Welcome to the official U.S. Army Garrison Bavaria Hohenfels Community Facebook page. If people from multiple households sit at the same table, a daily COVID-19 rapid or self-test is required. cough, fever, cold, loss of smell and taste), the responsible district administrative authority must be informed immediately. 8 March: The landing ban for flights from the UK, South Africa, and Brazil has been extended until 21 March. On Friday of each week , the authoritative incidence classification is made according to the latest publication of the Robert Koch Institute. With effect from 6 May 2020, the general movement restriction ceased to apply. 58 talking about this. * Your personal data will of course be treated with the utmost discretion and will not be made available to a third party. Catering establishments of any kind, including company canteens, are prohibited. In future, it will be permitted to meet or visit not only … The German region has abolished an exemption for Czech travelers that had previously allowing them to enter Bavaria without a negative COVID-19 test. Opendi. Berlin, You will have to pay for your own test. City and guest tours, mountain, cultural and nature tours as well as tours in show caves and visitor mines are prohibited. The requirements and deadlines to be met depend on whether the person concerned has stayed in a high incidence area, a virus variant area or another area. Hamburg, CURRENTLY VALID IN MUNICH: If the 7-day incidence is between 50 and 100: Services where physical proximity to the customer is essential (such as massage practices, tattoo studios or similar businesses) are prohibited. If you … Work : Furthermore, it is also mandatory to wear a mask at meetings and areas with traffic at the workplace, especially in elevators, corridors, canteens and entrances; The same applies to workplaces where the minimum distance of 1.5 meters cannot be reliably maintained. No more quarantine on entry to Bavaria: Already on Saturday, the Bavarian state government has largely abolished the quarantine obligation for travel returnees. This classification applies until the threshold in question is exceeded (or no longer exceeded) for three consecutive days. Then the applicable regulations comes into force from the following day. If the 7-day incidence of 50 is not exceeded for at least 14 consecutive days and the infection incidence appears stable or is declining, more extensive relaxations may be permitted for opening outdoor dining. 9 March: Finland and Greece are no longer considered safe countries, i.e. If I test positive and have to go into quarantine, where do I have to stay and who pays for it? The number of customers present in the store at any one time shall not exceed one customer per 10 sq. If the 7-day incidence rises above 100, a curfew between 10 pm and 5 am comes into effect, during which one can only leave home for: The current 7-day incidence in Munich at muenchen.de/coronazahlen. Based on the 12th Bavarian Infection Protection Measures Ordinance, the lockdown has been extended until March 28. In schools and daycare centers wearing a mask is mandatory. If the 7-day incidence of 100 is not exceeded for at least 14 consecutive days, and the trend in the incidence of infection appears stable or is declining, the opening of outdoor dining areas to visitors may be permitted with prior appointment booking and documentation for contact tracing. Children below 6 years are exempt from the obligation to carry. Brothels, prostitution establishments, gambling halls, casinos, betting shops, clubs, discotheques, other places of entertainment and similar recreational facilities are closed. People can only leave home to go to work, to the doctor or for a walk, while evening curfews are planned for hotspots with the highest infection rates. After 5 days of quarantine at the earliest, you can get a PCR or antigen test. Welcome to the official U.S. Army Garrison Bavaria Hohenfels Community Facebook page. ft. for the first 800 sq. Currently you must wear an FFP2 mask e.g. Authorities in southern Germany have recorded three more COVID-19 infections in people who frequented bars visited by a 26-year-old American woman suspected of flouting quarantine rules … More information at muenchen.de/corona. Prague, Nov 6 (CTK) - Czech residents travelling to Bavaria must go into a mandatory 10-day quarantine as of Monday, the Czech Foreign Ministry has tweeted. Local public health authorities determine and establish the quarantine options for their jurisdictions. For larger gatherings in the open air, such as demonstrations, a mask is required throughout. Three of 56 active cases in the Garmisch-Partenkirchen district were traced directly to an Edelweiss Lodge and Resort employee’s night on the town after she was ordered into quarantine … Markets are prohibited except for the sale of food, plants and flowers. Every person who has stayed in a risk area within 10 days before entering Bavaria must present a negative Corona test to the responsible district administration authority after entry. On-site consumption is prohibited. 3 more COVID cases linked to American's bar crawl in Bavaria. If reliable protection can be ensured by transparent protective walls made of acrylic glass or similar, the obligation to wear masks does not apply to them. There is no change to the current requirements for PCS or official travel (a negative test to enter county and a negative test to exit quarantine). Running errands, shopping in open stores and visiting open service providers. If a value of the 7-day incidence (the exceeding or non-exceeding of which is subject to regulations) is exceeded or no longer exceeded for three consecutive days, the competent district administrative authority shall officially announce this without delay. (In Munich, by e-mail to gs-is-mw.gsr@muenchen.de). Here, the respective thresholds are a 7-day incidence of over 35, over 50, or over 100. Unofficial (non-government funded) travel: Encouraged to follow the current General Order 1, Annex A and Tab 1. anyone arriving from there needs to quarantine. The exercise of professional or official activities. People arriving in the UK now have to take two coronavirus tests while quarantining, and some must pay to self-isolate at a hotel. Germany on Thursday reported 1,507 new coronavirus cases, bringing the total to 237,936, according to … In addition, all persons who have stayed in a risk area within ten days prior to their entry are obliged to go into quarantine for a period of ten days immediately after entry. The serving and delivery of take-out food and beverages are permitted. Due to the current high number of corona cases, you have to wear a mask at the following places: Public buildings : Mouth and nose covering is also required at meetings and areas with traffic, including elevators and public spaces. 119 talking about this. The operation of company cafeterias that are not open to the public is permitted as an exception if the consumption of food and beverages on site is absolutely necessary for company operations. Theaters, operas, concert halls, stages, cinemas and similar facilities remain closed. ft. for the portion of the sales area exceeding 800 sq. Like Berlin, Bavaria will not be part of the federal states who intend to ease the contact restrictions for both Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Professional sports events can only take place without spectators. Meeting in public spaces, privately used spaces, and privately used properties is permitted as follows, depending on the 7-day incidence: In case of a 7-day incidence of more than 100: CURRENTLY VALID IN MUNICH - If the 7-day incidence is between 35 and 100: For the scenarios below an incidence of 100, children under 14 years of age belonging to these households are not considered as part the total number. > Bavarian Home Delivery. For a little bit of Bavaria feeling at home. Up-to-date information on the latest developments in Bavaria and on current protection measures can be found on the following pages: ! The operation of amusement parks and comparable fixed recreational facilities is prohibited. A 14-day quarantine period applies to persons entering the country from a virus variant area (see Bavarian Entry Quarantine Ordinance). Important: In addition to the testing obligation, there may also be an obligation for domestic quarantine after entry into Bavaria according to the regulations of the Entry Quarantine Ordinance (EQV). Here are all the information on the current rules and their impact on physical contacts, schools, restaurants, culture, leisure and sports. The relevant incidence classification is then valid for the following calendar week from Monday until midnight of the following Sunday. Stadtwerke München GmbH. Further information in the national Coronavirus Entry Ordinance (CoronaEinreiseV) and the General Order on the Testing of Persons Entering the Country issued by the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care. Previous and existing measures haven’t sufficiently brought down infections in the region, the Bavarian government said in a statement on its website … More about the mask obligation in Munich (in German). From December 23rd to 26th, Bavarians will be allowed to gather in groups of up to ten people. The operation of cable cars, river and lake navigation in excursion traffic as well as tourist rail transport and river cruises is prohibited. new mandatory quarantine rules on Wednesday, many rushed to ask who should be staying home now that new measures are in place. Staff must wear a medical face mask and customer access must be controlled by prior appointment reservation. © 2021 Portal München Betriebs-GmbH & Co. KG - Ein Service der Landeshauptstadt München und der An up-to-date listing of worldwide risk areas is provided by the Robert Koch Institute. Get our latest tips on offers, experiences and events for free and at first hand! Topics Coronavirus The collection of pre-ordered goods in retail stores ("Click & Collect") is permitted. The federal and state governments agreed on March 3rd to extend the Corona measures until March 28th at the latest, but at the same time agreed to further relaxations as part of a multi-stage plan that will also affect culture, retail and gastronomy. The new measures are regulated in the new 12th Bavarian Infection Protection Ordinance (12th BayIfSMV). A: The undersecretary of defense for Personnel and Readiness will continuously assess each U.S. state or territory and nations that host greater than 1,000 permanently assigned DOD personnel.The Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will provide guidance. The 7-day incidence in Munich on March 7th was 52.1, above the threshold of 50. The facility, in the northern province of Neumünster, is one… Teachers must wear medical masks. This only applies if the 7-day incidence value is below 100. ... more COVID-19 infections in people who frequented bars visited by a 26-year-old American woman suspected of flouting quarantine rules in the Alpine resort of Garmisch-Partenkirchen. The general mask requirement still applies at heavily visited locations in the old town. Exit restriction: leaving your apartment allowed only for good reasons. Obligation to register: In addition, all entrants from risk areas must make an entry registration at, If typical symptoms of a Corona infection appear within ten days of entry (e.g. Wherever possible, a minimum distance between two persons of 1.5 m must be maintained. In addition, masks must also be worn in front of wholesale and retail stores and in the parking lots belonging to them. Official (government funded) travel: ETPs may be required. France has also advised against travel to Catalonia, while Norway has re-imposed quarantine rules for people returning from Spain. We also highly recommend that you contact your booked accommodation immediately if you are planning a trip to Bavaria. Bavaria has implemented some of the strictest lockdown rules in Germany, with shopping tours and skiing trips to neighbouring countries prohibited. Bavaria's governor calls it a "model case of stupidity" after virus infections were tied to bars visited by a woman accused of flouting quarantine rules. 3 more COVID cases linked to American's bar crawl in Bavaria. The regulations applicable to the new incidence area shall then apply from the following day after the occurrence of the condition - at the earliest, on the day after the official announcement. Everyone is therefore required to reduce physical contact with other people outside the members of their own household to an absolutely necessary minimum. As for schools, strict hygiene and protection measures as well as a test and mask concept apply to daycare centers. Due to the corona pandemic and in order to slow down the spread of the virus, the Bavarian Government has and is subsequently deciding upon a number of measures. You do not have to go into quarantine if you return to your workplace in Bavaria and your employer urgently needs you there for your work and you show no symptoms of Covid-19. Fines for violations were set at 250 euros for intentional first offenses. Accumulations in public spaces remain prohibited. The use of medical and veterinary services. Recreational activities may not be offered commercially either outdoors or indoors. On Monday, March 8, 2021, the 12th Bavarian Infection Protection Measures Ordinance came into force. Quarantine is used to keep someone who might have been exposed to COVID-19 away from others.Quarantine helps prevent spread of disease that can occur before a person knows they are sick or if they are infected with the virus without feeling symptoms. See where the ban on alcoholic consumption applies (in German). … Köln, Recreational and amateur sporting events are permitted as follows: If the 7-day incidence of 100 is not exceeded for at least 14 consecutive days and the infection incidence trend appears stable or declines, openings for indoor non-contact sports and outdoor contact sports may be allowed provided all participants have a daily COVID-19 rapid or self-test. If the 7-day incidence is between 50 and 100: The opening of retail stores with customer traffic is prohibited for commercial, service and craft businesses. 3 More COVID Cases Linked to American's Bar Crawl in Bavaria German authorities in the Alpine town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen say they've … For details, please refer to the information provided by the Munich Department of Education and Sports and the FAQ of the Bavarian Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs. Hairdressing services (necessary for hygiene or care) as well as non-medical foot, hand, nail and facial care may be offered. Germany will loosen coronavirus quarantine rules for travellers arriving from the European Union, the Schengen passport-free zone and Britain, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry said on … (In Munich by e-mail to corona-einreisende.gsr@muenchen.de). ft. The existing contact restriction and the distance rule will continue to apply. If the test is negative, you do not need to quarantine further. You may leave quarantine for the express purpose of getting tested. … 3 more COVID cases linked to American’s bar crawl in Bavaria. The Department of Health and Environment on the Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), These shops and service providers are here for you, © 2021 Portal München Betriebs-GmbH & Co. KG - Ein Service der Landeshauptstadt München und der, Current information and regulations for Munich at muenchen.de/corona, Keep up with the latest information on corona in Munich at www.muenchen.de/corona, Further information on the Corona testing obligation when entering from risk areas in the FAQ of the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care, Further information on the Entry Quarantine Ordinance in the FAQ of the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care, national Coronavirus Entry Ordinance (CoronaEinreiseV), General Order on the Testing of Persons Entering the Country issued by the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care. The current penalties on flouting mask rules for instance vary wildly, from 40 euros in Hamburg and 250 euros in Bavaria to no fines at all in Brandenburg. In Bavaria, Soeder … A “COVID jail” with a 15-foot barbed wire fence to house people who repeatedly break quarantine rules has opened in Germany. Children between the ages of six and 15 only have to wear a mouth and nose cover instead of FFP2 masks. Entry Prohibited - Other Third-Country Nationals Child day care centers and nurseries may reopen under restricted regular operation with fixed groups. Open-air playgrounds are open to children only when accompanied by adults. Over the weekend, 5,000 people were placed under quarantine in Mamming, eastern Bavaria, after 170 harvest workers on a vegetable farm were tested positive for coronavirus. Information on current corona cases and 7-day incidence in Munich. If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter you may unsubscribe at any time. This is the case, for example, if your work cannot reasonably be carried out without your in local public transport, in retail stores, at doctor appointments, hairdressers and other body-related services (pedicure, manicure). Factors that may lead to the lifting of the travel restrictions are: Otherwise five is the maximum number, if Mr. Söder gets his way. The obligation to wear masks has been relaxed for employees in the cash desk or counter areas of stores and at reception desks. Since January 30, 2021, persons from virus variant areas are generally prohibited from entering Germany. If the 7-day incidence of 50 is not exceeded for at least 14 consecutive days and the infection incidence appears to be stable or is declining, more extensive relaxations may be permitted for opening of theaters, concert halls, opera houses, and movie theaters. The opening and operation of bathing establishments, hotel swimming pools, thermal baths and wellness centers and saunas is prohibited. ft. of the sales area, plus one customer per 20 sq. New relaxations have been in effect in certain areas since March 8, following the incidence levels. Further information on current contact rules also on muenchen.de/corona and on the FAQ page of the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior . 10 days quarantine with possibility of shortening from day 5; further known exceptions according to national law: 10 days quarantine with possibility of shortening from day 5; further known exceptions according to national law: 14 days quarantine without the possibility of shortening; further known exceptions according to national law. Detailed information on the procedure at schools is available from the Department of Education and Sports (see above link). Ending Quarantine By Getting Tested. At church services, wearing a mask is now mandatory also when seated. The official website of the City of Munich, Explore great events in Munich throughout the year, Kontakt, Presse, Werbung, Impressum, AGB, Datenschutz, Interessante Links zu München, Weitere Metropol-Webseiten: Quarantine requirements in Germany differ depending on the German state. If the 7-day incidence of 50 is not exceeded for at least 14 consecutive days and the infection incidence appears stable or declines, more extensive relaxations may be allowed for indoor non-contact sports and outdoor contact sports. All travelers arriving from high-risk areas (over 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants) are required to stay in quarantine for 14 days on arrival in Germany. Exceptions to the entry restrictions are possible in individual cases with appropriate justification and credible evidence. Only Christmas will be different. Germany will get tougher on masks, extend a ban on large events and introduce new quarantine rules for travellers to combat a worrying rise in … The Bavarian Ministry of Health has set the incidence rating for when the regulation goes into effect on March 8th, at "50 - 100." Mandatory quarantine is for a period of 14 days. Some regulations - such as those on contact restrictions, retail, museums, galleries, zoological and botanical gardens and memorials, or sports - are dependent on the level of the 7-day incidence value. Alcohol consumption is prohibited in the pedestrian zone in the Old Town and on the Viktualienmarkt. For museums, exhibitions, memorials, objects of the Bavarian Administration of State Palaces and comparable cultural sites as well as zoological and botanical gardens, the following applies: CURRENTLY VALID IN MUNICH: With a 7-day incidence between 50 and 100: If the 7-day incidence of 100 is not exceeded for at least 14 consecutive days and the trend of infection incidence appears stable or is declining, opening of theaters, concert halls, opera houses, and movie theaters may be permitted for visitors with a daily COVID -19 rapid or self-test.