The boss in level 4 in a LINKED GAME of Oracle of Seasons.See Video for tips on beating it. The gameplay of Oracle of Seasons and Ages is similar to that of The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (1993) for Game Boy, copying basic controls, graphics, and sounds. Jump to the bottom one first, then the top one, then the middle one, using Pegasus Seeds and Roc's Cape, of course. And who wants that? Go upstairs and talk to the Pirates here. Move up the stairs in the lower right corner and follow the path all the way to the north, tripping a final floor switch. At the beginning of the battle, Gleeok attacks Link by shooting fireballs out at him that do half a heart of damage to Link. When you see his internal core, slash it with your sword. In the next room, get on the conveyor belt to the east and go down the staircase here. 2) Play Oracle of Seasons and start a New Game. Attacking her with Link's sword causing Link damage, so he must get her out of the way with the Rod of Seasons. Manhandla is a boss that is encountered in Ancient Ruins. Do I have to cut off the other head before the other one get's back or what?, The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons Questions and answers, GameBoy This is likely because the dungeon is not in Holodrumat all. So that is what it is going to look like. Step on the floor switch here to open a door in the lower right corner of the square outdoor corridor. Creepglitch. Use the Cape to double-jump up to that doorway. ... Level 7 Infinite Keys : 010175C6: Level 8 Infinite Keys : 010176C6: Have Big Keys : 01FF7AC6 01FF7BC6: Have Compasses : 01FF7CC6 01FF7DC6: Have Dungeon Maps : 01FF7EC6 It is portrayed as a large, green, horned dragon with small wings. Gleeok is a crazy two-headed dragon that spits flames at you non-stop once you enter the room. I had only played the Nintendo 64 games before this and my world was flipped upside down. Use the Boomerang to eliminate all of the Keese here then hop on the green platform that is quickly circling the center island. Note: If you drop the skull, just return to the oasis to get it back. As you step inside the room to the north, something tells you to "begone before the fires go out, or else..." As the lights dim, make your way quickly to the east and exit. Inside is a Ring. The next room is separated by a wide chasm. To fight him, Link must hit him with Spin Attacks (regular sword slashes do not hurt him). Instead of exploring the vast, immersive world of Hyrule from Ocarina of Time, I was tossed into the land of Holodrum in Oracle of Seasons. This is where Link's only chance of attack. The games were so different from what I had previously understood Zelda to be. It is a particularly well-concealed dungeon, hidden beneath a fountain in western Hyrule which is guarded by a Moblin. Eventually he'll die, leaving you with the next Essence: Seed of Life. Inside is the Compass. Once you have it, hop down from the ledge. He also has several variations on an orb attack: sometimes he will shoot three larger orbs, one large orb, or many smaller orbs. Oracle of Ages had a large emphasis on puzzle-solving, while Oracle of Seasons had a large emphasis on combat. Then cross the bridge and go into the room above. If the fire location is currently shown, stay away from the lava when attacking her with the sword. In the first part of the battle the witches are separate. You'll see a lock block and pit to the right. A chest will drop down in the center of the room. If you put a Bomb on the wall to the north, you'll open an entrance into the fairy fountain. Drop into that pool, and you'll fall below, getting the Rusty Bell. This core can now be hit with Link's Sword unmercifully. Slay the Stalfos here and climb the right set of stairs up to another chest. The ship gets repaired, so get inside it and ride it to new lands. The object here is to stand near the two torches to the left. Go to the west side of the room and pull it over to the left side of the track here, and while still attracting the ball, hop down to the area below. It is a particularly well-concealed dungeon, hidden beneath a fountain in western Hyrule which is guarded by a Moblin. Dive in the water and move through, making sure to dive when the bars approach in order to avoid damage. The tree is located on a lake in North Horon, very close to Eyeglass Lake. After a few more hits with the Spin Attack, Onox disappears. Once it falls, situate it three spaces down and one space to the left of the blue tile at the north end of the room. Immediately after you enter the room, jump and glide, because there are fireballs headed your way. When the boss is attacking with one of its many fire based attacks, try and stay on the one of the two ladders located on both sides of the battlefield. This will start to "throw itself" at you if you linger too long. Remember this pattern: you'll need it to open the path to the desert. This is actually a maze through two rooms: one above and the one you're on. Once dealt with four hits from the spiked ball, it will split into six smaller versions of itself. Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages were the first foray for the Legend of Zelda on the GameBoy Color and were closely related. Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages are the first portable Zelda games since Link's Awakening, and use similar graphics and gameplay styles.. Each Oracle game starts with Link being called to a new land by the Triforce. Use the Roc's Cape to jump between platforms, working to the right side of the room. Grab it and head back to the previous room. Kill the one near you, then equip the Glove and use it to pull them over the blackness and drop them to their doom. Here's a step-by-step guide: 1) Ahem, let's say you start by playing Oracle of Ages first. Aquamentus can also attack him by charging at Link in an attempt to impale him with its horn. Level 6 boss: Manhandla. Head to the lower right corner of Horon Village. Here, you'll discover a small building. Oracle Series Ring Guide Name: Friendship Ring Game: Seasons/Ages Location: From Vasu Effects:: - Name: Power Ring Lv. This will bring down a trampoline at the center of the water room. The next room is completely dark. You'll need to jump to each floor switch in order of the number of blocks in the row. When you do, a Key will drop from the sky. When this happens, Link should toss a bomb into its mouth, making Dodongo eat the bomb. Use the Pegasus Seeds to move quickly, then equip and use the Ember Seeds in the Slingshot to light all four torches in this room. Content is available under the GNU Free Documentation License. After it is stunned, Link can attack it with his sword. Climb the vine here up to the cemetery. In order for Link to defeat the dragon, he must use the sword or bombs to attack its only vulnerable spot, the horn on its head. Flip the nearby swicth to extend the bridge around the room, then follow it to the door. Margaret and Amy will try to blow them out. Here, make the upper ball blue and the lower one red. After being thrown onto the Spiked Floor a total of four times, Dodongo will be defeated. Move to the north and climb up the stairs to the next Dungeon. Instead, scoot around until you come to the southernmost tip, then use Roc's cape to get to the single space of ground below. After a while, she will say the she is going to sacrifice herself to bring back the king of evil, Ganon. Go down the stairs. Then quickly switch polarity and attract yourself to the next magnet. Mothula is a boss that is encountered in Poison Moth's Lair. In the next room, use the Glove to pull the Polarities toward you, then slay them with the Sword. Only I shall shine blue." Its eyes follow Link's movements. Now the dragon's body will leap up into the air, and when it lands with a thud, it will knock you off your feet. The FAQ for The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons plus great forums and game help. This fight is all about keeping the homefire burning. Medusa Head is the boss of the Sword & Shield Maze. When you're down, the body will try to steamroll you, which does a lot of damage. Move to the east until you come to the gates of the desert. Head out of Horon Village to the east. The next room has a locked door to the right. Don't linger. Head north until you reach a second tree stump. Use the Small Key on it to expose an area full of crumbled pieces of floor above a large pit. Use the Seed Shooter and shoot her with the scent seeds. Search Guides News Content Social Community ... Outside, use the stump to change the season to Spring, then head back through the house and out the front door. This will open a passage to the east, leading to a stump. Then run in before Gleeok jumps again and slash him with your sword. It only takes three shots in all, and then they combine to form Twinrova. First, step on the lower western switch, then the left southern switch. Well, secrets, or passwords, help link together Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons. Hit the switcher ball, causing the magnets in this area to rotate. The next area is full of Wizzrobes and stairways. Once you've got that, move to the north. Go back to the previous room and push the trampoline one space up. Then jump on the platform and ride it through. While on … To fight Manhandla, Link must use his Magical Boomerang and hit the flowers with it. Jump between the platforms with Roc's Cape and slay everything in the area. Here, you'll find the locked door that the Small Key you just got will open. Dodongo is a boss encountered in Snake's Remains. Go to the nearby stairs, push the block out of your way and go to the now-open door. General Onox serves as the final boss of Oracle of Seasons. Use your Cape to traverse the two medium-sized pits here. Unlike the previous phase, Onox transforms into his true form, the Dark Dragon. Grab it and head back to the second room. From here, head to the east through the locked door. Gleeok is a boss that is encountered in the Explorer's Crypt.
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