The API of crude oils varies typically between 10 and 50, with most crude oils falling in the range of 20-45. Venezuela Crude: Anaco Wax | Mesa ... Venezuela Oil Specifications. Liza Crude oils Article • June 18, 2020. A similar approach was used to develop a simple equation for the variation of the Heat Capacity or Specific Heat of crude oil as a function of API gravity and Temperature. The API represents about 400 corporations in the petroleum industry and helps to set standards for production, refinement, and distribution of petroleum products. Higher API indicates a lighter (lower density) crude. What are the claims of anti-fracking activists? Custody Transfer of Crude Oil from Lease Tanks Using Alternative Measurement Methods ... the API Standards Department, telephone (202) 682-8000. Report on the Development, Construction, Calculation and Preparation of the ASTM – IP Petroleum Measurement Tables (ASTM D1250; IP 200), 1960, published by the Institute of Petroleum, 61 New Cavendish Street, London, W.1 and American Society for Testing Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 11.1 – 1980,Volume XI/XII, Adjunct to: ASTM D1250-80 and IP 200/80. Density, specific gravity (SG) and API gravity* values are used to monitor quality during the production of crude oil, and to establish its price in trading. For example, if one petroleum liquid is less dense than another, it has a greater API gravity. Pipeline Strategic Data Tracking System (PSDTS). API gravity is graduated in degrees on a hydrometer instrument. [7], Using API gravity to calculate barrels of crude oil per metric ton, Measurement of API gravity from its specific gravity, Direct Measurement of API gravity (Hydrometer method). Classification according to the API degree: Light crude oil: API gravity higher than 31.1 °API (less than 870 kg/m³) Medium crude oil: API gravity from 31.1 °API to 22.3 °API (870 to 920 kg/m³) Analysts were looking for an … In 1916, the U.S. National Bureau of Standards accepted the Baumé scale, which had been developed in France in 1768, as the U.S. standard for measuring the specific gravity of liquids less dense than water. The American Petroleum Institute (API) and the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) both provide weekly crude oil inventory reports. The density of crude oil and liquid hydrocarbons is usually reported in terms of specific gravity (SG) or relative density, defined as the density of the liquid material at 60°F (15.6°C) divided by the density of liquid water at 60°F. Analysts had predicted an inventory draw of 5.190 million barrels for the week. Tapis crude is a Malaysian crude oil used as a pricing benchmark in Singapore.Tapis is very light, with an API gravity of 43°-45°, and very sweet, with only about 0.04% sulfur. Brent Crude Oil Price API Documentation (devevi-co-devevi-co-default) | RapidAPI While it does fluctuate and the differences in price are not always extreme. The price-per-barrel difference between high and low-quality crude oils can be significant. Meantime, gasoline inventories fell by 11.869 million barrels, while markets had forecast a smaller 3.467 million decline. The API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards covers individual standards for sampling, temperature determination, gauging, and quality testing. Keep in mind, though, that seasonal gasoline builds are normal; refiners typically stock up on supplies ahead of the spring and summer demand season. Oil or condensate density can be estimated to useful accuracy if stock tank API gravity and solution gas-oil ratio (GOR) are known. Oil prices eased overnight, helped lower by a much higher than expected build in US API Crude Inventories. Crude oil blends by API gravity and by sulfur content A library of ExxonMobil crude oil blends sorted by API gravity and by sulfur content. API Gravity can be calculated as: °API = (141.5 / SG) - 131.5 (1) where °API = Degrees API Gravity . Extra Heavy – API < 10.0 (heavier than water) Thus, a heavy oil with a specific gravity of 1.0 (i.e., with the same density as pure water at 60 °F) has an API gravity of: In the oil industry, quantities of crude oil are often measured in metric tons. What’s the difference between wastewater disposal and “fracking”? Subsurface density of oil or condensate depends on composition, amount of dissolved gases, temperature, and pressure. Does fracking cause flaming water faucets? In contrast to the light crude oil that is increasingly produced in the United States, imported crude oil tends to be heavier.In 2018, 7.5 million b/d (97%) of imported crude oil had an API gravity of 40 or lower, compared with 4.7 million b/d (45%) of domestic production. American Petroleum Institute Weekly Inventories Report. API classifies crude oil into 4 categories depending on their API Gravity range: 1. The more sulfur crude oil contains, the less energy it produces per gallon, barrel, or liter. Some of the more common crude oil grades that have regular price assessments are: