According to Prime Minister Söder, half of all children will be given the possibility to go to a day-care centre. Additional personnel is needed in agriculture, the food retail the health and care area. At least, emergency care will be expanded. In addition, face masks will have to be worn in public buildings, within meeting and traffic areas such as lifts and canteens, at events and in schools during lessons. This mask requirement will be valid from May 4 until August 31 on all flights with airlines from the Lufthansa group. The company's buses will initially serve about 50 stops. Therefore there will be exit restrictions starting on Friday night at midnight. As a German tourist, it is allowed to travel to most of the states - but only for daytrips, because it is still prohibited to stay in hotels. Although the city had previously drawn up a hygiene concept for the internationally renowned Christmas market, it was not possible to implement this concept at present due to a rising incidence value. Fees up to 1.000 Euro have a cancellation fee of 60 percent. Due to the rising number of corona infection, further restrictions on public life and physical contact were enforced. The sick leave rules in Germany are further loosened. Write to us at, subject: International. Wieler said that the limitations decreed by the government have been successful. The city of Nuremberg has again exceeded the level of 200 in terms of the 7-day incidence value. The host must remain in police custody until the end of the exit restriction next Sunday, a judge decided. But in order to track possible infections, they must be registered. Exceptions apply, for example, to cross-border commuters from the medical sector and to lorry drivers. At present, the number is often dialed for advice related to the corona virus. The federal government and the states have agreed on this. Where are the tests carried out? Until now, emergency care was only available if both parents worked in these areas or if a single parent was employed there. The Easter egg hunt is best done in your own backyard. The date for the secondary school entrance certificate (Übertrittszeugnis) will be moved from May 3 to May 7, 2021. But here as well, you are only allowed to meet with people from no more than one other household. The immigration ban of the US-government for visitors from Europe is supposed to be prolonged. According to the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL), this means an increase of 344 people since yesterday. Verena Bentele, president of the interest group representing the socially disadvantaged, VdK, criticises the fact that nursing homes in Bavaria have to stop accepting new patients. Leisure: From tomorrow, Monday, both indoor swimming pools and thermal baths as well as hotel swimming pools may reopen. This means that, during this time window, people are only allowed to leave their own homes for strictly defined reasons - such as medical emergencies, professional activities or caring for persons in need of support. In addition, all schools, kindergartens, nurseries and the gastronomy there will close. Bavaria's Minister President Markus Söder has called the announcement of far-reaching general loosening of the corona restrictions in Thuringia a "fatal signal". In addition, the willingness to donate has increased. Here, the same Corona rules apply as for the rest of the gastronomy: guests must wear a face mask until they reach their seats, waiters and waitresses must wear a face mask the whole time. Rather, it is about spending the summer in the city and helping the showmen who suffer from the Corona crisis. According to the resolution, up to ten people will be allowed to meet in the future. The Bavarian castles may also reopen from May 30, 2020. There is a lot of "anger and lack of understanding" because the Free State loosens the restrictions a week later than the other federal states. The new regulations in Memmingen will initially apply until October 13. And there are further millions of aid for theaters, cinemas, music schools, amateur music groups and film productions. Unlike in spring, however, shops will remain open. Cable cars and ski areas have been allowed to reopen. The virus is "reliably inactivated," says Christian Ochsenbauer, managing director of the German Bathing Association (Deutsche Gesellschaft für das Badewesen). In addition, the use of pyrotechnics in public places will be prohibited on New Year's Eve. Nevertheless, they can transmit the virus. Church services: From Monday onwards, the minimum distance for church services will be reduced from two metres to 1.5 metres. Moreover, nursery schools in Bavaria will also remain closed, but emergency childcare will be set up there. According to a report in the "Süddeutsche Zeitung", employees of hospitals and nursing homes in Germany are more often than average affected by an infection with the novel coronavirus. respirators and protective clothing. Thousands of patients have already been tested with the new procedure. Up to now, fitness studios were regarded as leisure facilities and thus had to be closed during the partial lockdown. The majority of the 44,553 cases reported were general violations of the initial restrictions - with several offences possible per report. If you have more questions about the new regulations, you can find the answers here. From Monday, staff in counter or checkout areas will also no longer have to wear face masks if they are protected by plexiglass panels. Some experts suggest behaving as if you were already ill. That would mean reducing any social contact. Culture: At the same time, the maximum number of visitors to concerts, cinema and theatre performances will be increased from Monday onwards: events in the arts and culture sector will be possible with allocated and marked seats with up to 100 visitors indoors and up to 200 visitors outdoors. However, one has to wait and see in the next few days whether a positive trend is emerging. This was announced by the Straubing-Bogen district office. In Würzburg, the upper limit of 50 new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days is clearly exceeded, and stricter anti-corona measures will apply there from today to reduce the number of infections. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the state premiers agreed at a conference call to fundamentally ban groups of more than two people. Ryanair wants to resume operations in July. So far there is no general regulation for dealing with fees from kindergartens, daycare centers or after-school care centers. "There will be no normal vacation season with full beach bars and full mountain huts this summer. The beautiful weather made numerous people go outside on Saturday. In addition, all employees, patients and residents in Bavaria's clinics, nursing homes and retirement homes will be regularly tested for corona infections. In an interview with RTL, Bavarian minister of the interior, Joachim Herrmann (CSU) called for citizens to address violations of the contact limitations directly or, should it be necessary, to inform the police. For the first time in Obernburg am Main, there will be a church service with cars on Ascension Day today. So, on the first day of the Whitsun holidays it was extremely quiet on the streets, according to the Upper Bavarian police. Prior to this, senior Bavarian church representatives had supported the temporary ban. This means that buying groceries or going to work is allowed. Their blood plasma could help other COVID-19 patients. "There is no point in saying on the one hand that we are very relaxed there. The method of social distancing in order to slow down the spreading of the virus only works preventively, that is: before showing symptoms. The Oktoberfest construction usually starts in early July. In this way, the company wants to protect employees and the fleet. Worldwide, more than 30,000 people have died of coronavirus infections. As of Saturday, no other households in the district are allowed to be visited, except for close relatives or life partners. Horseback riding is also allowed indoors. Do not go to the doctor without first informing them. The Munich KVR boss Böhle has announced that the police will be watching very closely on Saturday whether protesters will follow the rules for the planned demonstration on the Theresienwiese. "Each person could contribute by downloading the app", said CSU politician Michael Kuffer. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) deems the contact bans to be successful. As in supermarkets access will be restricted and there will be protective shields on the checkout. According to Söder, there is no due date for open air baths to reopen. Longer stays in the park (for example picnics) are not allowed, not even if you are on your own. But according to BR information there are already some exceptions concerning the checkpoints in Kleinwalsertal towards Allgäu, in Hinterriß and Jungholz as well as the “kleines deutsches Eck” near Salzburg. Are ski courses taking place? Zoos, botanical gardens, museums, memorials and libraries may open with some restrictions. However, the easing of the corona regulations would not have to be withdrawn, the district said. Outside of our office hours please drop us an email and we'll be happy to answer your questions. Italy has prolonged the regulations of movement until Easter. There was only little excursion traffic. Accordingly, all existing measures such as the contact restrictions, the night-time curfew as well as the 15-km radius for so-called corona hotspots will continue to apply until mid-February. For customers and employees a face mask is required. The respective form of teaching is to be determined by the schools before each week and will then apply for one week at a time. Events & festivities: The ban on large events will remain in place, but smaller gatherings - in a more private setting - will be allowed again from next Monday onwards: especially weddings, funerals, birthday and graduation celebrations as well as association and work meetings. Contact details are not stored centrally, but only on the smartphones. So far, Germany has procured over 20 million face masks, and there are more supposed to come. For those of you planning a trip outside of your home state during the Covid-19 pandemic, CNN Travel has put together a US travel guide so you know what you're in for before you go. Who pays for the tests? Please always check both Austrian and your home country's regulations before travelling. go to town halls, the foreign office and other authorities? Thus, they know whether a person has been infected by the Corona virus or not. This is what was reported on the website of the State Office for Health and Food Security in Erlangen on Tuesday (as at 10:00 am). Church services of all kinds of churches and religions will be prohibited. An end of the crisis would not be foreseeable. According to Minister of Justice Georg Eisenreich, prison tailor shops in Aichach, Amerber, Kaisheim and Munich will produce 150,000 face masks in the near future. In addition, depending on the local incidence of infection, the spatial situation and the individual sports associations, audiences may again participate in games and competitions - up to 200 guests indoors and up to 400 guests outdoors. Entry from Austria for excursions or shopping is still not permitted. This was decided by the Minister-Presidents of the federal states and Chancellor Merkel during a hook-up. Supermarkets and other essential stores will stay open. The additional measures in Munich will initially remain in force until October 27. The schedule for the second half of the school year has been revised by the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs - the new examination dates have now been set: Middle school (Mittelschule): The examinations for the intermediate school leaving certificate (mittlerer Schulabschluss) will now begin on July 6, 2021 instead of June 22. Beyond that, people are still only allowed to leave the house for valid reasons - for instance, to go for a walk or to do sports. The Federal States ("Bundesländer") take responsibility for further liberalisations of the Corona limitations, but must also react to possible negative consequences.