More nice looking cars this year than for a while. But livery!! フェラーリは、3月11日の実走行デビューに先立ち、2021年用のニューマシンSF21をオンラインで発表した。そのマシンは、リヤに大きな変更が加えられているという。, 3月10日に発表されたマシンは、従来より深い赤のカラーリング、MissionWinnowのロゴが緑色で表現されるなど、昨年モデルとは一線を画す印象である。しかし最も大きな変更はそのカラーリングではなく、マシンのリヤにあると、シャシー部門の責任者であるエンリコ・カーディルは語る。曰く、開発が凍結されているリヤに今季の開発用トークンふたつを使い、”根本的な変更”を施したというのだ。, 「SF21のプロジェクトに取り組んだ時、根本的な変化を起こすために、マシンのどの部分に注意を向けるべきか、すぐに選択する必要があった」, 「我々はリヤを選択した。そして、新たなトランスミッション(ギヤボックス)とサスペンションを造った。これに加え、パワーユニット(PU)のエンジニアが行なった作業により、SF1000(2020年用マシン)と比較して遥かに細いリヤエンドにすることができた」, 「また冷却システムについても検討を行なった。セントラル・ラジエターの仕事量を増やし、これまでよりも低いボディワークをデザインした」, 「空力はレギュレーションの変更により、影響を受けたエリアのひとつだ。ダウンフォースを減らし、タイヤへの負荷がかからないようにしたのだ」, 「我々がこのマシンの空力面に取り組み始めた時、ふたつの目標を掲げた。ひとつはレギュレーションによって失われるダウンフォースを増やすこと、もうひとつはドラッグ(空気抵抗)を減らすことだ」, 今季マシンは、基本的には昨年用マシンのモノを引き継ぐことになっている。ただ各チームは割り当てられたふたつのトークンを使い、開発が凍結された部分に手を加えることができるようになっている。前述の通りフェラーリは、このトークンを使ってギヤボックスとサスペンションを変更した……というわけだが、空力面は引き続き比較的自由に開発することができるため、フロント部分にも変更が加えられているようだ。, 「新しいノーズと、それに合わせた新しいフロントウイングを開発したが、シャシーとサスペンションはSF1000と同じだ」, 「この状況によって、怯えることなどなかった。我々はいつもと同じようにこれらの部分と向き合い、団結し、地に足をつけて対応した。しかし我々のチームの名前を尊重するために、我々は多くのことをしなければならなかった」, このSF21は、プレシーズンテストが始まる前日の3月11日(木)に、シャルル・ルクレール、カルロス・サインツJr.がステアリングを握り、バーレーン・インターナショナル・サーキットでシェイクダウンを行なう予定だ。, ウイリアムズFW43B、そのスポンサーロゴの少なさはチームの明るい未来を暗示している?, フェラーリF1、逆襲の準備は整ったか? 新車『SF21』を発表、トップチーム返り咲き狙う, ルクレール、2021年は「これまでで最も開幕前の準備に時間を使った」コロナからは完全回復, ルノー、PU開発凍結に2023年アップデート計画の一部前倒しで対応「開発凍結にはかなり満足」, ホンダと共に最後まで……リヤウイングに込められたレッドブルの想い:山本雅史MDインタビュー, 角田裕毅、F1プレシーズンテストで総合2番手タイム! 首位フェルスタッペンでホンダPU勢ワンツー, メルセデスF1が”秘密”にしていたフロアの姿が明らかに。真似するチームは現れるか?, 速報:F1プレシーズンテスト3日目午後|角田裕毅、首位と僅差の2番手! ホンダ1-2でテストを締め括る, フェラーリの新型パワーユニット、進歩はデカい? ライコネン「良くなっているのは確実」, F1プレシーズンテスト3日目午前|レッドブル・ホンダのペレスがトップ。ガスリー4番手, 2021年F1エンジン音|アルファタウリAT02 ホンダF1パワーユニット始動! | 8D Audio, ニキータ・マゼピン、テスト2日目に「危うくクラッシュするところだった」乱気流の影響を実感, F1の“速さと技術”が伝わらない高額投資はムダなのか? 現状憂うフェラーリ副会長が一刀両断, フェラーリF1代表、スプリントレースに大きな期待「”目標”が達成できるなら、素晴らしい変更だ」, 【F1メカ解説】プレシーズンテストに登場した2021年マシン。そこから垣間見える開発の跡. The Aston Martin could have had it, but the pink detailing put me off. Tifoso1989 (@tifoso1989) 10th March 2021, 14:05. But this looks ugly. Not sure why so many negative comments, looks quite nice in my opinion. The colours of the car are indeed full of inconsistencies. Alpine 3. Alpha Tauri 1. Another ugly mess, looks as if a spray painter slipped up on the colour matching after a bodged repair. And the green mixed in? Too many clashing colors. I think the red turning to burgundy looks like something fresh and healthy e.g. Jack (@jackisthestig) 10th March 2021, 15:50. Speaking of which, the black Mission Winnow logo is hardly readable on the back wing. I’m getting a sort of “high school art project that went wrong” vibe. The team’s ’21 car was planned to be revealed at 1pm but users reportedly found images of the car by setting the time on their computers ahead of the launch date. Which is what we’re doing…. Thank you for the link. I like the shoutout to the Mugello GP livery. mmertens (@mmertens) 10th March 2021, 20:59. Now I’ll have to look at them for a whole year. The Winnow logo? Very interesting nose tip. Although the car number which wants to look like as it was some kind of handpainted job from the old days is charming, that’s the best part for me. Mercedes 7. Charles Leclerc and new signing Carlos Sainz will be looking to significantly improve on Ferrari’s sixth position in the 2020 Constructors Championship, its worst placing since 1980. Your email address will not be published. I’m curious if we see all these during testing and if they will stay on the car throughout the season. Chris Peetz (@chrispeetz) 10th March 2021, 13:45. Alpine 4. I don’t. Just glad they kept it matte red and there’s no white on it (I HATED when they had little or big bits of white anywhere near the livery). (@peartree) 10th March 2021, 16:08. I cannot believe they managed to screw up what was supposed to be the easiest livery: 1. Two tones of red plus… green??? Lets see if its fast enough. McLaren 6. On the other hand even with the tokens situation this is the most changed Ferrari in years. They are trying something new (especially the nose). Ferrari unveiled its new Formula One car on Wednesday as the sport's most successful team vowed to turn a page and power back from its worst season in 40 years. pls. Mashiat (@mashiat) 10th March 2021, 13:33. Of course green on red on green. I like it. Here you can find the first photos of the Ferrari SF21, this F1 car was launched by Scuderia Ferrari on Thursday 10th of March 2021. Enter. Sovereign address by John Elkann ! They should try and mix them. Find out more about RaceFans and contact us here. Pure abomination that that pathetic Philip Morris stunt is still a thing. I’m not sure I absolutely love any of them this year- many are a bit fussy (Ferrari, Mercedes, Alfa Romeo, Torro Rosso, Williams). Ugh. As usual Ferrari has the most overused MW logos on their F1 car. You could say it’s a bit of a mess, but for me it seems to work. Probably of it wants to look hand painted, then they could come up with different imperfections per number, although I don’t know whether that would be permitted. Ferrari launch the new car Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz will drive in the 2021 Formula One season. I like that, apart from the green and the driver numbers. This one should have been simple. Ferrari were the final team to unveil their 2021 car on Wednesday afternoon to complete the grid ahead of the new season. I’m curious to see the benefits of this and I wonder if Mercedes has something similar they were covering up in their launch video. The front has finally undergone some change, but I can’t get rid of the feeling that this is just an interim solution. That green is horrible, as is the horrible fade to a turgid shade of red at the back wing. We shall see! I think probably the Red Bull could be up there as the best, though it’s marginal. © 2021 Collantine Media Ltd | About RaceFans. Or the M green is in Menthol color? It is just the livery though. Steve (@machinesteve) 10th March 2021, 20:08. The SF21 has substantially updated sidepods, with major changes to the midsection of the chassis creating a much more dramatic curve towards the rear as well as new carbon fibre work towards the floor. Red is the color of sex and fear and danger and signs that say, Do. Biskit Boy (@sean-p-newmanlive-co-uk) 10th March 2021, 17:35, Me too, its “Christmassy”. As Craig Scarborough pointed out, they did do similar work to some others in changing the nose a bit for as far as they could without having to spend tokens there. Well, well, well. Haas 9. Your email address will not be published. The livery is fire. Ferrari F1 will be the last team to unveil their machine for the 2021 season. The last ugly livery with touches of green to win races was Brawn GP back in 2009. The car features a mix of their signature red and some burgundy paintwork, towards the Phil Norman (@phil-f1-21) 10th March 2021, 14:26, 10. The design – we will see. 10th March 2021, 13:2810th March 2021, 17:01 | Written by Hazel Southwell. That or it stands out more and causes controversy getting everyone to talk about Mission Winnow more and who they are and thus more money for Marlboro. I’m of the opinion that the horrible Marlboro Chevron has been tested to have better mnemonics if green when watched at speed. The MW logo is so in your face it looks horrible. Bring back the barcode, if this is its “evolution”. Wasn’t a fan of the Mugello burgandy or the ‘hand painted’ numbers either. I would have thought it was obvious, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder: The bright green against the Phillip Morris red is garish The location of the MW branding looks wrong The gradient to the beautiful scarlet red is too tight, someone left Photoshop in default mode. But sadly, they still managed to make it look bad. Hazel Southwell (@hazelsouthwell) 10th March 2021, 13:57, @mrboerns unfortunately chroming the cars has a thermal effect – I’ve always been disappointed we lost the ultra-shiny look in FE, ColdFly (@coldfly) 10th March 2021, 16:47, I also understood they (also) need less paint for a matte finish on carbon fibre; thus saving (top) weight. And green? Good info from Scarbs. Euro Brun (@eurobrun) 10th March 2021, 13:41. Shell definitely shows a better version! As for burgundy, here’s a quite from the film Kinky Boots…. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. not so much. Ferrari should have picked red or burgundy not both especially if they were going to throw in a vivid green PM logo. All comments are moderated. But beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, I guess… And if she’s fast she’s a beauty anyway. But, the PM money is a sellout for Ferrari. What is with all the hating on the car??????? Definitely designed by committee and if there were any artists on that team they were clearly not heard! Hope most races won’t feature any mission winnow rubbish. Maybe the darker red part in the rear is a hint towards a more radical livery change for next year? I like the white driver numbers – at least an old codger like me can actually read them! Ferrari have “learned the lessons” of the Italian F1 stable’s worst season in 40 years, team president John Elkann said at the unveiling of the SF21 car for the 2021 campaign. Now we have seen them all, I am surprised to say that I think the Merc might be my least favourite. So you could unconsciously think that Mission Winnow is green and environment friendly and have nothing to do with PM. Only the back end where its burgundy looks great! The high gloss scarlet of thee early/mid 2000s was breathtaking. Although, the number looks much better on the burgundy rear, than on the front. What do you mean different? 2020年のFIA F2でランキング2位を獲得し、今季はフェラーリF1でテストドライバーを務めるカラム・アイロット。. Damn, now i actually WANT them to race with missin winnow logos. The signal red is too bright and the burgundy too dark. Oh well, as long as it goes faster than last year all is good! 2021年のF1 世界選手権は、国際自動車連盟(FIA)フォーミュラ1世界選手権の第72回大会として開催される予定の大会である。 概要 参戦正ドライバーの国籍は、前年から1つ減って13 [1]。 レッドブル及びアルファタウリのパワーユニット[2 It looks so ugly and doesn’t add anything to the car! Phil Norman (@phil-f1-21) 10th March 2021, 14:02. Ferrari has fired up the engine of its 2021 car for the first time ahead of its launch on February. On top of that, while it might be effective, the new nose is … unattractive. Win7Golf (@win7golf) 10th March 2021, 19:18, Are almost all teams trying to have the worst livery in 2021. Ferrari reveals 2021 F1 car… Now we win. Seriously go back to the gloss red Ferrari. Is the color of sex! Several teams (RB, Ferrari) have said their cars are lighter painted matte, to a significant degree. Sponsors in white or black (some Shell yellow ok…). As you mentioned the mix of non complementary colours really offends. Lol …. I hope the FIA bans the Mission-Winnow-logo from the car. Who thought red and neon green go well together? It’s just not Ferrari. I liked how he wasn’t sitting but speaking like “This is it. Mashiat (@mashiat) 10th March 2021, 13:36. Also they should finally dump that stupid mat paintjob. *Red*. Good summary there @b3ndy. I really don’t like it together. Also, is the driver number written in conic sans? They definitely took turn to follow Mercedes rear design, bu the Mercedes is already miles aheah with their development. Formula 1 has a serious problem in making their cars look good. At least it is memorable. Shiny. Ferrari’s 2021 F1 car has apparently been leaked ahead of its launch later today. Burgundy is the color of hot water bottles! Not. F1 fans have let rip at Ferrari's new design after its unveiling ahead of the 2021 season. It looks like some boy racer threw some random decals on a car, complete with ‘shopping list’ along the bottom. BeauRivage (@bruno) 10th March 2021, 13:33. Obviously some cars do still have shiny paint so it’s a trade off some of them are willing to make. Both driver faces showing some incredulous thoughts…, roadrunner (@roadrunner) 10th March 2021, 23:39. How Alpine is defying Formula 1 tradition in its pursuit of success, “Curious, open-minded” Sainz a natural fit at Ferrari – Mekies, “It’s not a midfield any more, it’s a field” – Alpine, Second-fastest Tsunoda stunned by F1 grip levels, Mercedes: “Far too many cars were ahead of us on pace today”, Vettel sees “steep learning curve” ahead after covering fewest laps of any driver, Verstappen pips Tsunoda in Honda-powered one-two as testing ends, Verstappen had Covid-19 vaccination before heading to Bahrain, Perez: It’ll take me five races to get the best out of Red Bull, Ferrari ‘no longer at a disadvantage’ on the straights – Binotto, Mercedes have made a “decent recovery” from day one setback – Bottas, Improved rear stability puts Leclerc “at ease” with new Ferrari, Read more about Hazel Southwell, find all their articles and get in touch with them, Find out more about RaceFans and contact us here, Become a RaceFans Supporter to hide this ad and others,, E.g. This is why the logo is green. @ColdFly It does have an effect! This year: the black is largely (if not entirely) plain, and is surrounded by a wedge of burgundy and silver on the engine cover. @HazelSouthwell, Hazel Southwell (@hazelsouthwell) 10th March 2021, 17:10. Ben (@scuderia29) 10th March 2021, 19:22, Eurgh, the fade, the green, the matt, the number font, looks like a bad Forza livery, probably the worst looking ferrari in my lifetime (the 2014 ferrari puts up a fight). Come on guys, I thought you were better than that! Aston Martin 2. They did not have the tokens to spend on it @mashiat, since they used them at the back. I don’t like the green splodge as some have called it. This is the Ferrari SF21, Ferrari’s challenger for the 2021 Ferrari took ‘systematic’ approach to new F1 power unit design Ferrari has clearly scrutinized every facet of the car to find performance for 2021, … The color scheme on the car is a resemblance of the Italian flag. I quite like it but the green Marlboro, I mean Mission Winnow logo, is a pig, and the fade towards the rear is way too abrupt, it’s a real spray can job as opposed to an airbrush job. The car itself looks quite slick, the livery… not so much. Then again it’s a Ferrari,so I suppose its fair game for every tom, dick and harry to have a pop! Anyway, it takes half a season or so to work out which cars you actually like. What a mess. I respect Leclerc and Sainz to have really good seasons in this car, maybe win at times. Required fields are marked *. I don’t understand the quite suddenly changing, but otherwise quite (imo too) simple gradient here. Most teams unveil their cars and showcase their drivers sporting the new racing suit on the same day, but not the Scuderia. Sacha Gortchakoff (@gosac) 10th March 2021, 13:34, (nice idea to sprinkle some Green to the Red & White), (nice idea to go back to the initial Burgundy), The dark red fade looks like a bad repair job, I don’t think i’ve ever seen a good looking gradient on an f1 car, Gabriel (@naylamp) 10th March 2021, 15:59. Best looking car this year, like the colors and all the sponsors has the right size on the right spot. Scarbs take:, bull mello (@bullmello) 10th March 2021, 21:59. It’s still got the “fat nose” concept, but now it’s not just fat, it’s fiddly. Red. Others are simpler but not quite brilliant (McLaren, Alpine, Aston, Haas). Got a potential story, tip or enquiry? Unlike other teams, Ferrari have done something innovative with their car launch. Ferrari 5. a strawberry or tomato, going off and rotting. The livery should update a bit every season. Should have stuck to white, but obviously they want us to talk about the sponsor. Ferrari 6. Especially if you are Ferrari. I doubt he will be as fast as Santa Delivering. It was a fun trend when it started, we all had a good time, but let it GO. bull mello (@bullmello) 10th March 2021, 16:42. GOOD launch event in my opinion. Haas 9. Ferrari has launched the Formula 1 car it hopes will help it recover from its nightmare 2020 campaign and return the Italian squad to competitiveness this year. No gradient, or be more creative. ColdFly (@coldfly) 10th March 2021, 16:31, I quite like the yellow on red on yellow arrow, apparently showing in which direction to go. I hate those “MW” stamped all over the livery, and the green one is obscene. 彼は2021年にスポーツカーレースにも参戦することになりそうだ。. Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free. No matter what!”. 2. I agree, I don’t mind the idea of the colour blend, I just think it looks like a clumsy last minute idea, should have blended more gently and gradually…too blunt. Proves that the car looks better with the green omitted. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Let hope it delivers as quickly as Santa. Scott (@sgford54) 11th March 2021, 14:52. Neil (@neilosjames) 10th March 2021, 18:33. Alpha Tauri 1. Please, God, tell me I have not inspired something burgundy. The green doesn’t really fit in with the red. It’s not visible in these photos but it was on the launch video. Ferrari has revealed its 2021 F1 car, the SF21, giving details of the development work that it hopes will return the team closer to the front of the grid. I prefer my Ferraris shiny like my own (he lied). This car will be raced in the 2021 F1 season by Monegasque driver Charles Leclerc and Spanish driver Carlos Sainz. Sculpted to scoop more air into the holes. The tip of the nose is different for sure, reminds me of the Williams front nose from 2015. Confused it with the Shell shell. The green logo is horrifically ugly. Zoom out TV director! Aston Martin, Pat Ruadh (@fullcoursecaution) 10th March 2021, 14:11. Someone was paid money to do this. They were going in the right direction with the 2015 nose, too bad it was just a one-off for them in the hybrid era. Why??? All good except for the green. Sir Ryanoceros IV (@ryanoceros) 11th March 2021, 0:54. I can see Vettel saying: Honestly? Alfa Romeo 2. I expected something else when I read that it will be two tones of red. *Red*, Charlie boy. What the hell. Just like the one they had in Mugello last year…, Pironi the Provocateur (@pironitheprovocateur) 10th March 2021, 13:39. A work in progress. Cheeky buggers. For a car whose livery has only one job (be red), they’ve botched this up in so many ways it’s shocking. McLaren 8. Absolutely hate that green on that livery. The car features a mix of their signature red and some burgundy paintwork, towards the rear, reflecting the livery used on early Ferrari cars and their 1000th Grand Prix look. This is just a disaster. And the transition between the reds. And today, we will finally get to see the tenth, with Ferrari set to unveil their new car, the SF21, this afternoon. It looks like they took inspiration from a cut and shut at the demolition derby. With a big gap between 6. and 7. onwards. Car to beat perhaps, I do like the nose. Sorry touch. The livery is almost as bad as your photo cropping. Wellbalanced (@alloythere) 10th March 2021, 15:08. So much disrespect for the brand is what is showing the new direction since Mr. Marchione’s death. Only a very small amount of vomit from my stomach entered my mouth. Srdjan Mandic (@srga91) 10th March 2021, 15:00. One of the weaker liveries I would say for 2021. cduk_mugello (@cduk_mugello) 10th March 2021, 14:22. Ferrari SF21 F1 car livery The SF21 itself is finished in the iconic Ferrari red. I’m also not really sure why there’s that weird but radder sudden gradient to burgundy at the end of the car, it clashes like mad with the regular red. +1 I agree. Not a looker for sure. Worst livery for 2021 but there are a lot of interesting aero elements. For me, the horrible MW logo and the colour blend to the darker rear. Ferrari has revealed the SF21, its new car for the 2021 Formula 1 season, to be driven by Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz Jnr. Kudos on the design. Euro Brun (@eurobrun) 10th March 2021, 18:11. McLaren/Mercedes West livery is still one of my favorites. Red Andy (@red-andy) 10th March 2021, 13:31, Sacha Gortchakoff (@gosac) 10th March 2021, 13:33. Best looking car for me so far. It finished 2020 in sixth position - its lowest finish since the 1980 season. But not sure it’s still needed now Vettel has moved on ;), ColdFly (@coldfly) 10th March 2021, 16:36. Ferrari showed off their SF21 design ahead of the start of the 2021 F1 season Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz posed alongside the car they will race with Fans were less than impressed at … Red Bull 3. March 8, 2021 12:02 pm Ferrari have chosen to go last in revealing their challenger for 2021, the SF21. But seriously.. More green and this would look like SSS (Santa’s Single Seater). If they made a considerable step on the PU and sorted out the rear (their biggest weakness on last year’s chassis), they should be fighting at least for best of the rest with, probably, Aston Martin. While I’ve found Ferrari’s generic red to be a fairly boring livery, at least it was usually elegant. They had no tokens for a nice paint job unfortunately, it’s their primer. What a shambles of a ‘livery’. Hear me out… I really liked last year’s; black all over, and I thought the Mercedes star detailing throughout looked good. All they had to do is paint the car red! Apart from that, I think it looks pretty cool. フェラーリのF1テストドライバーであるカラム・アイロットは、2021年にGTカーのプログラムに参加するようだ。. Would probably look far better if the transition was a little further forward on the car. Williams 8. Ferrari reveals car online to become the last of the 10 F1 teams to present 2021 editions This website stores cookies on your computer. So much better without the green abomination. Promoted content from around the web | Become a RaceFans Supporter to hide this ad and others, Sacha Gortchakoff (@gosac) 10th March 2021, 13:31. I don’t like it. Like I’ve said before care factor about livery = 0. Numerous smoke related logos on theirs makes all of the AMD car logos look better on the Merc. The Scuderia are aiming to bounce back from a … See the Comment Policy and FAQ for more.If the person you're replying to is a registered user you can notify them of your reply using '@username'. Craig Slater reacts to Ferrari’s new SF21 F1 car for 2021 Craig Slater shares his thoughts as Ferrari unveil their new challenger as they bid to rise back up the Formula 1 grid in 2021 – with the SF21 car featuring burgundy and a splash of green along with their usual classic red. There are also substantial updates to the nose of the car, including cerrated winglets and a reshaped nose to improve airflow. Nothing extreme, just pure Rosso Scuderia, a little bit of white, a little bit of black. It’s like day and night compared to what they had in 2020. We've now seen the 2021 liveries for nine of the ten Formula 1 teams, with Williams revealing theirs on Friday. So ugly it hurts. *Red*! Not like this monstrosity. This…. If the MW branding was bigger I think it would look better, it just looks like an afterthought . MrBoerns (@mrboerns) 10th March 2021, 13:50. It is tragic isn’t it that we are reduced to looking for tiny novelties in the nose and that the colours are the main launch event. Steve (@machinesteve) 10th March 2021, 20:04. I am also not a fan of the matte finish. It’s the Alfa caped crusader! theRealMax (@millionus) 10th March 2021, 17:50. The Italian team have opted to go for an interesting strategy in terms of car and driver launch. Yeah, really not feeling this one. Ferrari has revealed the SF21, its new car for the 2021 Formula 1 season, to be driven by Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz Jnr. That would really clean the livery up. 【2021年F1新車】フェラーリSF21:フォトギャラリー 3月10日に発表されたマシンは、従来より深い赤のカラーリング、MissionWinnowのロゴが緑色で表現されるなど、昨年モデルとは一線を画す印象である。しかし最も大きな変更はその Interesting tip on the nose (probably the most Ferrari were allowed to change in that area, without spending any tokens) and really slim rear. Green MW is being ecology minded? Red Bull 4. That’s a perfectly nice looking car- I’m happy with that. Would just be happy to see more competition at the front. The “hand-painted” number looks completely out of place with the crisp sponsor decals, and looks more like comic sans than it should. The green MW is hideous. Lola : [looks horrified] Burgundy. Ooh no, that green on black gives me GBH of the retina. Pironi the Provocateur (@pironitheprovocateur) 10th March 2021, 13:46, My livery ranking after the launches (surely will change after seeing the cars on the track), 10. If what Leclerc says is true, the Marlboro logo wasn’t meant to be green and was changed at the last minute – and many would say that it shows that it is a botched change. I will only mention the ugly green splodge. Mar 10, 2021, 6:34 AM Ferrari has explained the “radical change” that it made to the rear of its new SF21 car ahead of the 2021 Formula 1 season, introducing a new gearbox … Ferrari might have had a tough season in 2020, but that doesn’t mean millions of F1 fans around the world aren’t excited to see the latest scarlet machine from Maranello. All my favorite things in life. Don’t like the red turning to burgundy. A couple of cans of spray paint later the Nova ST is ready for the road. Car looks interesting, yet boring. The gradient is a nice idea but horribly executed. Why would they subject our eyes to this atrocity? spoutnik (@spoutnik) 10th March 2021, 17:51. DB-C90 (@dbradock) 11th March 2021, 7:21. Mission Winnow stands for climate change? if the green is supposed to refer to the Italian flag, then why have only the big Mission Winnow in green and have it black elsewhere on the car? Now that the cynical MW logo green on the common red background really only shows the Marlboro arrows can it be banned once and for all please for the cigarette advertisement it, and its awful website really are.