Every other person in the media looks like you, and every other commercial … If you don’t understand cultural appropriation, imagine working on a project and getting an F and then somebody copies you and gets an A and credit for your work. I am a biracial woman of Afro-Caribbean descent. Turns out it’s not cultural appropriation at all. There are near identical head covering styles in Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism (that’s most of the planet in terms of population). Privilege and erasure are at the heart of any discussion about appropriation. And with those festivals comes the inevitable onslaught of cringe-inducing outfits with the faint taste of cultural appropriation, a la the notorious “hipster headdresses” of Coachella. I think that any woman inclined to cover her head should be encouraged. I don't think a bandana has any specific cultural meaning that is at risk though so wear it hon, you look great. There was a … Being white grants you many privileges.You are the default race in America. Cultural appropriation isn’t only a burden for people of color and marginalized communities to carry. He is the co-author of a paper titled Cultural Appropriation and the Intimacy of Groups. (Like I said earlier it’s still a little scary to me, even if I know it’s what I want). I stuck to the basics and made use of an old bandana I had lying around. That's because not all groups within a culture have the same views, he says. Cultural appropriation was at the heart of this year’s Costume Institute exhibition, “China: Through the Looking Glass,” at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art. Cultural appropriation is a term for when members of one culture adopt attributes of another culture. Originally published on Mic and republished here with their permission.. Summer is here, and it’s already brought music festivals like Coachella, Governors Ball, and Bonnaroo. It’s not that Kim K or Miley Cyrus meant to offend with their hairstyles or jewelry. A lot of people are confused about who can wear head wraps and turbans, as misconceptions and claims about Without cultural appropriation there would be no art, no rock and roll or hip hop, no fusion cuisine etc., etc,.. Culture is a process and constantly evolving. It wasn’t until I was personally affected by cultural appropriation that it really hit home how serious this issue is. The whole cultural appropriation debate is in danger of being turned from a defence of minorities under the colonialist cosh into a lazy substitute for … We should all be concerned about potentially appropriating other …