Heavily armed and armored, the Juggernaughts are veritable floating fortresses that constitute the greatest implement of destruction within the Horde's navel forces. 700 0 Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . 150 Human Race 7 8-16, Dragon The units are essentially quite balanced - the only real differences can be found in the abilities used by Paladins / Ogre-Magi and Mages / Death Knights . 40+10 40 (-44%) 8 800 3 Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness had a few hero units, but these units were only marginally stronger than their basic unit and they had their own unique sayings different from their non-hero counterparts. Food 5 (+500%) Warcraft II Units are composed of three main types: land, naval and air units. 10 (Normal) 90 (Normal) Faction The Orc Oil Tanker is crudely constructed, as its purpose is for bearing cargo - not weapons or troops. 8 (Normal) 4 Build time Statistics Build time 13 (Normal) Hit Points The combination of devastating weaponry and substantial armor that they can brandish more than outweigh their somewhat slow speeds in waterborne combat. Death Knight Basic/Normal Damage 0+10 Production High Elf 14 (Normal) Add/Remove units or buildings from your current selection. 1 Gaming Quiz / Warcraft 2 - Units, Buildings And Upgrades Random Gaming Quiz Can you name everything available to buy in Warcraft 2? Statistics Base Unit Alliance Expedition Click on a unit many times to hear it say funny things. Gold Ogre Mage Range Black wyrm Food 1 Effective Damage Produced at As they require an awesome amount of force to be placed upon their tremendous bowstrings, these machines of war are reinforced with lumber from precious ironwood trees. Gold Alliance Effective Damage Range       Shipyard Movement Speed 1 Combat Race Faction Hit Points Gold Sight Effective Damage Lumber Faction Faction 200 Range 8 Movement Speed 3 350 Build time Go Orange. 1-5, Footman 1-6+4, Goblin Sappers Range 0 (Normal) Gold Statistics Production Basic/Normal Damage 90 Statistics It is often argued that the Ogre-Magi have better spells than Paladins (the Bloodlust spell used on a large number of Ogre-Magi is very devastating, and makes people easily favor orcs, especially if they favor rush tactics), though paladins are slightly faster and can heal each other or other units, which allows for an alliance army to be brought back to fighting condition in an instant (provided the paladins have magic and the controlling player has good micro), they also hard counter death knights. The Low and High attack values shown in a unit's infobox within the game are calculated using the above formula, with the Low value assuming a half damage attack against a target Armor of 15, and the High value a full damage attack against no Armor. Basic/Normal Damage Race 3 The Alliance relies upon its great Battleships to control the seas. Hellion. 1200 2 Warsong Clan 5-9, Gnomish Flying Machine Faction 10 Hit Points Statistics 5 Food Combat Critters are non-controllable units that serve mostly as map decorations, but can have spells cast on them or get in someone's way. Statistics Ogre Mage Faction 9 1 8 3-22 (+91%), Kargath Bladefist Build time Combat 100 seconds       Oil 600 Shattered Hand Clan 6 (+200%) Faction Sight 1, Orc Oil Tanker 1 1 250 9 1-5, Peon Armor Effective Damage 2-35+10, Troll Destroyer Armor Movement Speed Food Produced at The resourceful Gnomish Inventors have designed an amazing craft known as the Submarine. Faction 2500 Movement Speed 0 Other than being able to pilot the craft, the crew of the Tanker performs tasks equivalent to those of a Peon - building Oil Platforms and returning their cargo so that it may be processed and used as the overseer chooses. Range Produced at Faction 6 Base Unit Faction Effective Damage Food Movement Speed 10 (+100%) Death Knight Range Barracks Range The player would then break the wall of the hero they wanted and move one of their units … 10 150 Lumber Orc Hit Points Production Range Statistics Combat Production Statistics 90 (Normal) Armor 8 (Normal) 2 By combining their incredible destructive powers with a keen intellect, the Dragons represent the single most powerful force within the Horde. 15+10 Sight Alliance Base Unit Statistics Combat Knight Having learned of the fate the Knights of Azeroth suffered after the, The Ogres are the monstrous two-headed allies of the Orcs that were brought through the. Horde Sight 6 Build time Hit Points Combat The graphics was also improved with a new hi-res SVGA resolution of 640x480 pixels. 3-9+2, Troll Axethrower 1       Hit Points Mana Gold Produced at Movement Speed The Gnomish Submarine is visible only to, These Giant sea Turtles are native to the southern seas and were captured by the. Race 6 Armor 250 1 (Normal) Barracks Race Basic/Normal Damage Movement Speed 1 Hit Points Gold The Dwarves prove to be another valuable ally, in that they may be employed to design improved missiles which make the Ballista the most devastating weapon of the Alliance. Sight Alliance Expedition Statistics Sight 1 150 Armor 14 1 10 Shipyard Effective Damage 10 250 Basic/Normal Damage 700 Food 1 Combat Race SCV. 11 250 500 13-35 (+71%), Dwarven Demolition Squad / Goblin Sappers. 3.13 What Easter eggs are in Warcraft 2? They are all trained at different structures and are fairly similar on either the Human or Orc faction.. Gold International Warcraft League (by Incos) Clans now Assigned!! Base Unit 1000       2 Exciting news! Mages are arguably the most powerful units in Warcraft II. 1 Terminology 2 Human 2.1 Melee 2.1.1 Units 2.1.2 Heroes 2.1.3 Buildings 2.1.4 Special 2.2 Campaign 2.2.1 Units 2.2.2 Heroes 2.2.3 Buildings 2.2.4 Special 3 Orc 3.1 Melee 3.1.1 Units 3.1.2 Heroes 3.1.3 Buildings 3.1.4 Special 3.2 Campaign 3.2.1 Units 3.2.2 Heroes 3.2.3 Buildings 3.2.4 … Paladin | Ogre Mage | Mage | Death Knight. 6 Upgrades Into 90 Sight Production Basic/Normal Damage Alliance Race 10 0 Range Piercing Damage orSecondary attack Sight 250 Human Base Unit 4 14 Faction While not as swift as the Troll warships, these ruinous craft have quickly come to be feared across the seas of Azeroth for the unrelenting onslaught they render against the Alliance. These soldiers of darkness were created by, Zeppelins are ingenious inventions that allow small teams of. This watertight vessel can submerge beneath the waves and surreptitiously keep watch on enemy forces above the surface. Faction Race 120 (+100%) Armor Range Armor 100 Base Unit Human Warcraft II was a major upgrade compared to the first game. 1-6+4, Mage Armor 100       Alliance Faction 250 Movement Speed 0 150 (CLASSIC WARCRAFT 3 - THE FROZEN THRONE). Build time Movement Speed 0 Lumber by Leafsdude Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . Death Knight Effective Damage 0 From Command Center. Movement Speed Armor Alliance Basic/Normal Damage - Sappers and Demolition Squads units has increased Kaboom AOE - Better cliff textures (closer to 'Wasteland' tileset Warcraft II) - Improved trees textures (closer to 'Wasteland' tileset Warcraft II) v1.17b - Added Knights & Paladins models - Added Church model - Added Dragon Roost building animation (Submitted by Tamplier777) Movement Speed Mana Effective Damage 180 (+200%) Piercing Damage orSecondary attack Goblin 9-28 (+208%) +2, Danath Movement Speed 4 Food Effective Damage Race Sight Oil Basic/Normal Damage Armor 1000 1-3 (-29%), Teron Gorefiend Hit Points Statistics 100 255 max (85 starting) The units stats are virtually identical, the only real differences can be found in the spells used by Paladins / Ogre-Magi and Mages / … Movement Speed Sharpened horns, crimson with blood of those unfortunate enough to be caught in their path, herald the advance of the Orcish Catapult. 6 0 30 4 1 Piercing Damage orSecondary attack Armor Basic/Normal Damage Basic/Normal Damage Effective Damage 4 60 Damage per second calculations aren’t really necessary because of that and also, Warcraft II damage is calculated in a rather difficult way. 10-50, Lothar Armor Warcraft II Units are composed of three main types: land, naval and air units. Produced at Range Production Food Dragon Roost 5 (+25%) Build time Combat In newbie hands they are almost useless but when they are … Gnomish Inventor Produced at 240 (+300%) Effective Damage 250 130 Food Range Combat MULE: A temporary unit summoned by an orbital command that harvests minerals for a limited time span. 8 (+100%) Basic/Normal Damage Horde Piercing Damage orSecondary attack 200 seconds Mages can be tricky to control. 3-9 (Normal), Cho'gall Sight 500 Mana This is a list of Warcraft III units from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Race 5 (Normal) 900 8 Combat 1 Production Build time Build time Shipyard Statistics Basic/Normal Damage 40 (Normal) 150 Piercing Damage orSecondary attack 100 Piercing Damage orSecondary attack 8 Effective Damage 6 Hit Points 8 Effective Damage 3 (Normal) 0 Food Barracks Basic/Normal Damage 9 Basic/Normal Damage Armor 0 Combat 3-22 (+91%), Zul'jin Produced at 9 0 9 (+50%) Armor 60 4 3 (Normal) 18 Effective Damage Faction Production 5-9, Death Knight Race 0 (Normal) Faction 17 Alliance Gold Equipped with mighty, The Trolls of Lordaeron have suffered ages of attrition at the hands of the, The Knights of Lordaeron represent the fiercest fighting force in the armies of the Alliance. 1, Orc Transport Combat 6 (+20%) These cumbersome, wheeled machines launch deadly incendiary shot which explodes upon impact. Effective Damage Raven: Formerly known as the Nighthawk, Vulkan and Nomad, this air detector creates smaller independent munitions. These gargantuan ships of war are the main armament in the dark armada of the Horde. Hit Points Statistics Produced at 5 (Normal) Grunt Faction Barracks 4 1000 Designed to carry and deliver several ground units directly onto the shore, Transports are slow and unarmed, and thus rely upon protection from, Transports are huge, skeletal ships charged with ferrying Horde troops across large bodies of water. Armor Base Unit 30 3 Piercing Damage orSecondary attack 2-12 (Normal), Uther the Lightbringer Piercing Damage orSecondary attack They are all trained at different structures and are fairly similar on either the Human or Orc faction. High Elf Mana 250 seconds 10 Hit Points 4 (Normal) Sight Combat Starting soon! 50 seconds Horde 60 Hit Points Combat 1, Elven Destroyer 6 25 Faction Produced at Armor Food 5 The units stats are virtually identical, the only real differences can be found in the spells used by Paladins / Ogre-Magi and Mages / Death Knights. Forest Troll 0 Statistics 9 (Normal) Movement Speed Faction Alliance Expedition Piercing Damage orSecondary attack Faction 25-80+30, Catapult Horde 14 250 A map editor for Warcraft II. Effective Damage Basic/Normal Damage Combat 50 Author: N/A: 2vs2 Tabacrat vs Genokgb v0.0, 247.92 KB: A 2v2 replay! Food 10-50, Giant Turtle 90 seconds Orc Horde Many changes were introduced including new buildings and units, sea and air combat, multiplayer-support with up to eight players. Sight D&D Beyond Horde 2 Range Sight 1 (Normal) Build time Statistics 1 (melee) Food Piercing Damage orSecondary attack 45 seconds Basic/Normal Damage 8 1 8-16 (+85%), Kurdran and Sky'ree Range 400 15 6 (+20%) RECOMENDED ONLY FOR WARCRAFT 3 PATCH 1.2.7 b. Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness is basically a war/strategy game. 17 When an attack is made, the game randomly decides whether it will deal half or full damage. Sight 13-35 (+50%) +4, Alleria Armor 13 (Normal) 1 10+10 Movement Speed Paladin Gold Lumber Movement Speed Armor       Movement Speed The game unequivocally impacted the organization’s next effective RTS, the cutting edge StarCraft (1998) in interactivity, and in thoughtfulness regarding character and storyline . Build time Produced at Statistics Warcraft II and its expansion take the battle to the high seas with a host of naval units, and introduces more of the races that make up the Alliance and the Horde, bolstering the human and orc forces with elves, trolls, dwarves, and more. [43] [44] This made it the world's most commercially successful computer game of the year as of November, according to PC Data. The sheer destructive force of these great engines of war make them feared and respected throughout the land. 1 (melee) 0 4 Sight Armor Faction 7 Horde Lumber 1 0 3 50 Piercing Damage orSecondary attack 90 seconds 1200 Statistics Lumber Movement Speed 7 13 (Normal) Basic/Normal Damage Faction 1 Faction Range Effective Damage Overview. 7 250 seconds Produced at Hit Points Effective Damage 500 Produced at 130 Build time 250 (+150%) Alliance Troll Berserker Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness (aka WarCraft II: Blood Seas, WarCraft 2, War2), a really nice strategy game sold in 1995 for DOS, is available and ready to be played again! Sight Faction - Custom models for most units and buildings 8 2-35+10, Human Battleship Piercing Damage orSecondary attack Oil Shipyard Paladin 25 Range 9 (+80%) +4 10 Shipyard Warcraft II Units are composed of three main types: land, naval and air units. Statistics The Eye of Kilrogg and Skeleton are units summoned by Horde spellcasters. Production       Statistics Being slow and bulky, Transports rely upon magical armor to reply enemy fire. 16 This is a modification that makes the units in real size (smaller) to buildings and details of the map. Barracks Effective Damage Piercing Damage orSecondary attack Combat 9 Armor Build time Great Hall It is a very clean transparent background image and its resolution is 500x745 , please mark the image source when quoting it. Range Although the Horde is known to defend their Transports with, Elven Destroyers are powerful warships from the fleets of, The Troll Destroyers are swift, ill-visaged longboats designed to cut through the enemy armadas and deal damage to enemy vessels and their flying support. Peasant/Peon | Footman/Grunt | Archer/Axe Thrower | Ballista/Catapult | Demolition Squads/Goblin Sappers | Knight/Ogre. 90 seconds Produced at Armor 60 seconds 16 800 Basic/Normal Damage Hit Points Armor Build time Effective Damage Alliance Range Oil Faction Human 3-24 (+93%), Gul'dan They are much more expensive and they are not as flexible, but they are much harder to destroy. 2+4 Hit Points [45] Faction Statistics Armor Range 8 (+300%) 0 Race       Sight Statistics Lumber 50 seconds Hit Points Death Knight 70 seconds 10 The new heroes have increased unit statistics, making them more powerful than regular units, have their own unit portraits, and their own speech. 0 4+4 600 Black Dragonflight Ragner and Dr-Orc face off in 10 Map 1s Series!! 140 seconds 800 Human 8 (Normal) Race 4-23 (+29%) +4, Khadgar Those Orcs who distinguish themselves enough in the arts of war to be trained as Grunts epitomize the merciless spirit of the Horde. Faction Piercing Damage orSecondary attack Range Build time 150 Armor 5 (+20%) Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 1 (Normal) 200 seconds Hit Points Sight Piercing Damage orSecondary attack Basic/Normal Damage 4 1 Statistics Produced at Faction Effective Damage Mage When an attack is made, the game randomly decides whether it will deal half or full damage. Combat 5 Plan to log in with us! Horde Alliance of Lordaeron The Tanker being little more than a collection of wood, bone and storage space, is crewed by a mob of Orcs scarcely more capable than the lowly Peons. Alliance of Lordaeron These tables show the internal Basic and Piercing Damage values used in the Warcraft II Map Editor. The Ballista, a product of Human design and Elven craftsmanship, is a symbol of unity between all those who have allied themselves against the Horde. Piercing Damage orSecondary attack       45 seconds 8 Range 800 Base Unit Armor 2 1 (+1) 70 70 L, B 10 (+1) - +12 (+1) L 6.2 (+0.62) - +7.45 (+0.62) L - 1.61 (1.11) 3.5 4 9 High Templar: 2 50 150 39/32 0.75 2 0 (+1) 40 40 L, B, P 4 (+1) - - 3.2 (+0.8) - - - 1.25 2.62 6 10 Dark Templar: 2 125 125 39/32 0.75 2 1 (+1) 40 80 L, B, P 45 (+5) - - 37.2 (+4.13) - - - 1.21 3.94 M 8 Archon: 4 0 0 8.57 2 4 0 (+1) 10 350 P, Ma 25 (+3) 25 (+3) +10 (+1) B 20 (+2.4)
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