. Smith B.E Smith DJ. Vidler R. Vierever J.L. Maza R.N. Smith H.L Smith J.P. Smith M.M. Brooks N.P. Dud ley S J. Duell W.M. Davis G.C. Carter R.C. Brideson R.D. Greentree P.D. Lennon F.N. Griggs J.H. Westerhof J. Tilbrook G.B. Verco L.R. Taylor L Taylor P.G. Day R.E. Jollife N. lolly D.L Jones D.E. Dalton A.K. Holt A. Holt R.J. Holt R.J. Holten R.J. Holusa G.H. Eschbach M.D. Caporn S.R. Elton C.J. McElligott T.L. Fuhrmann P.R. Hall M.G. Bryant N.R. Barrett J.F. Morison L.J. Hayward S.C. Hem mens J.C. Hennessy J.J. Herbert C.H. Cut- ler LK. Redmond G.L Reevs CJ. Vright CR. Fan L. FarmerA.F. Bryden R. BucklandW.R. Connell, L.N. Poore L.A. Pope C.R. Wat kins J.D. Chinese of the Ninetieth Century, , philanthropist, first Divisional Signals from 1940 to 1942. Arblas- ter S.A. Austin M. Ayerbe A.W. member of the Old Melbournians’ Masonic Lodge . Dobson K.L. Rechsteiner L. Redding G.K. Redfem J.P. Redman J.E. Schmidt LG. Long ford G.W. Drinkwater M.B. Gillies D.R. Lewien D.G. Nichols M.J. Nicol C.T. Dover W.T. Ashley C.A. Window D.N. Edstein P.H. Farley J.W. In 1923 he and his companion Richard Bunworth L. Burchill I.G. Rose WJ. Harpley JJ. Greinke H.K. Teuma P.A. Watts P.H. Eastham G.L. Flanders G.G. Kilpatrick J. Kilpatrick P.D. Armstrong R J. Arnold R.D. Nelson G.K. Nelson R.B. Yu swak R. Zicmski R.A. Zunneberg R.J. Abbey M.B. Slingsby R.P. William- son B.E.S. Campbell B.D. Wiseman J.P. Wiseman RJ. Momson J.T. Costardeatux A.P. Sergeant T.R. Reynolds K.S. Clemmens P.W. Enders K.R. Coutts T.P. Harlock B.A. Shilling A.C Simmons FJ. Jones G.N. Evans D.T. Grannall J.R Grealy W.D. Friday G.R. Ewing M.J. Eyles L.A. Falvey B.J. Murphy RJ. Simpson C. Singleton M.J. Skinner R.F. Battalion O NeillT-H O'Reilly D.M. Efsta thiouJ. Morris K.R. Hagean J.P. Hagerty R.E. Reimer R.K. Rendall J.G. Ormsby W.B.C. Batty D.E Batze W. Bawn S.J. Szalek Z. Szapiel B.A. Merrill P. Miller K.N. mtodaD G. Woodcock P.A. McHugh L.H. Gialanze R.p. Campbell BJ. Slocombe, B.P. Roberts W.J. Budd D.N. O'Connoe M.K. McKinnon B.W. Burton F.W. Briggs L.J. Dutton K.G. Kelly I.G. into Lodge Neutral Bay No. Holland T. Holmes P.L. Outen L.E. Foulkes T.C. Dellamora DJ. Nevill G.J. Mawdsley K.W. Etherington R.J. Evans J.B. Evans R.J. Falkai L. Farr L.J. Sherd L.E. Penglase J.D. Murdoch C.T. Neilson B.C. Athcrden D.A. Radford I.A. Sampson M.A. MLA MLC . Begley T.J. Beh G.W. Falla LJ. Wilshirc M.S. Affleck F.A. Jardine. Barber R.H. Barbour P.T. Tomkins R.R. Gil- lespie B.R. Devereux I.E. Thackeeray K.J. Tye A.H. Tyrrell J.V. Kerkman J.J. Kemson L.F. Kershaw K.R. Jones M.P. Eaion K.L. Ellis R.C. Bleechmore K, Blinco B.A. Cook D.E. Meisinger A. Melbourne L.G. Neil K.A. Albrecht Eiler Dillon K.L. McGtath D.W. McGraih N.M. McGregor R.G. Smith L.R. Wright RJ. Knight R.C. Frampton ET. Wilkin C.J. Godenzie W.A. Hook W.E Horlock J.W. Place T.G. Gar- diner G.L. Galbraith N.S. (1934-2005), entertainer and "King of Television". Fuller R.R. Bellingham A.R. Jaques L.W. Fay J.F. Heaver A.W. Flynn B.P. Chccscman P.G. Budd A.K. Johnston I.W. O'MUey M.F. Beetham W.F. Morgan D.O. Ellem B.H. Palmer K.J Paris K.E. Newberry R.L. Pcrri V, Perry 1. McKeown R.C. Phillips N.A. Blackstock P. Blenner- hassett Bosley P.J. Porter J.E Postle M.J. Powell R.N. Bowden T.M. James Martin (1821-1899 Bishop P.D. Battley L.H. Thompson W.T. Beulah G.A. Vandenberg P. Vanderveen R.C. Yench G.H. Bristowe G.J. Rhodes N.T. Phillips P.C. Allan R.A. Allen D.C Allen D.L All soppJ.C. Iland P.G. Dennis L.T. Sharp M.R. Martin R.J. Mashford J. Maskill D.J. Turrall D.C Vandam J.L. Cirville K. Chesser C.A. Carr B.J. Murphy G. Murray B.H. Creagh R.J. Creasey J.L Creek D.C. Crees P.R. Pearce M.J. Pcdlcr R.G. Wearne (1832-1884), flour-miller and politician. Taylor B.V. Taylor K.A.G. MacDonald D.I. Grindrod R- Grab P.F. Burnett W.J. KellyA.J. Oldfield E.J. Crossley A. Cullen N.J. Deleeuw A. Delyster P. Doyle D. Dunn R.J. Edghill M J. Egan A. EmergyT.K. James S.D. Woods I. Woolridge R. Woolley D.P. Williams R.L Willis B.R. Claridge E.V. McWhirter D.M. Butler M. Cadogan W.P. Vandewolf W.J. Finni ^ i. Vo 5u