Avondale parish, Lanarkshire - Marriage Records
These Records were taken from the Avondale Parish Records LDS Film. 1,041,474. The spelling of the name varies - Brounlie, Burnley, Brownlie, etc. but I have used a standard spelling for sorting purposes.
4/3/1742 Bryce, John to Brownlee, Helen
5/17/1857 Carruthers, Richard to Brownlee, Ann
10/23/1868 Cochran, John to Brownlee, Christina
3/25/1853 Craig, John Brownlee to King, Jefsie Hamilton of Stonehouse
6/27/1873 Currie, John to Brownlee, Lilly
3/13/1852 Davidson, William to Brownlee, Isabel
11/13/1866 Dempsey, John to Brownlee, Jane of of Strathaven
11/30/1866 Dempsey, John to Brownlee, Jane
1/22/1774 Donato, Thomas to Brownlee, Margaret
7/9/1853 Dykes, John to Brownlee, Margaret
3/16/1737 Ellison, John to Brownlee, Barbara
1/1/1842 Granger, James to Brownlee, Margaret
11/5/1836 Hall, Richard to Brownlee, Janet
3/5/1840 Hamilton, Alexander to Brownlee, Mary
8/13/1860 Hamilton, James to Brownlee, Mary
6/14/1839 Hamilton, James of Glassford to Brownlee, Jean
5/15/1774 Hamilton, John to Brownlee, Isabel
1/6/1792 Hamilton, Robert to Brownlee, Isobel
7/8/1785 Hamilton, Robert to Brownlee, Jean
12/24/1855 Harvey, Gavin to Brownlee, Agnes
2/13/1842 Harvey, Robert to Brownlee, Margaret A.
1/6/1821 Hepburn, James to Brownlee, Margaret
3/6/1873 Higgins, William to Brownlee, Agnes M.
6/3/1774 James, John to Brownlee, Isabella
7/20/1839 Johnston, Joseph to Brownlee, Isabella
11/1/1845 King, Hugh of Hamilton to Brownlee, Isabella
6/9/1871 Kirkland, John to Brownlee, Elizabeth
4/30/1720 Kirkland, William to Brownlee, Jean
6/24/1870 Kirkland, William to Brownlee, Margaret
12/29/1725 Maryhall, John to Brownlee, Jean
7/21/1828 McCrone, William to Brownlee, Margaret
11/13/1830 McD______, Nicholas to Brownlee, Margaret
1/23/1830 McDonald, Allen of Glassford to Brownlee, Grizel
12/31/1858 McEwan, Joseph to Brownlee, Sarah
6/29/1833 McKane, Andrew to Brownlee, Margaret
9/13/1822 Meikle, William to Brownlee, Jean
4/12/1761 Morison, James to Brownlee, Isobel
11/17/1760 Morison, John to Brownlee, Margaret
12/14/1799 Morton, Robert to Brownlee, Janet
1/7/1826 Muir, Alexander to Brownlee, Marion
3/9/1833 Muir, John to Brownlee, Helen
4/30/1825 Neilson, James of Glassford to Brownlee, Margaret
12/9/1826 Peden, James to Brownlee, Isabell
12/22/1865 Reid, Francis to Brownlee, Jean
11/16/1749 Reid, George to Brownlee, Jean
10/23/1824 Robertson, Thomas to Brownlee, Elizabeth
8/13/1825 Selkirk, John to Brownlee, Janet
12/13/1722 Secular, William to Brownlee, Isobell
6/15/1739 Smith, John to Brownlee, Margaret
9/18/1863 Smith, Robert to Brownlee, Janet
12/29/1856 Spiers, Thomas to Brownlee, Margaret C.
2/4/1859 Stewart, John to Brownlee, Janet
9/21/1875 Stewart, John J. to Brownlee, Agnes
12/2/1824 Struthers, Robert to Brownlee, Margaret
4/26/1730 Tennant, John to Brownlee, Margaret
10/23/1757 Thomson, James to Brownlee, Jean
3/5/1755 Thomson, James to Brownlee, Mary
5/1/1755 Thomson, James to Brownlee, Mary
5/8/1755 Thomson, James to Brownlee, Margaret
6/20/1846 Watson, Alexander to Brownlee, Janet
5/30/1829 Wilson, Andrew to Brownlee, Janet
4/8/1842 Wilson, Archibald to Brownlee, Mary
7/11/1867 Wilson, Francis to Brownlee, Catherine
11/9/1833 Wilson, James to Brownlee, Elizabeth
1/3/1762 Wilson, John to Brownlee, Helen
4/18/1829 Wilson, John to Brownlee, Mary
7/31/1847 Young, John to Brownlee, Janet
1/1/1743 Aiton, James to Brownlee, Janet
3/18/1725 Alexander, Archibald to Brownlee, Mary
3/6/1735 Allason, John to Brownlee, Barbra
9/17/1875 Armour, Robert to Brownlee, Martha
1/2/1752 Ayton, John to Brownlee, Martha
3/6/1763 Barr, Thomas to Brownlee, Margaret
3/27/1841 Bell, William to Brownlee, Mary
1/15/1844 Boyd, Samuel to Brownlee, Margaret
6/14/1722 Brown, John to Brownlee, Lillias
3/4/1854 Brown, Joseph to Brownlee, Jean
11/16/1866 Brownlee, Adam to Nimo, Agnes
8/10/1844 Brownlee, Adam to Armour, Helen
1/16/1732 Brownlee, Alexander to _______, Margaret
2/17/1732 Brownlee, Alexander to Allason, Margaret
3/12/1869 Brownlee, Alexander to Law, Helen
6/7/1851 Brownlee, Alexander to Semple, Lillias
1/16/1736 Brownlee, Alexander to Allason, Margaret
1/8/1730 Brownlee, Alexander to Martin, Agnes
10/26/1744 Brownlee, Andrew to Coffman, Elison
7/1/1740 Brownlee, Andrew to Culen, Sarah
11/17/1743 Brownlee, Andrew to Lyle, Margaret
11/16/1866 Brownlee, Andrew to Nimo, Agnes of Strathaven
10/7/1837 Brownlee, Andrew to Park, Janet
8/29/1840 Brownlee, Andrew to Frew, Isabel
8/16/1739 Brownlee, Andrew to Dykes, Mary
7/24/1857 Brownlee, Andrew to Aitchison, Grace Gil of Strathaven
11/25/1709 Brownlee, Andrew (carrier) to Young, Jean of Strathaven
7/29/1770 Brownlee, Archibald to Millar, Mary
2/1/1840 Brownlee, Archibald to Fleming, Ann
11/6/1774 Brownlee, Archibald to Brown, Isobel
5/18/1732 Brownlee, Archibald to Hamilton, Margaret
2/8/1730 Brownlee, Archibald to Kirkland, Janet
11/14/1729 Brownlee, Archibald to Fleming, Janet
1/1/1729 Brownlee, Archibald to Hamilton, Margaret
11/29/1740 Brownlee, Archibald to Steel, Janet
12/7/1732 Brownlee, Archibald to Fleming, Janet
11/29/1700 Brownlee, Archibald to Meek, Janet
11/20/1847 Brownlee, Archibald to Dunnispace, Marion of Glassford
1/16/1763 Brownlee, Gavin to Hamilton, Euphane
7/31/1874 Brownlee, Gavin to Anderson, Marion
7/18/1846 Brownlee, Gavin to Kirkwood, Jean
8/29/1840 Brownlee, James to Wilson, Margaret
4/9/1853 Brownlee, James to Davidson, Elizabeth
5/17/1834 Brownlee, James to Riddle, Catherine
4/17/1860 Brownlee, James to Martin, Marion
6/18/1741 Brownlee, James of Snabe to Stewart, Isobel of Lang Kype
7/ 22/1848 Brownlee, John to Montgomery, Margaret of Eaglesham
3/14/1853 Brownlee, John to King, Jessie of Hamilton
6/10/1842 Brownlee, John to Fleming, Martha
4/10/1830 Brownlee, John to Paterson, Janet
3/27/1802 Brownlee, John to Riddle, Mary
12/8/1787 Brownlee, John to Morison, Isobel
1/1/1782 Brownlee, John to Thomson, Isabella
1/1/1778 Brownlee, John to Semple, Janet
10/17/1739 Brownlee, John to Hapburn, Helen
3/26/1740 Brownlee, John to Brownlee, Margaret
6/5/1763 Brownlee, John to Finley, Elizabeth
11/4/1743 Brownlee, John to B______, Lilly
3/26/1700 Brownlee, John to Brownlee, Margaret
3/17/1832 Brownlee, John to Dalzell, Jean of Loudon
6/9/1826 Brownlee, John of Glassford to Lochore, Helen
1/29/1831 Brownlee, John to Fleming, Agnes
9/21/1874 Brownlee, John to Craig, Jane
11/25/1843 Brownlee, John to Steele, Janet
7/10/1868 Brownlee, John to Armour, Margaret
6/28/1845 Brownlee, John (mason) to Armour, Margaret
11/25/1848 Brownlee, Matthew to Clark, Janet
12/15/1868 Brownlee, Matthew to Fleming, Helen
11/29/1779 Brownlee, Mungo to Semple, Janet
5/30/1829 Brownlee, Mungo to Stobo, Helen
5/27/1837 Brownlee, Peter to Steele, Jean of Stonehouse
2/14/1829 Brownlee, Robert to Rusell, Jean
1/6/1868 Brownlee, Robert to Fleming, Ann
10/24/1873 Brownlee, Thomas to Brown, Jane
2/11/1817 Brownlee, Thomas to Hamilton, Elizabeth
1/14/1832 Brownlee, Thomas to Kyle, Jean
9/29/1737 Brownlee, Thomas to Cochran, Isabel
1/6/1719 Brownlee, Thomas to Robertson, Mary
2/3/1734 Brownlee, Thomas to Hamilton, Jean
2/19/1836 Brownlee, Thomas to Ritchie, Jean
10/24/1734 Brownlee, Thomas to Cochran, Isabell
1/23/1737 Brownlee, Thomas to Brownlee, Janet
2/10/1737 Brownlee, Thomas to Brownlee, Janet
1/1/1725 Brownlee, Thomas to Ligat, Isabel
3/8/1761 Brownlee, William to Thomson, Janet
11/3/1832 Brownlee, William to Fleming, Ann
1/19/1727 Brownlee, William to Reed, Janet
12/17/1825 Brownlee, William to Riddle, Margaret of Glassford
8/15/1730 Brownlee, William to Fleming, Isobel
2/28/1760 Brownlee, William to Thomson, Janet
11/4/1831 Brownlee, William of Hamilton to Steele, Anne
8/15/1738 Brownlee, William to Fleming, Isobel
12/10/1836 Brownlee, William of Glassford to Armstrong, Annie
11/16/1710 Brownlee, William to Bard, Marion of Strathaven
6/8/1738 Brownlee, William to Fleming, Isobel
5/8/1741 Brownlee, William to Fleming, Isobel
9/17/1853 Brownlee, William to Fleming, Isabell
1/1/1797 Brownlee, William to Gold