The latest Tyranid Codex identifies Hive Fleet Hydra as using a purple-blue-black colour scheme but as with many of their new Codexes, Games Workshop have cut corners, reusing old artwork and models and so in the whole book, only one piece of new art and one miniatures featuring this colour scheme can be found, so we’ve had to add some of our own ideas. Escaping and becoming a separate hive fleet. Hive Fleet Kraken was the second major Tyranid Hive Fleet to invade the galaxy.It was responsible for the outbreak of the Second Tyrannic War, which began officially in 992.M41 with the loss of thousands of Imperial worlds to the Great Devourer.. The horrible beasts known as Genestealers have been an integral part of the 40k Universe since the early days of Rogue Trader. Seeded Lictors - Seeding the worlds ahead of them with Lictor broods, the Hive Fleet prepares its prey through the assassination of enemy generals and the marking of critical weak points before the fleet makes planetfall. The most canon friendly way of creating a Tyranid Hive Fleet is to either make it a tendril of Hive Fleet Leviathan (c.999.M41 of course) or to have it as a new hive fleet which has arrived at the same time as Hive Fleet Leviathan (as many already have, Hive Fleet Medusa for example). Hive Ships (including a decorative one feasting upon a planet) Devourer Heavy Cruiser Razorfiend Cruiser Void Fiend Cruiser Deathburner Kraken Doomripper Kraken Ramsmiter Kraken Vanguard Drone Stalker Drone Narvhal Hive Fleet Kraken, Leviathan and Behemoth are represented. Custom Hive Fleet Adaptations. Should this creature be slain, an identical copy will be created in the bowels of a Hive Ship, leading to terrified rumours of a Tyranid able to resurrect itself and continue to attack even after incalculable damage. The next fleet to be encountered by the races of the galaxy was Hive Fleet Gorgon, which was eventually pushed back by the Tau. The Tyranids originate from a distant galaxy, far from our own. Hive Fleet Splinter - The Hive Fleet has recently been spawned from its progenitor, or been forced to break away following its progenitor's destruction. Kraken proved to be an even greater threat than Behemoth, arriving more than 250 years after the First Tyrannic War. The prime example is the Swarmlord - the most badass Hive Tyrant ever - which is not actually fixed creature which is born and then dies. So let's see what they have. Hundreds or even thousands of Hive Ships blot out the stars, tens of thousands of bio-ship escorts surging ahead of them. which have characteristics beyond the norm, allowing them to utilise unique attributes when engaged with their prey. Almost all "Tyranid Quotes" are spoken by their prey. I look at how these traits effect 3 things which I will call Currency of 40k.No not $, but DICE ROLLS. Assorted meats (Alien Empire) - Leveraging a diverse range of advanced xenotechnology and exotic biology against the Hive Fleet, this alien empire managed to stand against - or at least survive - the attention of the Hive Mind. Warhammer 40,000 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Splinter Hive Fleets usually incorporate some of the colours of the Hive Fleet they were separated from, while new Hive Fleets could have all manner of bizarre colour combinations. The new content includes new bio-artifacts, stratagems, Adaptive Physiology (see below), custom Hive Fleet Adaptations, and new psychic powers specific to each hive fleet. Hive Fleet Kronos Adaption : You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for units with this adaption in your shooting phase if the unit did not move in the proceeding movement phase. Subterranean Hunter (Red Terror) - Burrowing through the ground to ravage lightly-defended fortifications and snatch up moving troops, this creature is used by the Hive Fleet to harry unwary reinforcements and cut off avenues of retreat. Games Movies TV Video. The Tyranids are unlike any other intelligent species to be encountered by humanity since Mankind first reached the stars. Hive Fleet Tiamet is a small Tyranid Hive Fleet first encountered in M35, considerably sooner than the first major Hive Fleet, Behemoth.. The abilities in a Tyranid force only affect units from the same . Though you can always make up your own special name, something related to Greek or Roman mythology works really well (as that is what Games Workshop does), and maybe even Egyptian or Norse. Magos, Brood Brothers and Patriarchs (any significant Genestealers) also fall into this category, as by design they are seperated from the Hive Mind until they manage to unite with the Great Devourer , or they remain eternally seperated when they are eliminated by hostile forces. Warhammer 40,000 Homebrew Wiki. In Psychic Awakening III: Blood of Baal, Tyranids get a bit of a level-up here in 8th with the introduction of customizable Hive Fleet Adapations, where you can select two adaptations from a list instead of taking the codex Hive Fleet adaptations. Rejoin the Fleet (Fleet looking to pair up with their progenitor or a larger fleet). Eihnlazer. Hive Fleet Ouroboris' primitive morphology bears an uncanny resemblance to the creatures recounted in a legend from the Imperium's dark past. Ancient Mastermind (e.g. The following is a list of known Tyranid Hive Fleets, along with any splinter fleets that have a unique designation. Dec 29, 2019 - Explore Dean's board "Tyranid Hive Fleets" on Pinterest. Only shooty units are valid nowadays), Corrode and Poison (Venomthropes, Spores). There is a wide variety of options out to choose from. Brainleech Thralls - Using specialist spore-borne organisms deployed by its forces to infest the brains of sapient beings, this Fleet reduces large swathes of its chosen prey to mindless thralls that will fight to the death against their former masters. Those too badly damaged to live are cannibalised by the Hive Fleet, granting the Hive Mind insight into the defences and nature of its prey. Hive Fleet Gorgon assaults the T'au. A to custom hive fleets, well at first you think a small batallion of this or a small spearhead of that might be good, but then you realise you are just better off with gen cult stuff, which brings more to the table than any custom hive fleet might bring. Unkillable Beast (Old One Eye, but useful) - This Hive Fleet has learned the value of legends and how to exploit them, invariably deploying a single iteration of a creature designed to evoke the appearance of a notorious Tyranid beast widely known among its chosen prey. Though only one may be on the battlefield at any given time, its power is unquestionable. The new special rules in Blood of Baal only apply to Tyranid armies, and can’t be used by Genestealer Cults. A splinter of hive fleet behemoth, the reborn fleet is now all but a distinct entity from it’s parent fleet. Head for the Light (Fleet is going to the Astronomicon), Spread and Devour (Fleet looking for inhabited planets to feast upon). This is in effect the middleground between immortal defense mechanism Individual Character and mortal Tyranid characters which have been cut off from the rest of their Hive Fleet. One new Godzilla tyranid finished and painted every month for 9 months. Also includes Stat Cards. The Tyranids have evolved! Playing about with the new Hive Fleet Adaptations are a lot of fun – they tend to be more specialised than the “codex-grown” options, but there are still some great synergies for more unusual Tyranid forces – especially when combined with some of the new Stratagems in Blood of Baal. It is a very canonical grey area to have a Tyranid Hive Fleet enter the galaxy before 745.M41, as there are only three canon instances of this happening: Hive Fleet Ouroboros (a Hive Fleet which may have strayed too close to the Eye of Terror and were subsequently mistaken for Daemons); Hive Fleet Tiamet (hinted at being the progenitor of the Genestealer infestations which the galaxy suffered thousands of years before the main Hive Fleets arrived) and Hive Fleet Colossus (thought to be destroyed in M39, but apparently now active again in M41). Welcome! In this video I show you how I painted a Hive Fleet Behemoth Tyranid for Warhammer 40k miniatures. Over time, this directed mutation and evolution results in different hive fleets having very divergent variants of warrior organisms and distinct styles of invasion. Such a beast has been sighted on two different worlds, which were invaded by two different Hive Fleets (suggesting that it is a set of characteristics which can be copied and re-used). The … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Swarmlord is in fact somekind of defensive mechanism of the Hive Mind which is produced when a more tactical mind is needed. Hunt Down a Target - Drawn by the psychic beacon of a Genestealer Cult, this Hive Fleet bears down upon an infested world. Unless it can find biomass soon, it is likely that the Fleet will either starve or be worn down by simple attrition. Survival of the Fittest (Fleet is hunting down others to pick up their Biomorphs) - Seeking out weaker Hive Fleets and cannibalising them to put their Biomorphs to good use, this Hive Fleet bears a diversity of beasts that few others can match. The most recent Codex has also introduced a number of smaller hive fleets and splinter fleets, such as Hydra and Gorgon, among a number of others, such as Hive Fleets Jormungandr, Colossus, Tiamet, Ouroboros, Dagon, and Kronos. Hello 7th edition! It is bending the canon slightly to have them originate at an earlier date than 999.M41 but it is plausible (ie. Yep. The Gorgon was a splinter fleet of Hive Fleet Behemoth that had been founded by those Tyranids who had survived the Behemoth's destruction during the Battle of Macragge and which began consuming poorly defended Imperial worlds to replenish its small numbers. Hive Fleet Ziz is one of many of the forces of the Tyranid Hive Mind. The third variety of notable Tyranid is one which is seperated from the Hive Mind for some particular reason, whether by design or misfortune (such the ancient Old One Eye). Hive Fleet Gorgon was a Tyranid Hive Fleet which invaded the T'au Empire in 899.M41. Credit to Singemeister for making all this stuff up! Well, most of them, anyway. Recoup Losses - Wounded by past battles against their prey, the Hive Fleet now seeks out weak sources of biomass to recover from its wounds. Of course, the first Tyranids to be referred to as such (after the Fall of Tyran) belonged to Hive Fleet Behemoth (although Genestealer Cults are reported to have existed long beforehand and Hive Fleet Colossus is referred to in the lore as having comprised of nomadic fleets that harboured Centaur like creatures until its destruction in 226.M39), which simply carved a straight and brutal path towards Macragge, devastating all of the planets which lay in it's way. The Great Devourer provides a unique challenge to a writer as they can invent their own genetic variations for existing Tyranid creatures and possibly their own specific xenos monsters. With seven new Hive Fleet adaptations to choose from it’s a lot to chew on. Now this is amazing. Nightmare Fiend (Dagon Overlord-esque) - Mutated into a nigh-unstoppable monster by the experiments of the Fleet's Norn-Queen, this creature is an abomination even among the hordes of the Tyranids. The preface to the Tyranid section defines what a “Tyranid unit” is – any unit that has boththe TYRANIDS and keywords. Canned meats (Adeptus Astartes Chapter) - Through the use of plasma, flame, and even relic chemical weapons, the Angels of Death managed to halt a tendril of the Hive Fleet by rending the available biomass all but unusable from their fortified positions. Learn to paint the Tyranids of the vicious Hive Fleet Hydra in today's tip of the Day. When a unit with this adaptation that is within 6” of a friendly PSYKER or a SYNAPSE unit fires Overwatch, or is chosen to shoot or … Wikis. Every Tyranid unit needs to be assigned a Hive Fleet, either from the established fleets (Behemoth, Kraken, and Leviathan to name a few) or one of your own devising. Inspired by Fantasy Flight Games' Deathwatch role-playing game's Space Marine Chapter Creation Tables, these tables let you roll up (or otherwise generate) your very own Tyranid Hive Fleet. These creatures will not be duplicated, but can provide an interesting focal point of a Hive Fleet article, as perhaps some Tyranids were left behind when your Hive Fleet was defeated, but they continue to cause havoc. A seperate article could be made to detail their exploits if they are significant enough. Spam (Imperial Guard regiment) - Through overwhelming firepower, suicidal determination, innovative tactics, or long-term preparation, one or more Imperial Guard Regiments managed to stand against and throw back this tendril of the Great Devourer. Small - Scarred by its prey's resistance, this Hive Fleet is smaller than the average, though extinction remains a distant threat for now. Though Tyranids have long been present in the galaxy, with Hive Fleet Tiamet being the earliest known as early as M35 when it is believed to have accidentally seeded the Tiamet System(and possibly even earlier fleets with the appearance of suspiciously Tyranid-appearing creatures on the Planet Murder in the years prior to the Horus Heresy), it was only with the coming of Hive Fleet Behemoth were they given the name Tyranids, as a result of the Imperial world of Tyran being the first known to be devoured. In the absence of any role-playing game featuring the Tyranid specifically, this table is more or less entirely for the purpose of generating fluff. Hive Fleet Gorgon was a Tyranid Hive Fleet which invaded the T'au Empire in 899.M41. In fact, most mythological creatures, such as Cyclops or Hydra, or places, like Styx could be used as the basis for a name. Join the Octarian fight / Deal with the clusterfuck aftermath - Feasting on the worlds weakened by the Octarius War, this Hive Fleet is tasked with gathering the biomass of the Orks and Humanity alike. Swarmlord) - Granted a major degree of independent thought by the Hive Mind, this evolved Tyranid creature has learned from its Fleet's past mistakes and actively endeavours to counter its disadvantages. Forge World Generator - Dark Mechanicus Forge World Generator - Planet Generator - Solar System Generator, Those They've Failed to Eat Yet (AKA Rivals), To mark such an awesome occasion, I've decided to crack down on my army and get one new Hive Fleet Gojira brood done every month until the release of the movie. Worlds Devoured. Custom lore is that they were created by a heretic biologus attempting to harness the Tyranid hoard. Introducing Hive Fleet Leviathan and the Octarius War - in very brief. Come take a look at the new Hive Fleet Adaptation rules from the latest Psychic Awakening volume – Blood of Baal. What is the distinctive flesh colour of your Tyranid Hive Fleet which marks them as being different from the others. Your Hive Fleet may have consumed a few Genestealer Cults (as that is the ultimate goal of the Cults) or may have caused some to spring up, as part of a vangaurd force. All kinds that exist within the canon can be included and you could create your own varieties. Having been spawned on a forgeworld by a ship that crashed into the worlds surface, the tyranid quickly overran and consumed what resistance was still left on the planet. Hopefully this article will help with laying the foundations of a Tyranid Hive Fleet article. The only time a Tyranid Quote could be canonically spoken is by a Magnus or Brood-Brother of a Genestealer Cult. Category:Tyranid Hive Fleets | Warhammer 40,000 Homebrew Wiki | Fandom. If it continues to grow, it is likely that this Fleet will become the progenitor to another. Tiny - Reduced to as little as a few dozen bioships and one or two Hive Ships, this Hive Fleet teeters on the precipice of extinction. Or, you could create a completely independant Genestealer Cult. This category contains all pages that identify or describe one of the myriad Tyranid Hive Fleets now assaulting the Milky Way Galaxy. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? The arrival of Hive Fleet Kraken was in fact also preceded by Hive Fleet Naga, which mainly focused on devouring Eldar worlds and other non-human planets. Viagra (Dark Eldar Kabal) - Outwitting the lumbering monsters of the Great Devourer with lightning raids and Haemonculus-designed weapons, this Kabal spirited away numerous beasts of the Fleet, severing the connections to the Hive Mind to keep them under control. It is also possible that seperate "tendrils" of the fleet were sent to consume different planets. It was defeated at different points by Eldar forces on Iyanden and Imperial forces on Ichar IV. The names "Tyranids," the designations of hive fleets, and other names of individual Tyranid creatures are named by scholars of the Imperium and not by the Tyranids themselves. Voyage of Discovery - Slipping its tendrils out into the little-travelled regions of the galaxy, this Fleet is seeking out and devouring new and exotic sources of biomass. Rotten meat (Chaos-aligned group) - Through the blessings of the Dark Gods and acts of desperation known only to the Neverborn, this Chaos cult managed to survive the swarming brood of the Hive Fleet. This is on the iOS 40k app. Mushrooms (Ork WAAAGH!!!) FUCKHUEG - Glutted by its rampage across a dozen weak worlds and consumption of massive quantities of biomass, this Hive Fleet is on par with the like of Behemoth, Kraken, and Leviathan. 2,560 Pages. We’ve been mulling this over and we’ve come up with our ranks from Worst (7) to Best (1). The second is the individual creature which resulted from mutation which gives them an edge over their brethren (such as the Parasite of Mortex and the deadly Doom of Malantai). As of 999.M41, the greatest Tyranid threat to have been faced by the Imperium to date, is ravaging the Galaxy: Hive Fleet Leviathan. Avatars of the Hivemind (Lots of psychics), Stealth and Infiltration (Stealers and lictors), Destruction from Afar (Shooty army. And which Godzilla monsters/ Tyranids will I be making over these 9 months you ask? Ultimate Stalker (Deathleaper-ish) - Sowing terror and marking weakpoints with specialised pheromones, this Lictor-strain is able to hide in plain sight and conceal itself through psychic means. It was eventually crushed at a great cost, with only a few tiny splinter fleets remaining. I strongly advise that you avoid doing this as it make the article unrealistic and potentially Non-Canon Friendly. The extra-galactic threat, known to the races of the Milky Way galaxy by many names, can be an interesting race to expand upon in the form of one of their Hive Fleets. Hive Five! They’re the perfect inspiration for a Hive Fleet. Especially if you're running a Nidzilla army full of Monstrous Creatures. Tyranid Hive Fleet Rankings A few things to consider, which I can elaborate on later. I named mine Hive Fleet Typhon (Father of Monsters) and built them as xenomorphs (well some of them). as a tendril of one of the five other Hive Fleets which are mentioned in this article). Before that time they were only named by their description; from "megarachnids" to "winged monsters, vomited from the bellies of great beasts, that descended from the heavens and stripped the countryside of life." There are many other Tyranid hive fleets that have been destroyed or … Planetary Infestation - The Hive Fleet is barely worthy of the name, with its beasts and cultists bound almost entirely to a single planet. See more ideas about tyranid hive, tyranids, warhammer 40k tyranids. I just tested by creating an Incursion list with a Battalion detachment, and created a custom hive fleet with rules I randomly picked from the list. Rotten canned meats (Chaos Marine warband) - The Warp-spawned weapons, Chaos magicks, and transhuman mutants of this Heretic Astartes Warband proved enough to match the Great Devourer long enough for the Warband to destroy or escape the threatening tendril of the Hive Fleet. Slipping from shadow to shadow, it seeks out the finest mines and tactical leaders among its prey before bursting forth to devour their brains and vanish once more, leaving terrified survivors to speak of the terror that lurks among them. Stratagem : 1CP; when an enemy Pysker attempts to manifest a Psychic Power within 24″ of a Kronos unit, your opponent can only roll 1D6 for the Psychic test. There's many Tyranid Hive Fleets that are distinctly separated from the main Hive Fleets, and also include oddities like Tiamat, a Hive Fleet that landed on a planet and chose to start building there for some reason, as well as Ouroboris, a Hive Fleet that specializes in aerial assaults so thick with bodies they blot out a planet's sun(s). Medium - Of around average size for a Tyranid Hive Fleet, with several dozen Hive Ships and hundreds to thousands of smaller bio-ships. If the creature is successful, there is a possibility it may be replicated by the Hive Mind. Absorbing Splinter Fleets that survived Hive Fleet Behemoth, this new threat has learned of the species inhabiting the galaxy as well as their tactics.It later made itself known throughout Segmentum Tempestus. Only now are the inhabitants of the galaxy realising the true scale of the threat; unless the Tyranids can be stopped, it will mean nothing less than the extinction of all life in the galaxy. -Tyranids: Preferably lots of them. Again, there is a large scope for variety here. Other than the obvious TYRANIDS keyword the other one is . Now, a couple of caveats: While your Hive Fleet may in itself be a "Splinter Fleet", their is always a possibilty of a further split within the Fleet, as they may have been sent to target specific areas. Hive Fleet Jormungandr followed two years later, before being defeated (although large amounts of it went into hibernation. The Tyranid Hive’s Adaptations are wide and varied – Here is how we think they stacked up! Genestealer Cult - Seeding the worlds ahead of them with Genestealers, this Hive Fleet weakens its prey with uprisings and unrest before it chooses to strike. Tyranid Lore Hive Fleet Leviathan Ork Lore - Octarius War. Each one contains one or more Norn Queens, who sift through the biomass looking for interesting traits and genes that they can graft into their "children", chosen based on the obstacles they faced. Psychic Vampire (DoM't-esque) - Unleashing a mutated form of Neurothrope, this Hive Fleet utilises this creature to break the very souls of its prey, forcing them to lay down their arms or even march into the waiting jaws of Tyranid organisms, their souls reduced to withered husks controlled almost entirely by the Neurothrope - and through that, the Hive Mind. Though Tyranids have long been present in the galaxy, with Hive Fleet Tiamet being the earliest known as early as M35 when it is believed to have accidentally seeded the Tiamet System(and possibly even earlier fleets with the appearance of suspiciously Tyranid-appearing creatures on the Planet Murder in the years prior to the Horus Heresy), it was only with the coming of Hive Fleet Behemoth were they given the name Tyranids, as a result of the Imperial world of Tyran being the first known to be devoured. If you’ve been hoping for the “Successor Chapter” treatment for your Tyranid Hive Fleets, you’re in luck! Parasitic Broodfather (Parasite of Mortrex) - Using specialised ovipositors to inject Ripper and even miniature Termagaunt embryos into its victims, this creature swiftly transforms tightly-packed trenches and knots of prey into thrashing masses of insectoid horrors. It is possible to make a Tryranid "character" of this type which may be a recurring beast within the history of your Hive Fleet. Register Start a Wiki. A Hive fleet like this should be well planned and well written, as well as thoroughly thought out. Most of the mass of a Hive Fleet is in its Hive Ships, massive biological factories that take in biomass from conquered planets and turn it into more Tyranids. … The Hive Fleets encountered thus far are just a splinter of the main Tyranid invasion force that is traveling through the void between galaxies. Recover Remnants - Scavenging from the carrion of a fallen Hive Fleet, this Hive Fleet seeks to identify and plan around flaws in the fallen fleet's tactics. The infamous Deathleaper belongs to this category as well, but is also part of the third as it was placed as a vanguard and therefore seperated from the Hive Mind. Hive Fleet - The Hive Fleet is a fully-fledged one, having existed long enough and hunted enough prey to grow to a significant size. They are the ultimate predators, and all living things, from the lowliest insect to the most advanced civilisation, are nothing but their prey. Tyranid Hive Fleet Adaptations Warhammer Community has posted an article on Hive Fleet Adaptations today, and by the Emperor, they look as terrifying as hell! It is possible that your Hive Fleet may have produced a creature of this calibre at some point. Well here's my schedule. It is important to take this into account when considering your Tyranid Hive Fleet article, depending on when you have them placed in history. They take their name from the first planet on which they were first encountered by the Imperium of Man, Tyran, although they have had several other titles bestowed upon them: the Great Devourer; The Shadow in the Warp; Shai'naid (Endlessly Winding Serpent) and other names that reflect upon their inherent attributes. Brain food (Eldar Craftworld/Farseer) - Whether by bio-purging entire worlds or unleashing the full force of a Craftworld's might against the fleet, this Farseer or Craftworld has proven a thorn in this Hive Fleet's side on one or more occasions. The Hive Fleets are getting even more ways to customize their Hive Fleets. It allowed me to add Swarmlord to the list, and there are no listbuilding errors indicating that it is not allowed., Iron supplements (Necron Dynasty) - Unable to break down and consume the Necrodermis from which these undying warriors are made, the Hive Fleet suffered heavy losses against this Dynasty when it unexpectedly awoke to turn a feast into a famine. [1] The bio-ships contain everything required to sustain the fleet; some ships being purely for crushing resistance, the larger ships contain birthing pools to create the huge land armies of the Tyranids and even more ships when the need arises. These are Tyranid creatures of a particular variety (Tyranid Warriors, Zoanthropes etc.) Try to be creative in describing the actions of these monsters. Discovery of Tiamet []. A Tyranid Warrior of Hive Fleet Kraken leads a swarm of Termagants in battle. Before that tim… - Locked in a Sisyphean war against a mighty WAAAGH!, the Great Devourer's creatures would eventually be overcome by the increasingly-large and organised Ork hordes. Unique characters amongst the Tyranid race differ greatly from those of the races native to our galaxy and come in three varieties. Hive Fleet Titan. Large - Having feasted on several weak or isolated worlds while avoiding severe casualties, this Hive Fleet has grown to a larger than average size. Blueberry pie (Tau Sept) - Embroiled in a desperate battle against the Hive Fleet's organisms, this Tau Sept barely managed to stand their ground against the numberless hordes through judicious destruction of biomass and even scorched earth tactics.
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