I have lost control while in the midst of #2, and reverted back to #1, which did not help at all. What do I need to do? To generate a survivor’s benefit, your husband would have had to pay into the Social Security system for a certain number of years. I was legally separated from my husband when he died at age 59. we had seperate residences, and would have been divorced at some point but he was resisting this,and events never got to decree absoloute. How can I have this corrected before it is filed with the state. My husband keeps asking me if I dated anyone or had any relationship with anyone during the time we were dating and had broken up. We were high school sweethearts and I can’t imagine my life without him. He worked for GE for 35 years. Am I responsible for these loans and debts? After we broke up we messed around for a year and 1/2. If someone dies and they were still married but separated, who inherits their estate? His mother put he was single on the death certificate. 3 … I thought that might lead to him wanting to see me more but it hasn’t. I worked all my life and put money into his pensions so where do I stand now? They were separated but not divorced.? He lived with our mutual friend, although he was visiting at his brother's when he died. While we were in the car, she started crying, and the things she said made me think that she doesn’t want to work on this. i have a child brought up within that marriage( diffrent father) who was … am i entitled to any of his estate, we were married 21 years and have 4 children together. Why wont they garnish his disability checks Comments for Separated from husband but sued for his medical bills. The first she heard of his death was when the Pensions people notified her that she was now in receipt of a widow's pension. MY HUSBAND DIED WHILE WE WERE SEPERATED,WHAT BEENITFITS AM I ENTITLED TO? I dont have the money for them to take out from my paychecks at the time of these medical bills we were not together and are still not together not living with each other. My estranged husband died a week ago. I mean what is his point here?What's his problem here? ANSWER 0 Anonymous ANSWERS: 0. We still maintained a … His will leaves everything to me. My husband told me that he hadn’t been with anyone and that he couldn’t bring himself to be intimate with anyone but that he had casually dated a few women while we were separated. SEPERATED FOR OVER 25YRS AND HAVN'T SEEN HIM FOR THAT LENGTH OF TIME. He has outstanding student loans, credit card, etc. can someone help me please, i am applying for widows pension but do not have his sin number ...he went back home to live when we separated so i cant find anything with his number on it .does anyone know what to do in this situation ty so much RELATED QUESTIONS. Show 6 more Show 6 … ANSWER 0 Suzanne ANSWERS: 7. I heard from a wife who said: “my husband asked for a separation about seven months ago. My wife passed away in September, while we were separated (not legally). He was married but separated for 17 years; he never got a divorce. My husband and I were separated and he died last week. You are next of kin, not his sister. Browse related questions. He died unexpectedly. I would like to make sure all her financial affairs are settled, but I don't have access to her papers or mail since it is being delivered to her last residence (parent's house). He continued to live in the house until his recent death and she walked away from the marriage with nothing. My husband and I were still really close. She gently explained that’s not how marital therapy (and most of life) works. My father just died. I heard from a wife who said “my husband and I have been separated for about five weeks. And, they wish to be sure that they’re doing issues as near proper as potential so that they’re going to have the … How Often Should I See My Husband While We’re Separated? SonicSand. Once after the kids had their sports games, we went out to dinner. Lawyer Jessica Smith of Howard Kennedy replies. He never remarry nor had kids. I told the therapist that my husband and I were having marital issues, that he didn’t want to work on our marriage, and that I was there to learn how to help him change his mind. I definitely didn’t want one, but I agreed to it only because it was clear that it was either going to be a separation or divorce. He’d missed his flight and ended up on mine, and we wound up sitting next to each other at the gate. I am 73 and have just remarried - will I lose my widow's state pension? Will this change my getting the 401k. We were married 30 years, and I still can't believe I am having to live my life without my love. Show 5 more Show 5 less . early 2007 my husband who was disabled and for whom i had been down as a full time carer whilst residing with him, ( this ceased when i left ) died suddenly and unexpectedly. “He’s either here, or he’s not. My two children and I were beyond grief-stricken, and are still struggling with surviving. But sometimes when we argue, he’ll admit that although he is sorry, he thinks I should not be as hard on him because we were separated at the time he was intimate with someone else. Am I entitled to any of his benefits such as his 401k, social security, pension and life insurance? WIFE 2: The more I do #1, the worse things get. Read … We had two kids together. I did not because I was very upset about our breakup but its unsettling that he keeps asking me every 6 months " Are you sure there wasn't anyone"? We have no savings or property so probate has not been required. I know something isn’t right with her to be married to me, talking to the one she just had an affair with and then trying to sleep with my best friend. She registered an interest in the marital home at the time they separated. I have 3 beauitful children but I feel I am bring them down. My husband died recently. My husband died and we were separated.I am intitled to his 401k money. My husband passed away in his sleep 19 months ago in his sleep. my ex partner died while we were separated ,he had a car on finance £27000.i knew nothing about this i never signed anything or went guarantor .the finance company have taken me to court as they say i have inherited his share of the house ,we owned it jointly,although there was a survivorship clause and i should therefore pay the debt .he died intestate with nothing,only debts. I love my husband in feb,we were married 48 years,how do you start over,I been with him since I was 17,he died suddenly. Update: We were not legally separated, but we were living apart. I found out he was having an emotional affair after I saw a text where says he was thinking about someone the whole weekend (that weekend we were on a mini getaway at the beach with out children and I pregnant with our 4th child, which he begged me for). We grieve in steps as and when we can. … My guess is that although you were separated, he was still alive somewhere in your mind unconsciously. I have been separated for four years from my husband of 43 years. I do understand where you are because I constantly bugged my own husband about his feelings when we were separated. That’s something done for the living, not the dead. Answers: Asked on September 6, 2010 under Estate Planning, New Hampshire . My husband and I have been together for 16 years married 12. I am not an attorney, but I believe if you were still legally married, regardless of your separation status, you are entitled to the 401K benefits. He dated this girl for 3 weeks and she got pregnant right away. Oct 24, 2017: Spouse debt by: Anonymous Going thru same. More . Am I responsible for his financial debts? I borrowed his paper, a USA Today; we started talking and discovered that after our first leg, we were heading to the same city on different planes. Divorce Dividing debts in a divorce Divorce and student loans Community property in divorce Credit Debt Nondischargeable debt and student loans Spousal debt Marriage. Things have been bumpy since we … He … Neithe I needed to know if my marriage even stood a chance. We decided to get back together and try and fix our marriage. I recently had my fourth boy two weeks ago. We had only been separated for 2 months and he started dating someone and so did I. Can I collect Social Security from his account? She has completely cut me out of the funeral services and I am not listed on the obituary. Divorce Alternatives to divorce Legal separation and divorce Wills and estates Estates Wills Probate Marriage rights. When my estranged husband dies will I be responsible for his funeral arrangements? There’s no legal obligation to have a funeral. He does see the kids regularly but he seems to want to avoid me. We were separated two years ago. If your spouse were alive, you could claim this relief if you filed a joint return while you were divorced, legally separated or living apart from your spouse. My husband and I separated last November. And so I had a much harder time saving our marriage in the end. My husband got another woman pregnant while we were separated. The husband of my friend has now died. As for my husband and I, we met at an airport in the Philippines in January of 1994. Who would be next of kin – myself, his oldest child, or my step-mother? He doesn’t have much contact with me. My ex and I were together for 5 years (on and off). We haven’t lived together in 10 years but we never filed for divorce nor were we legally separated. More . Ask a lawyer - it's free! When my husband passed away, we had been separated for a year and a half. My partner and I are aged 79 - what happens with our pensions if we marry now? When I work on #2, things come to a stalemate, which isn’t necessarily good, but at least they aren’t getting worse. ? Often, they were still holding out some hope that they could save their marriage, so they aren’t sure how to react to this. The wife said, in part: “My husband says he’s sorry for the cheating. We all seemed to have a good time and we laughed a lot. My husband died very suddenly three months ago. We had 1 child between us who is grown. The funeral is this weekend. Kate L(728) Posted on 12-11-2019 at 4.42AM . Unfortunately, my pestering him too much made him want to avoid me. My husband died when we were separated. We got into a huge fight recently and out of anger I said " I am sleeping with someone else". His sister wants to be Administrator of the Estate. Click here to add your own comments. I just could not help myself. Answer: Most likely, yes. We got back together for a couple of weeks but things went sour again because he would constantly bring up the fact that I had slept with someone. He swears he didn’t mean for it to happen and says that he still wants to work on our marriage.