Atlantic Fleet - Actual In-game Torpedo Ranges. Virgin Atlantic, a trading name of Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited and Virgin Atlantic International Limited, is a British airline with its head office in Crawley, England.The airline was established in 1984 as British Atlantic Airways, and was originally planned by its co-founders Randolph Fields and Alan Hellary to fly between London and the Falkland Islands. Atlantic Fleet’s strategic map (as well as its tactical map) is turn based and separates out the Atlantic—and indeed some of the Mediterranean— into a set of discrete squares. In 1941, the US Navy began building a fleet of large destroyers, its first design to rival the Japanese “special type” destroyers that had first entered service more than a decade before. For instance there is no attempt to model the exhaustion, or need to return to port for R&R, of the men aboard ship. ( Log Out /  | Sep 22, 2020 5.0 out of 5 stars 7 However, the fact that they are not present also signifies a couple of important design choices. c_keezer. The big, old, battleships of the British fleet are constantly under threat from a submerged enemy—and losing them is terrifically bad news, it means more enemy submarines. Thus after a relatively short time it is possible to have a substantial force of both raiders and defenders in the Atlantic. The asymmetry of this scenario is, however, adds a great deal to Atlantic Fleet’s depth. This is probably the reason that not so many wargames deal with the battle of the Atlantic, as far as WW2 went, it is not high on the scale of action packed in vs time spent. SECRET MANŒUVRES WILL TEST NAVY'S EFFICIENCY. Atlantic Fleet > General Discussions > Topic Details. In Atlantic fleet one is denied the pressure of seeing one’s reserves run. Transport Fever 2 - How to Change Settings for Mods, Wolfpack - Convoy Attack Complete Walkthrough, Serious Sam Classics: Revolution - Sacred Yards-Geek Secret / Skip, The Hunter: Call of the Wild - Archery Guide, The smallest distance unit in the game is 100m, the size of one grid edge at 128x map magnification, That's 100m not 100yds, so to compare with the fuzzy range estimates from your crew you need to add about 9%, The time unit of the game is a 1 minute turn, Movement speeds are multiplied 4x, meaning a 30kts ship is moving 120kts and a 35kts torp is moving 140kts, Object sizes (ships) are 4x bigger, meaning a grid edge at 128x scale is only 25m (not 100m) for the purposes of depicting the size of ships, When a torpedo is fired it immediately moves one half a turn's movement Then after the target's movement (after all other movement), the torpedo moves the other half of its movement for that turn, In subsequent turns the torpedo only moves a full move, at the end of the turn, after all ships have moved. Then again I shall always wish for something more, a little humanity, some personality beyond the war that the game wears like a mask. They can turn, technically, but it is a long and tedious process—this is bad when there are torpedoes around. One not only had to be always vigilant for an unseen enemy, or unsuspecting prey, and one should bear in mind the exhaustion and privation of the men who served in such machines. If one is very invested in the name of a ship, having that name sink to the bottom might cause one some pause, but more likely the feeling that one will possess is simply the annoyance of being denied a useful tool. DOWNLOAD INDIVIDUAL PURCHASE AVAILABLE • Add Money. When, a few days before the Normandy landings, an American task force captured a German U-boat with its Enigma keys, Admiral Ernest King, US Commander in Chief of the Atlantic Fleet… The freezing Atlantic winds, and the constant physical danger involved in using the kind of heavy machinery a warship represents, took a heavy toll on crews. Eye-witness reports frequently mention the mass of human beings that scramble from a sinking ship, and as a commander, one would have to weigh up the risks of going and trying to save some of that mass, against the risk of being torpedoed while doing so. One will come to fear the Scharnhorst and the Bismark, but only because they are big and dangerous machines, not because they are particularly aggressive or elusive—or because they cause fear in one’s crews. For Atlantic Fleet on the PC, GameFAQs has game information and a community message board for game discussion. It is, for all that, a game that it is difficult to become obsessed by. It is a game which values the player’s time, and knows that they will be popping in and out, and further it is that rarest of things, a wargame which knows how to be both accessible and complex. Each shot is recorded by the game and can be reviewed by the player on subsequent turns, so a great deal of the game hinges upon how well one can judge the alterations to elevation required to bring guns on target. In Atlantic fleet one is denied the pressure of seeing one’s reserves run. In October 1962, the world held its breath. One can care about the progress of the war only so much as one can care about the future of a flag or a ship. The “there”, “that” and “those” questions are easy to answer in Atlantic Fleet. In Atlantic Fleet the player feels this vulnerability markedly. One may have many ships, but they are almost all old or not fit for purpose, but one must make do and mend. The weather also plays into one’s calculations, with ships more easily able to slip away from the enemy in a storm, and likely to have better hunting on a sunny day. There is no great political impact to the sinking of a great battleship, or the destruction of a large convoy, beyond the state of a bar at the top of the screen which tells one how close to winning or losing one is. For a long while one’s u-boats are simply better than the British destroyers that oppose them, in addition to being cheaper (the destroyers are not aided by their AI in this regard). The human element is also left out at a tactical level. The lack of need for logistical basing, apart from the repair and re-arming of ships, makes fleet-sized engagements much more common—as does the fact that the ships run themselves. ( Log Out /  Change ). The game has three primary modes of play, a skirmish mode, a set of linked scenarios dubbed the “campaign” and “the Battle for the Atlantic” a turn based strategic mode, in which one is free to dispose one’s ships around the Atlantic as one chooses, getting in scrapes with enemy ships that happen to be floating past. It is not often recognised that Britain fought a poor man’s war in WW2, constantly short of up to date supplies and machinery. After huddling for two weeks, the panel completed an initial … Ships do not take “damage” per se, but rather, as they are hit by incoming shots, their buoyancy reduces and their subsystems get smashed up. … The Lone Battleship Division of the Atlantic Squadron The condition of the Atlantic Squadron and the U.S. Navy must be examined. File No. At least no one suffers. Turn based tactical and strategic naval combat. RADIOMEN 2ND CLASS MIKE HANNON WALKED TO WORK WITH A PALPABLE SENSE OF UNEASE on the morning of May 23, 1968. These squares can hold any number of ships, only ten of which can enter battle at a time. The omission of the human element, and the need for fuel, are no doubt because neither of these factors are necessarily “fun” or easy to balance—especially in the less serious side of wargaming. PREMIUM. However, that strength is fragile. That approach raised the threat level to several SAC bases along the coast. In Atlantic Fleet, carriers are also a huge liability. Jumping in and out over a wargame over a period of time makes long range strategic planning difficult in any case. Unlike other games which offer gunsights that let you hit the exact spot you aim at, Atlantic Fleet features a simulated firecontrol computer that is closely patterned on … Atlantic fleet is a wargame with an emphasis on the machines that people use to fight a war, rather than the people who use those machines to fight them. MINE FORCE U. S. ATLANTIC FLEET SECRET Base 18,1 April 23, 1918. There is indeed something missing, a human element. On the one hand it is a detailed and rich historical wargame about the battle for the Atlantic between 1939 and 1945. The fight is, as it should be, a desperate one. Thus the cut and thrust of most of the gameplay is similar to something like Worms—carefully positioning one’s ships and then making a judgement call on the angle that one will need to elevate the guns to make a hit. Part of the point of the blockade of Britain by Germany was to starve the Royal navy of fuel, so that the channel could be crossed without opposition. This adds an element of strategizing to firing at enemy ships—does one aim underneath the heavily armoured turrets in the hope of exploding a magazine, or does one direct one’s fire onto the enemy’s engines in order to slow him down and possibly set him up for a torpedo attack? By mid-August, the court had scoured the submarine’s operational and administrative history, reviewed detailed records of its two shipyard overhaul periods since joining the fleet in 1960, examined what records were available on the Mediterranean deployment, and received updates on Mizar’s ongoing “technical” search in the eastern Atlantic. Atlantic Fleet Trainer 1.02. Atlantic Fleet. The “Battle for the Atlantic” mode is undoubtedly the most interesting mode of play, although cannot be played vs a human being (scenarios can be played in a “hotseat” vs mode). This is somewhat disappointing considering the subject matter. It is basic naval military history 101 that the main difference between WW1 and WW2 on the high seas, was the aircraft carrier—which made the battleship obsolete. Life aboard a destroyer or submarine in WW2 was a hard slog, they were cramped, cold and dangerous places to live. One of the dilemmas that faced those who were shepherding convoys across the Atlantic, and those who were preying on those convoys, was what to do with the survivors of a torpedo attack. When Walker began spying, he worked as a key supervisor in the communications center for the U.S. Atlantic Fleet's submarine force, and he would have had knowledge of top-secret technologies, such as the SOSUS underwater surveillance system, which tracks … If one can stay in the fight for long enough, one will finally be able to muster one’s strength and bring the full force of one’s old fleet into play, allied with the new and shiny fleet of one’s American cousins. Patrick was formerly a naval officer, serving as both a surface line officer and a Navy JAG. An engine might break, or a rudder, and that may mean that one loses a destroyer or a battleship. Atlantic Fleet puts you in command of the Allies or Kriegsmarine (German Navy) in the longest military campaign of WWII, The Battle of the Atlantic. While the Germans have a few strong ships, one can never have many—and Atlantic fleet drives this home with the sharp restrictions on the number of big-ships the Germans can possess. One is also denied the ideas and opinions of politicians, which were occasionally damaging for both sides. Take command of surface ships, submarines as well as carrier and land based aircraft in the deadly struggle for control of Atlantic shipping lanes. The morning after the “floating White House” left shore, the president secretly boarded a launch and was taken to the flagship of the Atlantic fleet, the heavy cruiser USS Augusta. Records of Cruiser Division Seven, Atlantic Fleet, 1942-45. On October 17, the destroyer USS Kearny was damaged by a torpedo off … In historical terms the Battle of the Atlantic was in many ways similar to a guerrilla conflict, the British controlled the sea and instead of directly challenging that control the Germans tried to make controlling the sea unbearably painful for the British. Sat 22 Apr 1939 - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Page 1 - Advertising In an incredible feat of engineering, 44 of these vessels were salvaged - a process which left … One further loses the “experience points” which that ship has collected via hitting other ships, but one never loses a beloved commander or a well seasoned and well liked crew—they were not around to be lost in the first place. On October 17, the destroyer USS Kearny was damaged by a torpedo off … There is no great political impact to the sinking of a great battleship, or the destruction of a large convoy, beyond the state of a bar at the top of the screen which tells one how close to winning or losing one is. . This is important, because the campaign spans almost the entire war, with every turn taking half a week (that is, 520ish turns). Further, while one has powerful ships as Germany, Britain dominates the skies around all of one’s important ports, and so it is not unusual for a ship to get attacked by aircraft on the way home to resupply and have to spend eight odd weeks in port. On the edge of the Caribbean Sea, just a few miles from the Florida coast, the two great superpowers were at a stand-off. ( Log Out /  Strategic and tactical choices abound as the British, none-of which, at least for the first half of the war, come without grave and possibly terminal peril. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. One by one, to accident and folly those big ships will, if one is not very careful, sink beneath the waves—and there will be no re-enforcements to replace them. The lack of such a human element also makes damage to one’s ships an annoyance more than a tragedy. People can, and did, crack under this pressure and it was an acknowledged fact that the men should not spend too long at sea, especially under fire. This is a strange, empty, space to leave in such a deep wargame. Atlantic Fleet however is a game about machines hitting machines with guns and torpedoes—with none of the messy blood or politics which concerns human beings so much. I am not exactly sure how to classify Atlantic Fleet. The war portrayed by Atlantic Fleet is one that is empty of human beings, and rather lacking in stakes. Either escorting them past u-boat and pocket battleship pickets, or sinking them on their way to perfidious Albion.
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