"Dans ce cas, il ne reste plus qu'à tisser, mes Sœurs. We were fightin' on Kavara IV, what'd used to be a good Imperial world till the taint of Chaos found its way down there and turned loyal citizens into traitorous scum. And now, now it was time to put the icing on the cake and finish off that arrogant son of a bitch Creed, as he routed like a coward no less! Should have known that it wouldn't be that easy. His mortal followers began retreating, heading towards the Eye of Terror. As young Ursarkar hid from the attackers (alongside his now very-dead sister), a Space Marine wearing gleaming black power armor and monk-like robes found him. In the ominously-named "Fall of Cadia", the entire Cadian 8th Regiment, along with their commander, Lord-Castellan Ursakar Creed. At their head, ready to deliver the killing blow to the last world between him and conquest, strode Abaddon the Despoiler himself, his Daemonblade screaming as it claimed the souls of a score of men, slashing through the staunch but futile defenses of his feeble foe. For one nanosecond. wearing gleaming black power armor and monk-like robes, a deep voice, laden with years long-lived and loneliness, killing off a ton of friendly Adeptae Kitchenates to fight demons, hiding them in an inch deep reflecting pool. Percy would never be holding on while the gods walk free, (THERE ARE SEVERAL CHAPTERS OF DIFFERENT STORIES, NO CHAPTER CONNECTS WITH THE OTHER. THE PONIES ARE HERETICS AND SHALL NEVER RULE HERE! He also now gives two extra command points which is pretty nice to surprise opponents with, and the release of the IG Codex saw his trademark ability returned... as a Tallarn exclusive strategem. Zeus was the first to be turned into a mortal. Ursarkar E. Creed was a Lord General of the Imperial Guard, and was the last man to hold the position of Lord Castellan of Cadia before it fell to the forces of Abaddon the Despoiler during the 13th Black Crusade. https://1d4chan.org/index.php?title=Creed&oldid=715000. Kirby may be a possible lead on who Creed really is... "I WAS COPULATING WITH A DAMNABLE SLAANESHI WHORE?!?!?!". And then Sixth Edition happened. The Ultramarines, aided by an Imperial Guard regiment led by Lord Castellan Ursakar Creed, prepare to face an Ork incursion in a final battle. The Orks are numerous, but the Imperium has the upper hand, just barely, as Lord Creed's tactical genius has proven invaluable. The stakes were high: if the mortal won, Tzeentch, all his daemons and followers would retreat to the Warp for all time and would never again attempt to harry the mighty Imperium of Man in any way be it directly or indirectly. /tg/ is now clearly known to stand for Tactical Genius, and not Traditional Games as many have previously thought. Well, I’ve made it through the first year of Camp Half-Blood, but the consequences of my actions don’t exactly inspire much confidence for my second. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", "The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep." This culminated in Abaddon himself taking to the field, teleporting with his bodyguards almost directly unto Creed's command post. Got your heads full of propaganda and not much else, lemme bet. An old man, slain by a casual blow from an immortal warrior. Ghoritch is a Skaven Unique hero unit introduced in The Twisted and the Twilight. Apparently even Titans, and Living Saints. Then Tzeentch spared a glance at the board. As many times as he likes regardless of his usual 3 spells per turn limit. Lord Castellan Creed of Cadia and Col. Schaeffer of the Last Chancers are two of the few human characters who's known for their love of cigars, to the point that their models include them. Tzeentch, Lord of Change and Master of Destinies moved his. He had won. Abaddon flung himself into the fray, cleaving with full strokes the men who stood in between him and his prey, butchering wholesale with his men. This page was last edited on 31 October 2020, at 04:08. (No summoning Dread Saurians without a roll sadly.) "So. He smiled, for he knew what it meant. Please don't read if you don't like any of the tags. This is the edited version from Wattpad. I have existed before the stars, and I will exist long after they have died. What was Tzeentch, if not the Lord of Change? Although in-universe his tenure as Lord Castellan only lasted barely a year, among the fandom (due the timeline being frozen at 999.M41 for the give-or-take two decades and several editions in the real world) he had become THE representative of TACTICAL GENIUS, thanks to his in-game rules, which allowed him to somehow infiltrate ANY unit onto a battlefield (as if it were using the Scouts special rule). With the changes to summoning rules, Kuoteq's ability has been changed to now let him deep strike anything in the formation. It tastes like a lie, but I know I’ll do my best to fulfill it. It was fine for a while. "I've won, Creed! Rhea thought the fight was over when she handed Luke that blade. One who has nonconventional hobbies such as crime fighting and vigilante justice. After all, being unintentionally defeated was certainly a change for him. Crassus – thick. The fight scenes in Southpaw aren’t nearly as dynamic as Creed’s and the film goes a little too far in getting Billy to absolute rock bottom for his eventual climb back to success. A major break. It was a cry that echoed throughout the Warp, driving Imperial psykers insane and Chaos sorcerers more insane. Due to this douche, Creed lost his uniqueness as Tactical Genius extraordinaire, as his ability has been co-opted by the Fifth-Edition Grey Knights, who can Scout up to three units. The mortal moved his piece. There is an example of real-world tactical genius that took place during granpappy's WWII, though it was performed not by a manly cigar-chomping motherfucker but rather by a man named Jasper Maskelyne, a British stage magician who was recruited by Britain's MI9 to assist with camouflage development. When fate crashes back into her life, filling the missing holes in her soul, Kassandra, confused and resentful, is given one last quest by the gods. castellan: governor of castle or fortification castellar: of, like or pertaining to a castle ... like or pertaining to a creed credence: small table for holding sacred vessels credenda: things to be believed ... right of a lord to entertainment from a tenant cuirass: They built entire fake bases, complete with wireless traffic, nonsense but believable orders, and dummy transport aircraft, and placed General Patton at the "head" of this fake 1st US Army Group. Later upon the release of the General's Handbook 2017 Kuoteq received stats, including an ability that allows him to summon any Saurus unit without having to make a roll. His final carnage began in a great valley, the product of a near miss by a melta torpedo. I am Tzeentch. When he was eight years old, however, Chaos cultists attacked the Kasr, killing both his parents and his sister in the process. She was wrong.Now a thousand miles and a thousand years from home, all alone with just the ghost of a curse to accompany her in her travels, she will only fight for the wars she chooses. It can include up to 5 additional Chaos Space Marines (Power Rating +4), up to 10 additional Chaos Space Marines (Power Rating +7) or up to 15 additional Chaos Space Marines (Power Rating +10).Each model is armed with a boltgun, bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. It was the cry of a defeated god. Even with the return of most Cadian regiments on top of various Astartes and Imperial Navy allies, the attack was only blunted at extreme cost. Imagine Little Miss Perfect's dawning horror when she realizes their school's swim team captain is annoyingly pretty and everything about her is making her fall in love. At the time we'd been shipped off, we thought we were just gonna be helping the local PDF put down a small insurrection, but what with the ways of the warp by the time we got there it'd turned into a full on rebel uprisin' and all the nobles were already dead or in hidin', and another army led by General Creed had arrived to bring it back under control - we'd been missin' so long they thought we'd been lost to the warp, you see, and sent another off in our place - so we wound up joinin' forces an' bolsterin' their ranks. Eventually the Cadian 8th, then led by Orsani Rudvald, found the young Creed, the only survivor of that benighted place, with one hand clutching that same ancient laspistol, while the other holding a bedraggled copy of De Gloria Macharius. Fresh bunch'a recruits straight off the regimental home world, huh? The figure tipped over, to lay spread eagle on its back. The application of overwhelmin' force at just the right spot at just the right moment'll turn the tide of any battle in your favor. At the ruined ramparts of Kasr Kraf and the trenches of the Elysion Pylon Fields, Guardsman, Sororitas, and Astartes alike made Abaddon's forces pay for every bloody piece of earth they took. Due to a combination of innate talent at warfare and strategy, a natural charisma, and a respect for the men and women under his command , Creed gradually got promoted up the ranks, always with his buddy Kell by his side. YOUR TACTICS ARE INVALID! Tzeentch's beak curled into something resembling a smile.He held his head up high. Lord Castellan Ursarkar E. Creed was a Lord General of the Astra Militarum and the leader of the Imperial forces of Cadia during the 13th Black Crusade. It almost worked. If Tzeentch won (which, of course, he knew he would), the soul of the mortal went to Tzeentch. Even the demons, were staring open-mouthed, at the crest of the crater that they had swept into. It can include 1 additional Leman Russ Battle Tank (Power Rating +10) or 2 additional Leman Russ Battle Tanks (Power Rating +20).Each model is equipped with a battle cannon and a heavy bolter. Too bad no one told her family she had to do it alone. Silent, broken, and dead. Percy is going to hit Hermes the next time he calls himself her hero and sweeps her off her feet- her heart can't take such surprises! sup/tg/ archive of the First Coming of Creed. Now, you pray to the Emperor like you should, and if you don't the Commissar'll blow your head off, and that'll be a mercy compared to what I'll do to ya if I find out 'fore he does - but don't be thinkin' for a second that recitin' the Litany of Protection makes you invulnerable on a battlefield. Again? Anyone can write theses ideas as stories, it does not matter to me. Vlad von Carstein in Total War: WARHAMMER has the special ability to treat any unit in his army as if were scouting units. Gonna look proppa sharpish az sum shiny new skullhammaz! Gasper – master of the treasure. Nothing in my life ever is. The mortal moved a piece. The vox lights up and we get ourselves a message - "Armored Support courtesy of General Creed", they say. But when she start getting shunned and blamed for things she never did she starts to get worried that something bigger than she knows is going on. And without ever even knowing that Abaddon had won. Mais il y a des forces que même nous nous ne pouvons contrôler." In the Warp near Terra, the mighty soul of the God-Emperor of Mankind himself took notice. Tzeentch let out a cry of rage. It shows that the gods do not accept your refusal to be a goddess and will do anything to make you one. But not before I hear you beg, NOT BEFORE I HEAR YOU BEG!" This unit contains 1 Aspiring Champion and 4 Chaos Space Marines. —Ghoritch. However, before she ran away, she had watched Avatar: The Last Airbender, and loved the idea of Waterbending. With violent demonstrations if necessary. Their sisters said something about it being a 'good bonding experience' or whatever. She's their perfect spoiled daughter, all except for one little problem. I took a look at that buildin' again as we were marchin' down the street in the Baneblade's wake, though. When he came of age, he joined its ranks as a Whiteshield. It was so believable that when Operation Neptune commenced and D-Day landings began, the Germans thought it was a diversion, not the main attack, and so did not commit their reserves until the Allies had already established a full front in Normandy. So long as you pay the tax of a Slann and a Firelance Starhost, you can add anything to the formation. Only a tactical genius could accomplish this. His voice was torn with emotion, manic laughter struggled free of his throat. Note:- The mist is down and the demigods are being shifted into concentration camps and major AU. Letting you gank the reinforcements are they march slowly into the battlefield or make yourself king of the hill the second the battle starts. Dust Thou Art and to Dust Thou Shalt Return, Brasidas (d. 422 BCE)/Kassandra (Assassin's Creed), Percy Jackson & Kassandra (Assassin's Creed), Brasidas (d. 422 BCE) & Kassandra (Assassin's Creed), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons).
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