organized the “Day of the Anti-Globalist Resistance” in Moscow to protest against US policy and the “New World Order” as well as to support the struggle of Iraqis and condemn the tribunal for the war crimes in Yugoslavia, organized a meeting in support of Slobodan Milosevic, participated in a meeting in support of the Iraqi people organized by Viktor Anpilov’s Labor Russia. The USI itself adopted a neutral stance during the war, and its interventionist national syndicalist wing was put in minority position and subsequently expelled; one of the expelled members, Alceste De Ambris, together with Angelo Oliviero Olivetti in October 1914 co-founded the Revolutionary Fasci of Internationalist Action, which called on Italian workers to support Italian intervention in the war. On what appears to be the conference’s Facebook page, is a now dead link [archive] (but relayed by the Christian News Wire [archive]) to a post on the website of World Congress of Families’ Russian section about a meeting by the International Planning Committee of the conference whose members included Malofeyev, Yakunin, Yakunina, Lawrence Jacobs and Don Feder of the World Congress of Families, and Jack Hanick, a former Fox News employee and a devout Roman Catholic turned Russian Orthodox Christian [archive] who believes “God called on Russia” to fight the LGBT rights movement. It ended with an angry blotch of red paint inscribed with letters in black: 'Explosion'. This concept, called “ethnopluralism”, meant that De Benoist had gone from a white supremacist to a supporter of separate ethnic and cultural identities and regionalism against what he was as a “homogenizing global market”, putting him at odds with the vision of a pan-European superstate of Thiriart. Out of the student movement of the 1960s was born the Workers’ Party of Belgium (PTB-PVDA), initially led by former Flemish nationalist Ludo Martens and organized around a publication named Alle macht aan de arbeiders (“All Power to the Workers”) during which it adhered to a crude form of “Mao-Stalinism”, supported the Khmer Rouge and the Angolan UNITA movement (which was supported by China, North Korea, apartheid South Africa and the United States during the Angolan Civil War against the MPLA supported by the Soviet Union and Cuba), and had an anti-union policy according to which it called on workers to leave unions and join autonomous red workers’ groups instead. After 9/11, Porazzo claimed that the American Front’s support for al-Qaeda “inspired some heavy state harassment and severely limited our ability to safely expand or organize” and he soon disappeared, with his fellow American Front member, David Lynch, taking over and steering the group back towards its initial racist ideology and allying with nao-Nazi skinheads such as the Hammerskins, Volksfront and Blood & Honour. A sibling of Forza Nuova is CasaPound, named after fascist and anti-Semite Ezra Pound, which also grew out of Tricolour Flame, and whose members call themselves the “Fascists of the Third Millennium”. The expected result of McKinney’s flirtations with Holocaust deniers, National Bolsheviks and associates of LaRouche has been that she took on the label of “Alt Left” and allied with Robert David Steele, a former CIA official who openly describes himself as a member of the so-called “Alt-Right” neo-fascist movement, with the aim of fighting the “deep state” in support of Donald Trump, a red-brown initiative named “Unrig” which she promoted on the show of Holocaust denier Kevin Barrett [archive] (on whose show she had already been hosted previously in 2014 [archive]). Among the attendees of the conference were: [Note: Radhika Desai, Alan Freeman, Boris Kagarlitsky and Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (who was a member of SYRIZA until 2015) are members of the Editorial Board [archive] of Defend Democracy Press, the website of the Delphi Initiative, founded in 2015 and whose ostensible aim appears to be a positive cause: opposing the destructive neoliberal policies of the European Union. The actual American military intervention in Syria since 2014 itself has, since the rise of Da’esh, been a War on Terror policy concerned primarily with fighting against Da’esh: the limited program to train rebels was explicitly aimed at fighting against Da’esh (which these rebels labeled as Obama’s “de facto alliance with Assad”), the cooperation with Rojava is aimed at explicitly fighting against Da’esh, the military and financial support to Iraq (an ally of Bashar al-Assad) is aimed at fighting against Da’esh and includes support for militias associated with the Popular Mobilization Units, the same Iraqi state-supported militias who support Bashar al-Assad and participated in the Ba’ath regime’s capture of Aleppo. I will first provide some historical context by exploring the history of early alliances between revolutionaries and reactionaries and of some lesser known forms of fascism which, unlike the majority of Western fascists who supported the United States’ anti-Communism during the Cold War, instead actively supported and rallied around the Soviet Union. Evola was a virulent anti-Semite, and he quoted the notorious anti-Semitic forgery, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, to accuse the “Jewish press and finance” of spreading the “liberal virus” which would supposedly destroy all remnants of monarchy and aristocracy, and he published his own preface and an essay in the Italian translation of the Protocols. Beeley has also been hosted by Ron Paul [archive] and by the British Constitutional Group [archive]. In April 2012, members of the Italian far-right Zenit Cultural Association (which lists Mutti’s Eurasia journal on its blog [archive], and whose leader Matteo Caponetti also founded the European Solidarity Front for Kosovo [archive]) and Controtempo groups organized [archive] a conference with Jamal Abo Abbas of the Syrian Community in Italy organization and Matteo Bernabei, editor of the far-right newspaper Rinascita. Giuliano Salierni, a young MSI activist in the 40s and early 50s, later recalled how he and other young MSI members visited Evola to listen to his accounts of working with the Nazis and his calls for violence against Communists. According to his thesis, the transition from a “culture” to a “civilization” was marked by the appearance of rationalists such as Rousseau, Socrates and the Buddha, the decline of the culture-bearing elites and their replacement by the bourgeoisie, and accompanied itself by mass democracy, wars, expansionism and Caesarism: authoritarian rulers like Caesar or Augustus. The delegation’s participants included: In June 2013, a delegation including Bartosz Bekier, the leader of Falanga who had taken part in a pro-Assad demonstration at the invitation of the Syrian embassy in Poland the previous year, Frank Creyelman and Filip Dewinter of Vlaams Belang, Nick Griffin, Roberto Fiore, Luc Michel and Mateusz Piskorski visited Lebanon and met [archive] with the head of the SSNP’s youth branch, Wissam Samia, and members of Hezbollah before visiting Syria where it met the Syrian Prime Minister Wail al-Halki and the Deputy Prime Minister Faisal Mokdad. The founder and co-leader of the Bruderschaft, Helmut Beck-Broichsitter, had also been visiting the East Zone, though this was part of a double-faced game whereby he secretly negotiated with the Soviets while at the same time offering his services to the Americans. He railed against the “shit democracy” imposed by the Americans, attacked Konrad Adenauer as an American puppet, referred to Hitler’s chosen successor Karl Dönitz as the “last legitimate sovereign of an all-German Reich”, denied the Holocaust and dismissed the Nazi regime’s atrocities as “Allied propaganda” while claiming that National-Socialism “could not be eradicated”, and his SRP was at the time described as “the first party in which the Old Nazis can feel at home”.
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