Their other misconception is that Bucky and the Soldier are two different people, and that having one or the other take control is like flipping a switch. One mission too many; Bucky can’t handle another mission, another order from HYDRA. The series refocuses on one individual, Richard Lyons, founding member of Negativland, whose radio characters (Pastor Dick, Dick Goodbody, and Dick Vaughn) have graced OTE programs since the early 80s. Then Steve came bursting violently back into his life again. Yet another 5 hour edition, but at 3 AM, I'm joined by members of the Subgenius cult of believers in Bob to debate their misconceptions until 5 AM. Don's detailed 1995 essay about "Over The Edge." Secondary goal achieved. But likewise, the Soldier himself doesn’t know how to make decisions, not big ones. Close your eyes - this is such stuff as which dreams are made of. A dragon's hoard of all the tabletop RPGs you need from Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, World of Darkness, to Shadowrun - all available for free to download. The show runs from beginning to encore in the same order we played it wherever we played it. The Asset does not understand the question. Over the Edge: Negativland Time "Good Hello. This is five hours of trains, from the building of the transcontinental railroad through the old west one and a half centuries ago laced with sounds and dialog from Once Upon A Time In The West, to Robert Bloch's mid 20th Century tale of the Hellbound Train and the hobo jungles of the depression, to Disneyland's enshrinement of the railroad as toy transportation. So his mind took that and did what it could: it shut down. You have to be there. Over the Edge Select rating Give Over the Edge 1/5 Give Over the Edge 2/5 Give Over the Edge 3/5 Give Over the Edge 4/5 Give Over the Edge 5/5 Leave this field blank You've seen all those sound effects discs with the sounds of trains? Please, say something. Death turning to life. Nancy caught sight of the first safety rope that had been around Marva’s waist and now hung free. The show in Austria will be a live on-stage improvised mega-mix collaboration by Negativland, People Like Us, Music Toerist, and Barbed, all at the same time (and with live visuals by collage film maker Craig Baldwin). This guy was all about Moribund Music Of The 70s, and he did it first. But Steve just sees what he wants, and he thinks that the ability to defy an order to murder someone means that the personality and memories and life that were scrubbed away from Bucky over decades are just hiding behind the shell of the Soldier, waiting to burst free with enough encouraging words from his former friend. Continuing 1968 with evolving British blues bands, leading to Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, and the birth of heavy metal in Rock & Roll. Removal will likely aid in ending fight. People Like Us have previously shown work at, amongst others, Tate Modern, Whitechapel Gallery, The Barbican, Centro de Cultura Digital, Maxxi and Sonar, and performed radio sessions for John Peel and Mixing It. We are a voice for the underground cultures in music, visual arts and literature. Steve… Steve is fighting the man—the target. “Please, talk to me. Environment unsuitable for prolonged battle. This may be the "heaviest" show available, a juggernaut of carefully collected and rearranged material, with virtually no callers to interrupt the iron willed direction of the white man at the controls trudging relentlessly through bloody time. Now's the Time. This entry was posted in do or diy, Downloads, timeline and tagged don joyce, ote, over the edge by Vicki. If we can get all the way to Christmas with this, we may finally put a stop to that misguided holiday for good. Edge in this sequel to "Is This Funny?" There is only one answer for the Asset. Non stop commentary accompanies it all with calls from Mark and Anne and receptacle too. Pain can be ignored, but feedback from the severed arm is corrupting the system, rendering movement nearly impossible. Both of the states of his mind; the remaining, weakly struggling spark of independence that used to be Bucky Barnes and the blank, obedient Soldier that kept him alive through nearly unimaginable horrors, they’re dynamic. He’s starting to think that he might actually be able to handle it without shattering into a thousand pieces when the trap closes in on them, in the form of a video, and the sudden realization of the identity of Iron Man, and a tidal wave of memories that he couldn’t suppress even if he had all the will and power of the original Bucky Barnes. Panic, fear, concern. Moriarty raises his face to the ceiling, walks over to the door, taps his fingernails against the frame. How can so much be made out of so little? However, Jack Benny does the show he'll do in 40 years, the Infiniphone captures sound from the past, the Beatles collide, and perhaps it's too chaotic because the callers don't seem to have much to say. Lots of music in this one. When the careful mental manipulation and the drugs and the outright torture stripped away what made him himself, HYDRA started introducing pain with commands in an unholy combination that, after some trial and error, was just enough to solidify in his mind that absolute, blank obedience was the best way to survive. Excerpts from the 1945 CBS Radio show "The Judas Clock" wind up with readings of "Blade Runner" and HG Wells "The Time Machine", and Pink... Over the Edge: The Blade Runner Remix. No older than Bucky when he was sent to war. Our brains evolve. No witnesses. He’s the result of Bucky being unable to withstand what was being done to him. It comes naturally. Time to kill. Lewis thoughts on God and religion, Karen Armstrong, and separating soul and body. A more thorough search of memories reveals frequent attempts by handlers to erase the other presence. Fulfill mission parameters. Perceived objective of third party: eliminate armored opponent. Armored opponent no longer in sight. That fragile piece of Bucky that’s left is now in control, permanently, until he either gets himself together or breaks thoroughly enough that there’s nothing left except the Soldier. Howard Stark. Themed mixes are made live and spontaneously on the air from a variety of formats and equipment. Lots of '68 blues-based music throughout from the U.S. and Britain. Playboy Lamont Cranston, who has the power to cloud men's minds, moves invisibly through plots ranging from the deadly burning man contaminated by a radium experiment and the mad director of a sanitation dept who schemes to poison the city's water supply, to the haunted mansion in which an old hag keeps children she and her hunchback son have... On C.S. “Oh God, Bucky, tell me you’re okay. You’re… the Winter Soldier. His memories, his emotions, his personality, all destroyed methodically and without mercy. Nancy had to get down there before he succeeded in pushing Marva to her death. No orders given. Filling in the holes...a serious request for all if you! Attacker approaching. Steve thinks he’s helping by attacking people to keep them away from Bucky, and maybe he is, but what he doesn’t understand is that with every punch, every jolt of adrenaline, he’s chipping away at that little bit of Bucky that’s now out in the open and exposed in his mind. OTE_19830300_Advertising_Secrets - actual date, Re: OTE_19830300_Advertising_Secrets - actual date, Missing Show from 91 or 92:We Can Help You, What God Rot:5/90,Was right yesterday,wrong today, Re: What God Rot:5/90,Was right yesterday,wrong today. Cleaning up the air with speculative aviation of the future, ranging from personal blimps to NASA's take-off & land space planes that will replace the shuttle. We are headquartered in Marlborough, Massachusetts at the Yawkey Sports Training Center at 512 Forest Street. This reasoned plea to revise copyright law to preserve creativity now that we have the Internet continues. 181 Herring Cove Road Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada B3P 1K9. It all happens too fast. Work Search: The others, they’re dressed for battle, always on edge, ready to fight. Language: American English. The little bit of him that can still think logically strengthened itself when he was in Romania hiding out, when he actually had a stretch of time to be on his own and in his own control. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Come yoga with us! He knows they’re supposed to be the good guys, and he doesn’t understand why they’re fighting against them, against people who seem to want to help. God in your brain continues with material on the conjunction of religion and politics, organic brain wave activity, and many more bits on the relationship of internal thought to our religious wishful thinking. The others, the man who flies and the little witch and the two new ones they pick up in Germany, they’re appropriately wary of Bucky. A name the Asset doesn’t recognize, a plea for assistance, not for himself, but for the other. Since breaking away from HYDRA, Steve has meant nothing to him but confusion and pain and violence, always more violence. More than anything, the witch makes him want to run, because he can remember when HYDRA used people like her to help take him apart, and because the others might be blind to it, but Bucky can see that there is nothing in her black soul but hatred and joy at other people’s pain. The bowl over all of us cracking in two and becoming sentient. Bucky didn’t know how to tell him that wasn’t true, so he just stayed silent. The reminder of HYDRA and what was done to him, directly facing what will happen to him if he lets his spark of independence be crushed, could very well be enough to end him, but it’s necessary and he knows it. Second witness. The thoughts and ideas of Lawrence Lessig remain the focus and feature throughout. Join Over the Edge Sedona and Revel Bikes on Saturday Feb 29th and Sunday March 1st for two days of FREE demo’s on Revels 2020 fleet. He accepted the grunted one-word answers, because that was what he wanted to hear. Many thanks to Ubuweb and WFMU for hosting tracks on this site to make it more accessible for more people to download for free. All tunes, all words, or combination packets, unopened and sealed at the factory. 2\nHow Radio Isn't Done Pt. Then to hear that voice and realize that he’s fighting a child… that right there is almost enough to break him. An all-Dick Vaughn experience this week - Dr. Oslo Norway brings on Dick himself to have a quick chat about this spotlight on various projects Dick has brought to Over The Edge over the last decade. It’s number six, which means I’m—gasp!—real. Mission parameters: retrieve cargo. It’s the only way he can manage to try to tell Steve that he’s close to the edge, that one more push might just be the thing that destroys what’s left of the friend Steve actually cares about and leaves nothing behind but the blank shell that Steve is repulsed by. After gathering my things, I went to the doorway and paused before going through. Steve doesn’t see anything but what he wants; doesn’t see anyone but the long-lost friend who’s now long gone. The lines stay full all night as listeners air their thoughts and expressions amid ever changing music and sounds, including Howard Stern's first test broadcast on Sirius. When the stranger in the full-body suit actually stops the metal arm cold, it feels like everything in Bucky stops with it. In other words, the perfect HYDRA soldier—the perfect Asset. Negativland's live mix radio show "Over The Edge" has been the longest-running block of free-form audio collage in radio history. HYDRA may not have completely erased Bucky Barnes, but they’ve successfully destroyed his ability to deal with pain and fighting and the prospect of physical battle. A tiny part of Bucky, the rational part of him that can take control and make his own decisions and who’s tentatively in charge for now, is all that’s left of the guy Steve used to know. Is God a person? He’s expecting attacks from multiple angles any minute, he knows this has to be a trap of some kind, and every bit of logical instinct he has left is screaming at him to just get out, but he can’t, not until he knows that the other Soldiers have been taken care of. “Bucky?”, It is clearly addressed to the Asset. The man in the armor shows up and for a few moments, Bucky thinks that this is it, this is the trap he could sense. Complicates things more. Just about exactly as it was broadcast on August 16th, 2015 with minimal trimming--NCN (Phineas Narco) appearing live, and solo, on the 'Day of Don (Joyce Unto the World)' all-day Negativland / Don Joyce tribute show on KFJC: Remembering the great talent and work of Don Joyce who curated 'Over the Edge' on KPFA for 35 years. One roadside camera—aim, and a single shot. Will it ever end? Not much, anyway. If that’s the case… he doesn’t know how long this can go on. They don’t trust him—as well they shouldn’t—and they tread carefully around him, like he might break down into the Soldier any minute. A son, young, on the cusp on adulthood. The one with the bow who joins them in Germany spits nothing but insults, against people Bucky doesn’t know and doesn’t care about, but the attitude puts him on edge. With Negativland's Don Joyce at the helm, the weekly show was broadcast from KPFA FM in Berkeley California from 1981 to 2015. Then Steve is flying, struck, and the helmet is coming down, the grief and pain shut away behind a cold iron mask. He’s been readying himself for the inevitable fight with the Soldiers or with HYDRA. Can you stand it? Joining Doug and Peter is Rex Everything, famous unpublishable author, and modern noise group, Negativland. -- Don Joyce. See what's new with book lending at the Internet Archive. It’s Bucky, it really is, his own brain working, his own body moving. Just too darn entertaining probably. What they don’t understand about the Soldier is that he isn’t violent, not inherently. The nature of the void and the need to fill it can be contemplated later, once the mission is complete. I was tired, and it had been a stressful day. Re: Uncle Floyd is King - Long live Ken Do. More guess what receptacle. Target eliminated. No actual performance, that's next week, but it's chock full of tapes made in the traveling vans, during lost sightseeing expeditions, at load-ins, sound checks, and all the associated music. The car approaching. The… interference is gone. ), and what I dared air here is not half of what gets aired there. Steve doesn’t understand the details of the Winter Soldier or the brainwashing or what happened to make him break HYDRA’s control. Eliminate—eliminate target. He’s in turmoil, because he knows the other Soldiers are dangerous and they need to be stopped, but he’s in a precarious position. left kudos on this work! A Ô50s dramatized documentary film, "The Truth About Flying Saucers," plays pretty straight for its historical interest, intruded upon only by "novelty" songs of the day on the subject and Receptacle callers. Runtime 3h:2m:20s. Now it seems so innocent. Success achieved. Since last weekend was my last weekend of freedom before the all-consuming Surgery rotation and I’ll have basically no time for anything but school and regretting my life choices for the next two months, I decided to use that last bit of time to write this one instead of the next story I had planned, since this is much shorter than Revenge Fantasy is going to be. Armored opponent cannot be defeated as is. Which he might. Chapter Seven PUMPING HIS MUSCULAR ARMS, the boy managed to throw his weight forward and land sprawled on his stomach across the hard rock surface. The immediate memory is searched. But there is an enhancement that makes everything easier, and the metal arm is a tool that can be used in many ways. Dr. Oslow Norway of One World Advertising begins with some introductory disjointed walking ramble about his joint, which is hardly enough to cover the breadth of this AS edition. That was never what I did." More words, a question, addressed to the Asset. Music Reviews: Over the Edge Radio Archive by Negativland released in 2015 via Seeland Records. They simply tell me how much they want and what it's for, and I decide whether they get it. Loosely revolving around the then new tendency towards "shock talk radio" (now bigger than ever in "conservative" America), this is a mix of examples, network media features about the phenomenon, jamming with Dale Embry's rude uses of CB radio, Roger Waters' "Radio Kaos", soundtrack edits from the film "Talk Radio", San Francisco underground radio of the 60s, Receptacle instructions, how to be a radio announcer, satellite radio automation, some of... With a generous supply of very recent Australian media tapes from an OTE buyer down under, we survey what's on the air there. However, rather than putting the many winners on hold to get their names and addresses, I disconnect them all. Not to be confused with previous offers, slashed by the bar or by the stanza, segmentally indexed and available as it happens. Our phone number is: 508-485-0986. New objective: destroy armor power source at all costs. We are Negativland, and the Subject is Time". Nancy pulled open each of the three drawers in the dresser and found only piles of expensive clothes jammed in every which way. 3 Still Not Funny, How Radio Isn't Done Pt. Maybe the rest of his life is doomed to be violent. Over The Edge [2nd ed]/-2020-Oct-08 00:18: Over The Edge [3rd ed]/-2019-Oct-24 10:37: Over the Edge It Waits.pdf: 18.4 MiB: 2020-Oct-13 18:12: Over the Edge Welcome to Sylvan Pines.pdf: 26.2 … The shattered dust of the other personality has drifted away. But more of it. Until then, and beginning with a correction to last week's Sci-Fi Aside feature, I cover the whole God concept with more Bible history, more philosophical interrogation, and even the astronomical view of space and it's potential for life. Won't you join us? Astronomers and scientists discuss planets, stars, distances, and luminosity as observed and measured out there in the big black. Re: Filling in the holes...a serious request for all if you! Even Steve, who has existed long past the lifetime he should have had, spent most of that frozen solid and experiencing nothing. The other man moves forward, again, in desperation. The first half of this show is a straight up Negativland live concert in-studio, centering around the idea, themes and culture of Time. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", poor Bucky doesn't deserve this but here we are, the team iron man stuff is vague but all of my stories are team iron man on principle, These Stories Belong To Us - 30 Days of Fanfic. “Do you even remember them?”, Not an order, but close enough. He’s just blank, a blank slate awaiting instructions, who happens to have the strength and skills to carry out the most violent, depraved, disgusting orders, and with enough of himself erased to not be held back by the emotions that would prevent another person’s utter compliance with those orders. The Asset answers questions as well as it takes orders. More romance, more whackos. Originally aired in November of 1994 on KPFA radio. Hands on the Asset’s face, calling again for Bucky, but speaking to the Asset. Strength of third party judged sufficient to cleanly sever neck of opponent. He’s never encountered anyone before who could stop the force of that arm so… effortlessly, and someone so physically small, too. In a diversion from the HRWD series, many members of the Subgenius sect join Over The Edge as we combine OTE and The Puzzling Evidence Show (which follows OTE on KPFA) for a five hour gathering of unscripted banter. If Bucky disappears, relinquishes control to the Soldier again through trigger words or just his own exhausted defeat, the Soldier won’t attack them, not unless he’s ordered to or he’s attacked first. Time to bed. He’s gearing himself up already for another fight, and the wave of relief when Iron Man says he’s there to help them just twists Bucky’s fragile emotional state even more. But Steve is ready to fight, they’re talking and the tone is angry and tense but the words don’t penetrate the fog Bucky is stuck in. A video, a past mission. Eliminate further witnesses. Special Olympics Massachusetts helps provides healthier, happier, more fulfilling lives through sport while building inclusive and unified communities throughout Massachusetts. He can’t do this, he can’t fight Howard Stark’s son. Nothing happens until someone buys something! This is a composite version with all the individual pieces coming from various cities, Bard College N.Y., Boston, Atlanta, Clearwater Florida., Tulsa, Houston, Austin, L.A., and Palo Alto Ca. Secondary goal: eliminate witness. We finish off with Moribund Music of the 70s, which was the 1984-era Over the Edge show that first set... With Wobbly on live keyboards throughout, we cover poetry on God, from Jesus to Christ, more of C.S. Yoga for mountain bikers with Joanna Yates! In 2006 she was the first artist to be given unrestricted access to the entire BBC Archive. A hand around her throat, feeling the frantic pulse in the neck, crushed like it’s little more than paper, barely any effort required. The thud of the body as it hits the ground. Mission objective: retrieve cargo. He doesn’t know what to do in those situations anymore except to panic and retreat, to let the Soldier take over, because every bit of pain is too much like the Chair and the drugs and the “doctors” who came to teach him that the answer to hurting is to become blank and obedient. While Rex knowledgeably exposes every dark little nook and cranny in the sordid history of Disneyland, the Weatherman is taking one ride after another and reporting via CB to Doug and Peter's skybox on the Matterhorn. But the Soldier can’t come out unless Bucky moves, retreats, and he doesn’t remember how to do that. Ronald Redball and friends Calvin G. Krebs and Marilyn Page join Mr. Over the Edge (or OTE) is a sound collage radio program hosted and produced in the United States by Jon Leidecker ("Wobbly"), who took over in 2015 after the death of longtime host Don Joyce. And he did that, in Romania, at least a little bit. Classes will start at 6.30PM. Lots of folk music from Newport on and the Cold War fears that accompanied them. Studies the wallpaper, then runs his fingers along an edge, starts peeling it away with his fingernails. Quietly, I leaned over and twisted the rod that opened the blinds and jumped at the sight of a shadow. Besides Negativland's many studio recordings, over the years a small selection of Over The Edge shows have been carefully edited into CD releases, often with elaborate packaging, and can be found here. Pleading, which is ignored. Mission success. Question unclear—referring to all previous missions or only the specific mission shown on video? The story is kind of an exploration of Bucky and the Winter Soldier more than it is a directly bitter angry result of CW, but there’s definitely enough bad consequences for Steve here (and ones that are his own fault) for it to qualify for the series. He’d formed a vague theory that maybe his personality and emotional capacity and all the other things that those bastards had ripped out of him are capable of coming back, repairing themselves, as long as they’re given some time. Instead, what was left was a protective nothingness, and that emptiness is what everyone calls the Winter Soldier. What happened to you, the real you, the person in there?” Another shake of the Asset’s shoulders, desperation in the expression of the third party. We publish stories and art that may be overlooked as important by traditional publishers. “You’re not Bucky. None of them, for all their attempted sympathy or understanding, can come close to comprehending what HYDRA did to him, how patient and how utterly thorough they were in stripping him bare, in destroying what makes him human and independent.
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