-2 the path of religious rites (opp. (There are nine divinities 2.6. Most of the words which have come into English from Sanskrit are connected with eastern religions, such as mantra, guru, karma, and nirvana. -2 renunciation of self-righteousness. Karma Synonym, Synonym For Karma. or -tas, in consequence of fate; -vidhi, m. rules of action or duty; -viparyaya, m. perverse action; -vipâka=karma-pâka; -samâpta, pp. -2 A ceremony performed before commencing to read the Veda after the monsoons (cf. object of the transitive verb which functions as the subject when there is a marked facility of action: name technically given to a compound-formation of two words in apposition i. e. used in the same case, technically called समानाधिकरण showing the same substratutm; object of a transitive verb, defined as something which the agent or the doer of an action wants primarily to achieve. a. having the meaning of sound; -kalpa-druma, m. T. of an encyclopaedic dictionary dating from the present century; -kâra, a. uttering sounds; -kosa, m. treasury of words, dictionary; -tva, n. nature of sound; -pati, m. ruler in name only, nominal lord; -pâtin, a. hitting (an unseen object) by its sound (arrow); -brah man, n. Brahman in words, sacred scrip tures; -bhâg, a. bearing the title of (--°ree;); -maya, a. -4 cultivated ground. ; -gña, a. having local knowledge; conversant with (g.); m. soul; -tara, n. place very suitable for cultivation or habitation; -tâ, f. residence; -pa, m. field-watcher; -pati, m. owner of a field; -pâla, m. field-watcher; tutelary deity of the fields; -raksha, m. field-watcher; -víd, a. knowing the place; expert; knowing the body. ); -pâta, m. cut with a knife; -pra hâra, m. sword-cut; -bhrit, a. bearing arms, armed; m. warrior; -vat, a. armed with a sword; -vihita, pp. of Vishnu; -dakshinâ, f. sacrificial fee; -datta, m. a frequent N.; -dâsî, f. N.; -dîkshâ, f. initiation for a sacri fice; -dris, a. looking on at a sacrifice; -deva, m. N.;-dravya, n. requisite for a sacrifice (vessel etc. 8 Verbs to Use for the Word « karma » What goes around comes around, Looks good on a mask. -2 any positive rule enjoining a religious act. ; -nyâsa, m. laying down of arms, abstention from war; -pâni, a. hold ing a sword in one's hand; -pânin, a. id. -6 Expiatory, and welfare rituals (शान्तिकपौष्टिकादि कर्म); प्रतिकर्म पराचार ऋत्विजां स्म विधीयते Mb.12.79.2. id. -उदारम् any valiant or noble act, magnanimity, prowess. कर्मण्य a. -शौचम् humility. perpetually; -parîkshana, n. constant inspection; -bhâva, m. eternity. Karma Synonym, Synonym For Karma. Kamadeva (Sanskrit: कामदेव, IAST: Kāmadeva), Kāma or Manmatha or Madan is the Hindu god of human love or desire, often portrayed along with his female counterpart Rati.Kamadeva is the son of the god Brahma.. Pradyumna, the son of Vishnu's avatar Krishna, is regarded as the reincarnation of Kamadeva. -2 Yama. -2 Unfit to be done. oil fomentation; one of the Kerala specialities of pancakarma. -घातः leaving off or suspending work. -युगम् the fourth (the present) age of the world, i. e. the Kaliyuga. Synonyms: air, ambience, aroma… Find the right word. (b) Labour, work. n. pl. (metr. -त्यागः renunciation of worldly duties or ceremonial acts. (karma.indriya) motor organ ex: hand, foot. -Comp. deprived of all auspicious signs, ill-fated; -lakshanâ, f. indicative indication (e. g. a herd-station on the Ganges = on the bank of the Ganges); -vat, a. characterised by (in. (Hinduism, Buddhism) The concept of "action" or "deed" in Indian and Nepalese religions understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect (i.e., the cycle called samsara) described in the dharmic traditions, namely: Hindu, Jain, Sikh and Buddhist philosophies. 1. urinary bladder, 2. lower belly, abdomen; 3. one of five therapeutic procedures (pancakarma), enema. fallen into distress; -prâna,a. Motion considered as one of the seven categories of things; (thus defined:-- एकद्रव्यमगुणं संयोगविभागेष्वनपेक्षकारणं कर्म Vaiś. A force or law of nature which causes one to reap what one sows. -पाकः ripening of actions, reward of actions done in a former life; Pt.1.372. -4 the effect arising from human acts :-- संयोग, विभाग &c. -5 heaven. Acting wrongly. These words have all developed more general meanings alongside their specialised religious sense. (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, finding the square, extracting the square root, finding the cube, extracting the cube root). Das Wort Karma heißt in Sanskrit Tat oder Wirkung. ब] 1 Without work, idle; inefficient. -n. 1 Painting or perfuming the body, personal decoration, dressing, toilet; कृताचारपरिकर्माणम् Ś.2. ; -kâlam, ad. n. virtuous ac tion, good work; -kârya, n. religious duty; -kritya, n. performance of duty, religious rite; -kosa, m. treasury of the law; -kriyâ, f. performance of meritorious acts; religious ceremonies; -kshetra, n. Field of Law (= Kurukshetra); -gupta, pp. n. agriculture; -karma-krit, a. husbandman; -karshaka, m. husbandman; -ga, a. growing in the fields; m. wife's son begotten by another man; -gâta, pp. n. distress, trouble; -kâla, m. time of distress or danger; -gata, pp. on MS.6.2.19. -अक्षम a. incapable of doing anything. -अनुरूप a. To replace many characters us * example śakt* will give all words starting with śakt. -योगः 1 performance of actions, worldly and religious rites; कर्मयोगेन योगिनाम् Bg.3.3;3.7;5.2;13.24. Find 7 ways to say karma, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. -शील, -शूर a. assiduous, active, laborious; cf. -2 Execution, performance; प्रीतो$स्मि सो$हं यद् भुक्तं वनं तैः कृतकर्मभिः Rām.5.63.3. -2 Disqualified for performing the necessary rites, wicked, degraded; अकर्मा दस्युरभि नो Rv.10.22.8. -6 An arithmetical operation (of which there are 8 divisions). -अर्ह a. fit or suitable to an act or the rite. all kinds of desires; 2. 1 according to action or any particular office. -आख्या f. Name received from the act performed; तस्मात् छिन्नगमनो$श्वो$पि छाग इति कर्माख्या भविष्यति । ŚB. See कर्मस्थक्रिय. To do an exact match use “” example “śaktimat” will search for this exact phrase. all excellences; -grâsam, abs. 12.1.; विभूषितेयं प्रतिकर्मनित्या Rām.2.37.35. (see Malli. Karma stammt aus der altindischen Philosophie und ist bis heute fester Bestandteil der buddhistischen sowie hinduistischen Religion. (It is five-fold:-- उत्क्षेपणं ततो$वक्षेपणमाकुञ्चनं तथा । प्रसारणं च गमनं कर्माण्येतानि पञ्च च ॥ Bhāṣā P.6.) Purifying, a means of purifying the mind; मैञ्यादिचित्तपरिकर्मविदो विधाय क्लेशप्रहाण- The word yoga itself is a Sanskrit term, as are many of the most common yogic terms, like guru, prana, or karma. (î) golden; -vat, a. born; containing a derivative of the √ gan; -vâsaka, n. lying-in room; -vâsa-griha, n. (apart ment in which living takes place), sitting room; (á)-vidyâ, f. science of the origin or of the essence of things, metaphysics; -vi nashta, pp.=gâta-nashta; -visvâsa, a. hav ing confidence engendered, inspired with con fidence; (á)-vedas, a. having knowledge of beings; m. Agni; (C.) fire; -vesman, n. chamber of a new-born infant; lying-in room; -silâ, f. (real=) massive stone; -samkalpa, a. resolved; enamoured. ); -gana, m. every one; -ganîna, a. relating or belonging to every one; -git, a. all-conquering; -gña, a. all-knowing, omniscient (gods or men, esp. n. action done at will, non-religious act; -½âkâra, m. useless phenomenon or thing; a. whose form is vain or illusory; -tva, n. futility; -½anna, n. food for one's own use only; -palita, a. grown grey in vain; -pasughna, a. slaying cattle for pleasure (not for sacrifice); -pragâ, a. f. having borne children in vain; -mâmsá, n. flesh taken at random (not conforming to prescribed rules), flesh meantfor one's own use only (Br., C.); -vâk, f. unsuitable or un true speech; -vâdin, a. speaking falsely; -vriddha, pp. ‘But with karma, at some future point, everyone will still have to pay for their mistakes.’ ‘Likewise, if you understand your form, you can understand your past and future karma.’ ‘That same entity will later enter a new body bringing with it the karma of past lives, which includes actions themselves as well as the ethical ramifications of such.’ mss. -ण्डम् that department of the Veda which relates to ceremonial acts and sacrificial rites and the merit arising from a due performance thereof. -बन्धः, -बन्धनम् confinement to repeated birth, as the consequence of religious acts, good or bad (by which the soul is attached to worldly pleasures &c.); बुद्ध्या युक्तो यथा पार्थ कर्मबन्धं प्रहास्यति Bg.2.39. -2 the fruit of Averrhoa Carambola (Mar. Of bad or degraded actions, corrupted, depraved. cf. -भोगः 1 enjoyment of freedom from the fruits of action. B.32.2. n. sacrificial rite; a. engaged in a sacrifice; -kalpa, a. resem bling a sacrifice; (á)-kâma, a. desirous of worship; -kâra, a. engaged in a sacrifice; -kâla, m. time of sacrifice; -krít, a.per forming a sacrifice; -kratú, m. sacrificial rite; complete or chief ceremony; -kriyâ, f. sacrificial rite; -gamya, fp. (á)-kâma, a. wish ing everything; fulfilling all wishes; possess ing everything wished for; m. N. of a son of Rituparna; -kâmika, a. fulfilling all wishes; obtaining all one's desires; -kâmin, a. ; -prakarsha, m. superior cleverness, stroke of genius; -bheda, m. change of opinion; differ ence of opinion; -bhrama, m. mental confusion. accessible by sacrifice; -gâthâ, f. sacrificial verse; -ghna, m. demon that disturbs a sacrifice; -kkhâga,m. f., -tva, n. effect; notion of karman; -danda, m. complete control of acts; -dushta, pp. a. having two ob jects, governing two accusatives; -gava, a. yoked with two oxen; -gu, m. numeral com pound (the first member being a numeral); (í) guna (or á), a. double, twofold; twice as great or much as (ab., --°ree;); folded double: -tara, cpv. -2 an error, defect, or blunder (in doing an act); कर्मदोषैर्न लिप्यते Ms.1,14. The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. Click the icon to enable a popup keybord and you can toggle between देवनागरी and IAST characters. karma [kurm]: action; work; deeds; also the result of action karma marga [kurm maarg]: path of ritual, religious duties, and action karma samya [kurm saamya]: good and bad actions in equal proportions karma traya [kurm truya]: the three kinds of karma, namely sanchita, agami and prarabdha karma yoga [kurm yog]: the spiritual path of action chatamūtiḥ khajaṃkaraḥ (AVP. -च्छेदः The loss caused by absence on duty; Kau. कप्] Intransitive; फलव्या- पारयोरेकनिष्ठतायामकर्मकः Bhartṛhari. -संन्यासिकः, -संन्यासिन् m. 1 a religious person who has withdrawn from every kind of worldly act. अनुकर्मन् n. Imitation. (read या अत्र कर्मश्रुतिः दर्शपूर्णमासाभ्यामिति सा परार्था तृतीया-योगात् &c. शबर). ); -ka lusha, n. coalescence of the three fundamental qualities; -kritya, n. function of a bow-string; -gana, m. multitude of excel lences; -grihya, a. appreciating excellences; -grahana, n. recognition of merit, eulogy; -grâma, m. multitude of virtues; -grâhin, a. appreciating merit; -ghâtin, a. detract ing from merit; -kkheda, m. breaking of the ropeand disappearance of virtue; -gña, a. recognising merits: -tâ, f. abst. (Br. w. √ gras, devour entirely; -m-kasha, a. wearing out entirely, exceed ingly cruel; all-pervading: â, f. T. of Mal linâtha's commentary on the Sisupâla-va dha; -karu, m. N. difficult of accom plishment. A.2.4. Karma is a key component of many Eastern religions and philosophies, including Hinduism, Buddhism and even Taoism. The Sanskrit terms used on Quiet Karma will always be defined in the glossary. -3 Personal decoration, dress, toilet; (अबलाः) प्रतिकर्म कर्तुमुपचक्रमिरे समये हि सर्वमुपकारि कृतम् Śi.9.43;5.27; Ku.7.6; आविष्कृताङ्गप्रतिकर्मरम्यं बिभीषणं वाचमुवाच माता Bk. These names are not arbitrary or technical such as गुण and वृद्धि but are always significant; सर्वेष्वेव कर्मनामधेयेषु अर्थसमन्वयेनानुवाद- भूतो नामशद्बो वर्तते, न लौकिकार्थतिरस्कारेण परिभाषामात्रेण वृद्धिगुणवत् ŚB. -3 Business, office, duty; संप्रति विषवैद्यानां कर्म M.4. ज्ञानमार्ग). And finally, Kumuda, "exciting joy", a name used variously for the white lotus and red water lily, but also or many other plants and … No examples found, consider adding one please. The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of his existence, regarded as determining his next incarnation. -3 a barn, a store of grain &c. Ms.7.62 (कर्मान्तः इक्षुधान्यादिसंग्रहस्थानम् Kull.) 2,131. ', a tatpuruṣa compo und of the type of Mayūravyartisakādi where both the words which are compounded together are adjectival; (2) a karmadhāraya compound where the second member is an adjective; a determinative compound, by wonderful activities, pious activities, the execution of duties prescribed by scripture, which is simply the basis of bondage to material activity, following the reactions of his own fruitive activities, with consideration of the activities performed, whatever he achieved by his pious activities, resultant action and desire for material enjoyment, demoniac desires to be happy by material activities, due to the unavoidable reactions of past work, the bondage of the reactions of fruitive activities, from all kinds of actions resulting from fruitive activities, of those whose seeds of fruitive activities, the discrepancies in the fruitive activities, intelligence bewildered by his own activities of creation, the destinations determined by his past activities, of material work, material qualities and time, the prescribed occupational duties as a kṣatriya king, Vedic prescriptions for the execution of worship, obtainable by the Vedic ritualistic system, producing hundreds and thousands of desires and acting accordingly, resulting in a reaction (such as the killing of animals), simply engaged in pious or impious activities, and of His names according to His activities and pastimes, the obligation to suffer or undergo tribulations as a result of fruitive activities, cessation of the fruitive reactions of material activities, caused by their own past fruitive activities, attached to ritualistic ceremonies (according to one's social status as a brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya, vaiśya or śūdra), the regulative principles of fruitive activities, which ties the knots of fruitive activity, renunciation of the results of fruitive action, the other active organs and limbs of the body, who strictly follow the fruitive ritualistic ceremonies according to Vedic injunctions, in the association of those engaged in fruitive activities, in comparison to the renunciation of fruitive work, whose chariot drivers are the results of their own past activities, achievement of the intended goal of activity, who purifies the fruitive activities of the living entities, discrepancy in discharging fruitive activities, the strong desire for fruitive activities, by offering everything for the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and not desiring any results of his pious activities, fruitive activities, mystic yoga and speculative knowledge, the practice of dovetailing one's work with the Supreme, by his execution of ritualistic ceremonies, by the influence of different fruitive activities, by the karmendriyas, the organs of action, due to the reactions of material activities, from the bondage of the law of fruitive actions, by performing ritualistic activities according to the Vedas, by the reactions of his material activities, for persons engaged in fighting or any other activities, unto the resultant action of fruitive activities, suitable for executing one's prescribed duty, and in a sacrificial ceremony in which oblations are offered to the forefathers and demigods, the cause of the end of fruitive activities, which cannot be achieved by fruitive activities, not fit to be used for offering in śrāddha, I have been taught this business (half-killing animals), according to His attributes and activities, bound by the modes of nature and the reactions of material activities, whose hearts are attracted by fruitive activities, by the bad results of his unseen fruitive actions, what is the use of performing temporary fruitive activities, what can be the benefit of performing temporary fruitive activities, what benefit can there be by performing temporary fruitive activities, what can be the benefit of engaging in temporary fruitive activities, what can be the use of temporary fruitive activities, what is the use of engaging in temporary fruitive activities, in a combination of material elements, material qualities, and the results of past activities and desires, being under the influence of lusty desires and fruitive activities, of the gigantic form of transcendental work, time and nature, by the results of one's karma (fruitive activities), unto You, who perform inconceivable activities, in the celebration of the utthāna ceremony, according to how much they have violated the rules and regulations of conditional life, Mahārāja Bharata who ascertained the moment of the end of his royal opulence, accepting different bodily forms as a result of his sinful activities, being absorbed in activities to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the accomplishment of their master's work, sure to accept the resultant action of his fruitive activities, of all of us who have had varieties of reactions to our past karma, all religious activities and regulative principles, a conditioned soul who sees only immediately beneficial fruitive activities and their results, which are divided into three groups by the modes of goodness, passion and ignorance, under the influence of the results of fruitive activities, by being engaged in abominable activities, by material activities for sense gratification, unto the cause of the material modes and activities, the witness of the actions and reactions of material nature, captivation by the three modes of material nature, of the transcendental qualities and activities of the Lord, generated from the modes of nature and material activities in those modes, whose pious activities are praised by all great souls, because of the illusory, magical activities, performed during their kaumāra age (the age of five years), resulting in good birth and other fruitive reactions, with His transcendental birth and activities, the auspicious ceremony at the time of birth, those for whom all pollution of fruitive activities has been stopped, that action (striking the head of Indra's elephant with the club in his left hand), fallen because of the reactions of one's own material activities, worshiping Your Lordship by offering prayers and other devotional activities, the Personality of Godhead, whose activities and prowess are always praised by Lord Brahmā, among millions of such performers of fruitive activities according to Vedic principles, all other activities, material and spiritual, various activities favorable for devotional service, by the results of my own fruitive activities, the course by the reactions of my own activities, because of their practice of mysticism and fruitive work, of those who are leaders and protectors of the general mass, who are no longer interested in fruitive activities, whose actions have no reaction (even though doing contrary things, He remains without contamination by the material modes), in working in the field and adjusting the agricultural work, if one is engaged in his own occupational duty, by worship according to the regulative principles, sinful activities forbidden in the scriptures, constructed by Viśvakarmā, the heavenly architect, which is especially created by Viśvakarmā, by the famous architect of the demigods, Viśvakarmā, by Viśvakarmā, the architect of the demigods, 931416 Unique Words and 3500+ Years of History.
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